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Radio "Anatrofobia and similar artists"

John Butcher
Sinking Down 2001 Fixations (14) 1997-2000
Not Innocent 1998 Fabulous Drop
Bill Dixon
Summerdance - Part 1 2001 Odyssey - Solo Works (CD1)
I Was Old 1998 Live In Tokyo
Bill Dixon
I See Your Fancy Footwork #2 2001 Odyssey - Solo Works (CD1)
Frammenti Di Durata {Centro Musica Creativa cmc 9972 - secondo spiraglio 1997 Frammenti Di Durata
Across The Sky #2 1998 Live In Tokyo
11 Sils Maria 11:34 2001 Uno Scoiattolo In Mezzo Ad Un'Autostrada
Ruote Che Girano A Vuoto {ZZZ... Production ZZZ - serie 1999 Ruote Che Girano A Vuoto
Funny Fun 1998 Fabulous Drop
John Butcher
The Train and the Gate pt 2 2001 Fixations (14) 1997-2000
David S. Ware
David S Ware - 6th Dimensional 1997 Live In The Netherlands
John Butcher
Thrid Bottle 2001 Fixations (14) 1997-2000
Jason's ddiction 1999 A Vs Monkey Kong
David S. Ware Quartet
Acclimation 1997 Wisdom Of Uncertainty (AUM Fidelity AUM001)
Chicago Underground Duo
The Pursued 1998 12 Degrees Of Freedom
Altered States
Misty 1999 Plays Standards
Remember 1998 Live In Tokyo
Frammenti Di Durata {Centro Musica Creativa cmc 9972 - margini tesi 1997 Frammenti Di Durata
Philosophy 1998 Live In Tokyo
David S. Ware
Dao 1999 Balladware
Chicago Underground Duo
Red Graduations 2000 Synesthesia
Gut 1998 Live In Tokyo
Bill Dixon
Essay Di Larry Neal 2000 Papyrus Volume I (2010 Remastered)
Fred Anderson
2 Days in April: 1s... 10:01 2001 2 Days In April
Mats Gustafsson
A, B, C 1997 Hidros One
Chicago Underground Duo
Threads on the Face 2000 Synesthesia
Bill Dixon
Meta-Pedal 2001 Odyssey - Solo Works (CD2)
Akira Sakata
3 Saitaro-Bushi 8:43 2001 Fisherman'
Bill Dixon
The Cloisters 2001 Odyssey - Solo Works (CD4)
David S. Ware
1997 - Logistic 1997 Go See The World
Chicago Underground Duo
Waiting for you is like watching stillness grow into enormous wings 1998 12 Degrees Of Freedom
David S. Ware
1997 - Quadrahex 1998 Go See The World
Guillermo Gregorio
Construction in Nine Fields 2000 Degrees Of Iconicity
Frammenti Di Durata {Centro Musica Creativa cmc 9972 - unaria 1997 Frammenti Di Durata
John Butcher
Low Vortex 2001 Vortices & Angels
Don't Be Punks 1999 A Vs Monkey Kong
Mats Gustafsson
Klabuster - M 1997 Impropositions
Guillermo Gregorio
Konkretion I 2000 Degrees Of Iconicity
Down On The Floor 1999 A Vs Monkey Kong
Across The Sky #3 1998 Live In Tokyo
Julius Hemphill
Four 1998 Chile New York
Altered States
You Don't Know What Love Is 1999 Plays Standards
Guillermo Gregorio
Woodchopper's Nightmare 1999 Red Cube(d)
John Butcher
Rhagymadrodd 2001 Vortices & Angels
David S. Ware
Glorified Calypso 2000 Surrendered
David S. Ware
1997 - Estheticmetric 1998 Go See The World
Mats Gustafsson
A, B, C, D, E, F, G 1997 Hidros One
Guillermo Gregorio
Slipped Fifths 1999 Red Cube(d)
Hopper Jonnus Fang 1999 A Vs Monkey Kong
Fred Anderson
, Hamid Drake, 'Kidd' Jordan, William Parker - 10:10 2001 2 Days In April
Jason's ddiction 1999 A Vs Monkey Kong
Fred Anderson
2 Days in April: 1s... 17:26 2001 2 Days In April
David S. Ware
Godspelized 1999 Balladware
Julius Hemphill
Seven 1998 Chile New York
Guillermo Gregorio
Cottontop 1999 Red Cube(d)
David S. Ware Quartet
Antidromic 1997 Wisdom Of Uncertainty (AUM Fidelity AUM001)
6 John Chowning E Le Regole Del Caso 3:22 2001 Uno Scoiattolo In Mezzo Ad Un'Autostrada
4 Caduti In Libertà 6:56 2001 Uno Scoiattolo In Mezzo Ad Un'Autostrada
Mats Gustafsson
A, B, C 1997 Hidros One
David S. Ware
1997 - Rapturelodic 1998 Go See The World
David S. Ware
1997 - Lexicon 1998 Go See The World
Mats Gustafsson
Out of If 1997 Impropositions
Fred Anderson
fred anderson - 2000 - tatsu's goove 2000 On The Run
Mats Gustafsson
A, B, C 1999 Hidros One
Ruote Che Girano A Vuoto {ZZZ... Production ZZZ - tracers 1999 Ruote Che Girano A Vuoto
Mats Gustafsson
A, B, C, D, E 1997 Hidros One
Guillermo Gregorio
Construction in Three Parts 2000 Degrees Of Iconicity
Guillermo Gregorio
Kromos No 1 1997 Ellipsis
Guillermo Gregorio
Degrees of Iconicity 2000 Degrees Of Iconicity
Guillermo Gregorio
A Study In Scarlet 1999 Red Cube(d)
Akira Sakata
2 Ondo No Hunauta 9:49 2001 Fisherman'
Chicago Underground Duo
Not quite dark yet and the stars shining above the withered fields 1998 12 Degrees Of Freedom
Chicago Underground Duo
The Big Bang Theory 1998 12 Degrees Of Freedom
Akira Sakata
Strange Island - 3:34 1998 La Mer / Harpacticoida
Dog House on the Moon 1998 Fabulous Drop
Mats Gustafsson
Any Way Anyway 1997 Impropositions
Akira Sakata
Ballad for Taco - 9:32 1998 La Mer / Harpacticoida
Altered States
Softly As In A Morning Sunrise 1999 Plays Standards
David S. Ware Quartet
Sunbows Rainsets Blue 1997 Wisdom Of Uncertainty (AUM Fidelity AUM001)
Fred Anderson
2 Days in April: 1s... 11:55 2001 2 Days In April
Neither, Baby 1998 Fabulous Drop
Altered States
Someone To Watch Over Me 1999 Plays Standards
Altered States
1997 - Montague 1997 6
Prometheus 1998 Live In Tokyo
They Have Begun To Move 1998 Live In Tokyo
Julius Hemphill
Two 1998 Chile New York
Julius Hemphill
Five 1998 Chile New York
Altered States
In Your Own Sweet Way 1999 Plays Standards
Fabulous Drop 1998 Fabulous Drop
O Cure Me 1998 Live In Tokyo
Altered States
Over The Rainbow 1999 Plays Standards
Fred Anderson
, Hamid Drake, 'Kidd' Jordan, William Parker - 17:17 2001 2 Days In April
Altered States
1997 - Hannibal 1997 6
Julius Hemphill
Three 1998 Chile New York
Altered States
Spring Is Here 1999 Plays Standards
Akira Sakata
Look at Me - 9:57 1998 La Mer / Harpacticoida
Chicago Underground Duo
The Unique Container 2000 Synesthesia
Julius Hemphill
Tracklist: 1998 Chile New York
Blood Meridian 1998 Fabulous Drop
Julius Hemphill
& Warren Smith - Chile New York.rar - 5 MB 1998 Chile New York
Julius Hemphill
One 1998 Chile New York
Fred Anderson
fred anderson - 2000 - ladies in love 2000 On The Run
Fred Anderson
fred anderson - 2000 - smooth velvet 2000 On The Run
August 1998 Fabulous Drop
Akira Sakata
Aqua - 3:18 1998 La Mer / Harpacticoida
Akira Sakata
4 Wakare No Ipponsugi 14:28 2001 Fisherman'
Julius Hemphill
Six 1998 Chile New York
Fred Anderson
fred anderson - 2000 - hamid's on fire 2000 On The Run
Crazy Feet, Sensible Shoes 1998 Fabulous Drop
Chicago Underground Duo
Twelve Degrees of Freedom 1998 12 Degrees Of Freedom
Chicago Underground Duo
Gratitude 1998 12 Degrees Of Freedom
Akira Sakata
Tracklist: 1998 La Mer / Harpacticoida
Akira Sakata
Silent Plankton 1 - 4:08 1998 La Mer / Harpacticoida
Argon 1998 Fabulous Drop