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Martin Phipps - The Crown: Season Five (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series) '2022

The Crown: Season Five (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series)
ArtistMartin Phipps Related artists
Album name The Crown: Season Five (Soundtrack from the Netflix Original Series)
Date 2022
Play time 00:38:44
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 92; 161; 353 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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       The fifth season of The Crown, which follows the life and reign of Queen
Elizabeth II, was released by Netflix on 9 November 2022. It was the first
season of the series to be released following both the death of Prince Philip on
9 April 2021 and the death of Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022.

Martin Phipps (born 1 August 1968) is a British composer, who has worked on
numerous film and television projects.
Recently Martin has scored The Princess, The Railway Children Return, and Amazon
Studios series Solos starring Morgan Freeman. Other film credits include Woman
In Gold (scored with Hans Zimmer), starring Ryan Reynolds and Helen Mirren, Fox
Searchlight’s The Aftermath, starring Keira Knightley and Alexander
Skarsgård, Harry Brown and Brighton Rock.
Martin set up Mearl, a project to facilitate collaborations with other artists
and composers, as well as a platform for developing his own material. Peaky
Blinders was the first soundtrack written under this name, scored with a band of
musicians from Radiohead’s new Laundry Studios in London Fields.

1.01 - Martin Phipps - Actually Her (3:15)
1.02 - Martin Phipps - Feet Up (3:13)
1.03 - Martin Phipps - Al Fayed (3:17)
1.04 - Martin Phipps - A Companion (1:57)
1.05 - Martin Phipps - Ipatiev House (3:33)
1.06 - Martin Phipps - To The Grave (2:59)
1.07 - Martin Phipps - Forty Years (3:17)
1.08 - Martin Phipps - Gunpowder (3:34)
1.09 - Martin Phipps - Hasnat (3:05)
1.10 - Martin Phipps - Outsiders (3:33)
1.11 - Martin Phipps - Carriages (3:22)
1.12 - Martin Phipps - Voices (Remix) (3:49) 

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