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CUE Tools

CUE Tools

CUETools is a tool for lossless audio/CUE sheet format conversion. The goal is to make sure the album image is preserved accurately. A lossless disc image must be lossless not only in preserving contents of the audio tracks, but also in preserving gaps and CUE sheet contents.


Download links for CUETools binaries, source code and prerequisites can be found here.

Supported formats

Supports wav, flac, ape, lossywav and wavpack audio input/output. alac is supported for input only. Audio must be 16-bit, 44.1kHz samples stereo (i.e. CD PCM). Supports every imaginable CUE sheet style (embedded, single file, gaps appended/prepended/left out). It is also possible to process a set of audio files in a directory without a CUE sheet, or use a RAR archive as an input without unpacking it.