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Radio "Alfonso X El Sabio and similar artists"

Main s'est levee Aлlis ~ NE 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
Shirley Rumsey
Daza, Estavan - Gritos dava la morenica so el olivar 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Nicolas Gombert
Missa Tempore paschali: Kyrie a 6 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Gothic Voices
The story of the Salve regina - V 1994 The Spirits Of England And France 4CD
Gothic Voices
Kyrie: Deus creator omnium 1994 The Spirits Of England And France 4CD
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-41: A Virgen Madre de Nostro Sennor 1995 Remedios Curativos
Anonymous 4
Rondellus: De supernis sedibus 1993 On Yoolis Night - Medieval Carols & Motets
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-375: En todo nos faz merçee 1995 Remedios Curativos
Gothic Voices
GILLES BINCHOIS - Adieu mon amoreuse joye 1994 The Spirits Of England And France 4CD
Anonymous 4
EL13 Polyphonic song: Salve virgo virginum 1993 An English Ladymass
Gothic Voices
WIBERS KAUKESEL - Balade 1994 The Spirits Of England And France 4CD
Anonymous 4
Motet: Puellare gremium; Purissima mater; 1993 On Yoolis Night - Medieval Carols & Motets
Huelgas Ensemble
Veduto il miser 1993 Lassus - Lagrime Di San Pietro
Por coi me bait mes maris ? 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
Gothic Voices
ANONYMOUS - Estampie 1994 The Spirits Of England And France 4CD
Huelgas Ensemble
Verdelot: Italia Mia 1992 Italia Mia
Anonymous 4
EL12 Prosa: Gaude virgo gratiosa 1993 An English Ladymass
Poliziano: Dunque piangiamo 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Hesperion XX
Hespvrion XX - Fata la parte 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Gothic Voices
PYKINI - Plaisance, or tost 1994 The Spirits Of England And France 4CD
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-268: Instrumental 1995 Remedios Curativos
Anonymous 4
EL8 Song: Miro genere 1993 An English Ladymass
Shirley Rumsey
Anonimo - Guardame las vacas 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Anonymous 4
Alleluya per 1993 An English Ladymass
Nicolas Gombert
Missa Tempore paschali: Sanctus a .. 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Shirley Rumsey
Anonimo - Pavanilla 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Huelgas Ensemble
A quanti gia felici 1993 Lassus - Lagrime Di San Pietro
Nicolas Gombert
Je prens congie 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Anonymous 4
Motet: Orto sole serene; Origo viri; Virga Iesse; 1993 On Yoolis Night - Medieval Carols & Motets
Anonymous 4
Antiphon: Hodie Christus natus est 1993 On Yoolis Night - Medieval Carols & Motets
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track01 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
Gothic Voices
ANONYMOUS - En cest mois de May 1994 The Spirits Of England And France 4CD
Marchetto Cara: Non e tempo d'aspectare 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Clemencic Consort
Ecce ancilla Domini 1993 Misse Sine Nomine Et Ecce Ancilla Domine
Huelgas Ensemble
de Rore: Calami sonum ferentes 1992 Italia Mia
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - Triste EspaГ±a sin ventura 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Huelgas Ensemble
6a. Io vo piandendo i miei passati tempi 1991 In Morte Di Madonna Laura
Anonymous: J'ay pris amours 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Huelgas Ensemble
Quel volto 1993 Lassus - Lagrime Di San Pietro
Huelgas Ensemble
E non fu il pianto suo 1993 Lassus - Lagrime Di San Pietro
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-229: Razon é grand’ e dereito 1995 Cantigas de Castilla y Leon
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track04 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - Mortal tristura me dieron 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-330: Madre de Dios 1995 La vida de Maria
Philippe De Vitry
Chanson: Ay, amours! tant me dure 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
The King's Noyse
Zanetti: Dances from Il Scolaro, Basso delle Ninfe 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
Shirley Rumsey
Anonimo - Ay luna que reluzes 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-235: Como gradecer ben-feito Г© cousa que muito val 1995 Cantigas de Castilla y Leon
Philippe De Vitry
harp) 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-332: Atan gran poder o fogo non ГЎ per ren de queimar 1995 Cantigas de Castilla y Leon
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-414: Trinidad de Santa MarГ­a 1995 La vida de Maria
Huelgas Ensemble
Alberti: Agnus Dei Italia Mia 1992 Italia Mia
The King's Noyse
Zanetti: Dances from Il Scolaro, Il Ceferino 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
Huelgas Ensemble
Ogni occhio del Signor 1993 Lassus - Lagrime Di San Pietro
Eduardo Paniagua
CSM-415: AnunciaciГіn 1995 La vida de Maria
Shirley Rumsey
Anonimo - La moreda 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Bele Doette as fenestres se siet 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
Anonymous: Io vegio la mia vita ia finire 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
anon. [St Germain Chan.] fiddle & PISTOLETA [Cange Chan.] Bona domna, un conseill vos deman 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
Traditional: Scaramella, Io ne tengo 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Shirley Rumsey
Pisador, Diego - Si la noche haze escura 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track10 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
Comtessa de DIA. Estat ai en greu cossirier (cf. B. de VENTADORN. No es meraveilla s'eu chan, Chan. 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
Shirley Rumsey
Milбn, Luis - Fantasia I 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Clemencic Consort
MISSA Sine nomine, Kyrie 1993 Misse Sine Nomine Et Ecce Ancilla Domine
Nicolas Gombert
Tous les regretz 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Anonymous: Ben venga maggio 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Nicolas Gombert
In te Domine speravi 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Philippe De Vitry
Rex regnum 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - Levanta, Pascual 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Philippe De Vitry
Alleluya, Benedictus 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
Beatriz de ROMANS. Na Maria 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
C'est desoz l'olive en mi prez 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - ВїQu'es de ti, desconsolado? 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Philippe De Vitry
Libera me, Domine 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
Iseut de CAPIO & Almuc de CASTELNAU. Domna N'Almucs si·us plages (cf. Uc de SAINT CIRC. Anc enemics 1992, rec. 1992 The Sweet Look And The Loving Manner
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - Una saГ±osa porfГ­a 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Traditional: Canzon de' pifari dico el Ferrarese 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Anonymous: De dos la mer 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Nicolas Gombert
Magnificat secundi toni: Fecit potentiam a 3 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Ensemble Perceval
Peire Vidal: Pos vesem que l'iverns s'irais 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - ВЎCucГє, cucГє, cucucГє! 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Nicolas Gombert
Media Vita 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Traditional: Uccellino, bel uccellino 1995 The Cradle Of The Renaissance
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - ВїSi habrГЎ en este baldrГ©s? 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track08 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
The King's Noyse
Trabaci: Gagliarda Prima, detta La Galante 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track06 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track11 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
Philippe De Vitry
Descort: Je qui paoir seule ai de conforter 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
Hesperion XX
HespГЁrion XX - MГЎs vale trocar 1991 Juan Del Enzina - Romances & Villancicos
Nicolas Gombert
Magnificat secundi toni: Sicut erat a 5 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
Shirley Rumsey
Valderrabano - Enriquez - Soneto II 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track02 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
The King's Noyse
Monteverdi: Non ha'l ciel cotanti lumi 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
Nicolas Gombert
Missa Tempore paschali: Agnus Dei I & II a 6 1992 Music From The Court Of Charles V
The King's Noyse
Rovetta: Le Lagrime d'Erminia 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
The King's Noyse
Trabaci: Gagliarda Terza Sopra La Mantoana 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
Shirley Rumsey
Pisador, Diego - La maсana de San Juan 1993 Music Of The Spanish Renaissance
The King's Noyse
Zanetti: Dances from Il Scolaro, La Bergamesca 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track09 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
Ensemble Perceval
Anonymous: Domna, pos vos 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Philippe De Vitry
Virelai: Providence la senee 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
The King's Noyse
Zanetti: Dances from Il Scolaro, Aria del gran Duca 1995 Stravaganze - 17th-century Italian Songs And Dances
Philippe De Vitry
Lugentium siccentur occuli plaudant senes (2 voices, organ, 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
Philippe De Vitry
Firmissime fidem teneamus 1991, rec. 1988 Motets & Chansons
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
Track03 1994 Dufay - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini
Ensemble Perceval
Guiot de Dijon: Chanterai por mon corage 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Ensemble Perceval
Audefroi le Bastart: Bele emmelos 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Ensemble Perceval
Raimon Jordan: Lo clar temps 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Ensemble Perceval
Richard de Fournival: Onques n'amait 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Ensemble Perceval
Anonymous: A l'entrada del tans florit 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Ensemble Perceval
Conon de Bethune: Tant ai ame 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours
Ensemble Perceval
Guillaume le Vinier: Dame des ciux 1993 Manuscrit Du Roi - Trouveres & Troubadours