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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Main Title
2. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Imperial Attack
3. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Princess Leia's Theme
4. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Desert and the Robot Auction
5. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Ben's Death and TIE Fighter Attack
6. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Little People Work
7. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Rescue of the Princess
8. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Inner City
9. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Cantina Band
10. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Land of the Sand People
11. The London Symphony Orchestra, - Mouse Robot and Blasting Off
12. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Return Home
13. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Walls Converge
14. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Princess Appears
15. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Last Battle
16. The London Symphony Orchestra, - The Throne Room and End Title

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