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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. There Goes My Heart - Quintet with Jackie McLean
2. Beautiful Love - Quintet with Jackie McLean
3. Lover Man - Quintet with Jackie McLean
4. San Francisco Beat - Quintet with Jackie McLean
5. Una Mas - Quintet with Jackie McLean
6. Melanie - Quintet with Jackie McLean
7. Smile - Quintet with Jackie McLean
8. It Could Happen To You - Quintet with Jackie McLean
9. Prelude - Quintet with Jackie McLean
10. Let's Face The Music And Dance - Quintet with Jackie McLean
11. El Matador - Quintet with Jackie McLean
12. No Two People - Quintet with Jackie McLean

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