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Raz Mesinai - Music for Shepherd Flute '2024

Music for Shepherd Flute
ArtistRaz Mesinai Related artists
Album name Music for Shepherd Flute
Date 2024
Play time 26 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1720 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 121; 269 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

Solo music for Shepherd flutes.

I first picked up the 'Shabbabeh' when I was seven years old, and combined it
with vocal techniques that grew out of a dual upbringing, with influences from
New York City's early Hip Hop renaissance in the 80s, the Albanian style "Fyell"
that i picked up in the Bronx, the traditional Palestinian style of Shabbeh
drone ornamentation from there. I used this instrument in many productions as
Badawi, but never until now will you hear it alone. I was influenced as well by
long sessions in Kingston, NY with pioneering psychoacoustic composer Maryanne
Amacher, who had ideas on using these instruments and rhythms to create various
ear tones, specifically for her work in Ottoacoustics, which we were not able to
fully complete before her death. This album is one of several, focused entirely
on the shepherd flute, and recorded now in the 6th month of the genocide of the
people of Gaza.

All music composed March, 2024, recorded and produced April, 2024.

1.01 - Raz Mesinai - The First Commandment. (4:45) 
1.02 - Raz Mesinai - As Serious as Setting Oneself on Fire (3:25) 
1.03 - Raz Mesinai - Death, my Friend (2:17) 
1.04 - Raz Mesinai - Shepherd Melody (1:11) 
1.05 - Raz Mesinai - Wrath of the Mad Dervish (4:45) 
1.06 - Raz Mesinai - The Runaway Bride (1:38) 
1.07 - Raz Mesinai - A Dull Blade (1:07) 
1.08 - Raz Mesinai - Tavern in Albania (3:12) 
1.09 - Raz Mesinai - Snakeskin (1:47) 
1.10 - Raz Mesinai - Code of Warriors (2:08)

Raz Mesinai
