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Egisto Macchi - Biologia animale e vegetale '1976

Biologia animale e vegetale
ArtistEgisto Macchi Related artists
Album name Biologia animale e vegetale
Date 1976
Play time 01:43:15
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 500 MB
PriceDownload $4.95
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       Egisto Macchi (Grosseto, 4 August 1928 - Montpellier, 8 August 1992) was
a legendary Italian composer of dark avant-garde and musique concrète library
music. Former member of Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza, the historic
Italian improvising collective (that also included Franco Evangelisti and Ennio
Morricone, among others). He was a major figure within the contemporary music
field from the Fifties to the Eighties. Macchi once again brilliantly combines
dark, unnerving and broken electronic sounds with abstract traditional musical
instrumentation. Foreboding violins, droning electric guitars, Disturbing sounds
effects, such as knocking upon a wall, screeching metal, howling winds,
shrieking animalistic sounds and strange voices are implemented to enhance the
unnerving atmosphere. 
The life path of Egisto Macchi seemed to be devoted to the multiplicity of
aesthetic choices and musical expressions.
While tracing his life and work, one notices an interesting duality based both
on a very inclusive approach towards all kind of expressive needs and full
control of  the level of communication. A complex personality revealing the
coherence of a man trying to connect elements usually kept separate. The
inherent need for approaching different sources and the ability to be inspired
by a wide range of intuitions. Macchi has explored and experimented in the field
of sound and music without ever forgetting about his moral and civil engagement.
His compositional work takes shape from the idea that music and arts should be
able to create a symbiotic contact between the creator (composer) and the
beneficiary (listener). All his work finds its origin in the need to integrate
the sound language with the feeling of a new developing society.  In fact music
was just one factor in a more complex chain which included his humanistic and
sociological engagement. A syncretic philosophical narrative, in other words, a
symbolic tale revealing deep anthropological aspects.  
"Quaderni d'Altri Tempi" n.60 - Sconfinamenti, dalla tela alla sabbia di Romina
BIOLOGIA ANIMALE E VEGETALE, produced by Renato Pent, recorded in Torino in 1976
and originally published on 2 LP, can be considered one of Egisto Macchi's major

1 01. Egisto Macchi - Stadi embrionali (06:21)
1 02. Egisto Macchi - Cuore (03:32)
1 03. Egisto Macchi - Plancton (07:28)
1 04. Egisto Macchi - Muschi (05:17)
1 05. Egisto Macchi - Nascita di una farfalla (03:30)
1 06. Egisto Macchi - Rane e rospi (04:34)
1 07. Egisto Macchi - Cellule animali, Pt. 1 (03:35)
1 08. Egisto Macchi - Cellule animali, Pt. 2 (04:16)
1 09. Egisto Macchi - Fecondazione artificiale (01:57)
1 10. Egisto Macchi - Microrganismi (04:20)
1 11. Egisto Macchi - Crisalidi (06:32)
2 12. Egisto Macchi - La favola del lupo (07:22)
2 13. Egisto Macchi - Millepiedi (04:53)
2 14. Egisto Macchi - Germi (03:59)
2 15. Egisto Macchi - Boscimani (04:10)
2 16. Egisto Macchi - Nascita di un fiore (05:04)
2 17. Egisto Macchi - Cani e cuccioli, Pt. 1 (01:49)
2 18. Egisto Macchi - Cani e cuccioli, Pt. 2 (01:40)
2 19. Egisto Macchi - Cani e cuccioli, Pt. 3 (03:21)
2 20. Egisto Macchi - Microscopio, Pt. 1 (01:57)
2 21. Egisto Macchi - Microscopio, Pt. 2 (08:09)
2 22. Egisto Macchi - Metamorfosi (01:46)
2 23. Egisto Macchi - Farfalle (01:22)
2 24. Egisto Macchi - Dinosauri (06:10)

Egisto Macchi
