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Radio "Brian May and similar artists"
Brighton Rock Solo
1992 Live At Wembley '86 (2CD)
Christopher Young
How To Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction
1995 Species (Limited Edition)
Radio Ga Ga
1992 Live At Wembley Stadium
Alan Silvestri
A Touch Of Magic
1992 Death Becomes Her (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I'm In Love With My Car
1995 The Ultimate Collection
Graeme Revell
City of Angels
1996 The Crow City Of Angels / Ворон Город Ангелов
Khashoggi's Ship
1995 The Ultimate Collection
Alan Silvestri
1996 Eraser. [OST]
Staying Power
1995 The Unobtainable Royal Chronicle Volume 2
The show must go on
1996 Golden Ballads
Roger Taylor
Loneliness - 02:25
1994 Happiness ?
A Winter's Tale
1995 A Winter's Tale
Jerry Goldsmith
Label: Decca Music Group Ltd.
1995 The Mummy - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Yeah *
1995 Made In Heaven
Basil Poledouris
1996 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Complete, CD1)
Life Is Real
1995 The Ultimate Collection
Freddie Mercury
In My Defence
1992 In My Defence
Jerry Goldsmith
Getting Ready
1996 Star Trek: First Contact (2CD)
Freddie Mercury
Your Kind Of Lover
1992 The Freddie Mercury Album
Alan Silvestri
Helen Spies
1992 Death Becomes Her (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Roger Taylor
Nazis 1994
1994 Nazis 1994
Alan Silvestri
Jesus On The Main Line
1994 Forrest Gump
Freddie Mercury
Mr. Bad Guy
1992 The Great Pretender
Alan Silvestri
It's Alive
1992 Death Becomes Her (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Roger Taylor
Yoshiki & - Final Destination
1994 Foreign Sand
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - The Bay
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Roger Taylor
I cry for you
1994 Two Sharp Pencils
Jerry Goldsmith
Joel Goldsmith - 1 Degrees Celsius
1996 Star Trek: First Contact (2CD)
Alan Silvestri
George Tells A Story
1995 Father Of The Bride II
Pino Donaggio
I Corridoi del Carcere
1992 Oltre La Porta
Basil Poledouris
We Got Him
1996 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Complete, CD1)
Jerry Goldsmith
Catherine's Sorrow
1992 Basic Instinct / Основной инстинкт (Complete) OST
Alan Silvestri
Ellen Returns
1995 The Quick And The Dead
Cliff Eidelman
Magdalene in Love
1992 Magdalene / Магдалена OST
Alan Silvestri
Pray With Me
1994 Forrest Gump
Jerry Goldsmith
Temporal Wake
1996 Star Trek: First Contact (2CD)
Alan Silvestri
You Can't Sit Here
1994 Forrest Gump
Cliff Eidelman
Working In The Field
1994 Picture Bride / Невеста по фотографии (rejected) OST
Jerry Goldsmith
First Contact
1996 Star Trek: First Contact (2CD)
Basil Poledouris
1996 It's My Party
Freddie Mercury
Love Kills
1992 The Freddie Mercury Album
Richard Band
Main Title
1992 Crash And Burn (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Basil Poledouris
Searching Ryback
1996 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Complete, CD1)
Freddie Mercury
1993 Remixes
Roger Taylor
& Yoshiki - Foreign Sand
1994 Foreign Sand
Roger Taylor
The Key
1994 Happiness ?
Freddie Mercury
Mr. Bad Guy
1992 The Freddie Mercury Album
Jerry Goldsmith
Taylor Dayne - Original Sin
1994 The Shadow
Freddie Mercury
Let's Turn It On
1992 The Freddie Mercury Album
Basil Poledouris
Casey Ryback
1996 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Complete, CD1)
Freddie Mercury
In My Defence
1992 The Great Pretender
Jerry Goldsmith
[2:24] Goldsmith: Tuareg Attack
1995 The Mummy - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Jerry Goldsmith
The Dish
1996 Star Trek: First Contact (2CD)
Christopher Young
Bax Max
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Roger Taylor
The Key - 04:25
1994 Happiness ?
Pino Donaggio
L'ansia di Nina In Autostrada
1992 Oltre La Porta
Buio Omega: Buio Omega [Main Title]
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
David Newman
1996 Under A Woodstock Moon
John Ottman
Main Theme
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Basil Poledouris
Search for Herb
1996 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Complete, CD1)
Pino Donaggio
Nina In Taxi
1992 Oltre La Porta
Freddie Mercury
Mr. Bad Guy
1992 The Freddie Mercury Album
John Ottman
The Garage
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
La Via Della Droga: La Via Della Droga - M 1 IV
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
John Ottman
It was Beautiful
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Christopher Young
1995 Species (Limited Edition)
Graeme Revell
Tracking the Prey
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Wampyr: Wampyr [Finale]
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
David Newman
Up Jumped Spring
1996 Under A Woodstock Moon
Bernard Herrmann
The Murder
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Graeme Revell
Pain and Retribution
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Pino Donaggio
I Dubbi Del Sig. Mutti
1992 Oltre La Porta
Basil Poledouris
Off the Train
1996 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (Complete, CD2)
Chi?: Chi? - Part2
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
Basil Poledouris
Compound Assault
1995 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
Bernard Herrmann
Scene D'Amour
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Bernard Herrmann
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Richard Band
Max Kills the Bar Girl
1992 The Arrival (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Elmer Bernstein
Saving Joe
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Graeme Revell
The Craft - Behind the Curtain
1996 The Craft Score
Richard Band
Is There a Synthoid Among Us?
1992 Crash And Burn (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Profondo Ross: Profondo Rosso - M 15
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
Buio Omega: Buio Omega - M25
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - The Letter
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Graeme Revell
The Craft - Bonnie
1996 The Craft Score
Graeme Revell
Mirangula: Sign of the Crow
1996 The Crow City Of Angels / Ворон Город Ангелов
Cliff Eidelman
Magdalene's Prayer
1992 Magdalene / Магдалена OST
Bernard Herrmann
The Nightmare
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Alan Howarth
Operating Room
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
David Newman
Another Crime in the Making
1996 Matilda [OST]
David Newman
1996 Matilda [OST]
Patrick: Patrick - M 1
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
Pino Donaggio
La Loro Musica
1992 Oltre La Porta
Christopher Young
Angel Hair
1995 Species (Limited Edition)
Claudio Simonetti
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
David Newman
The Pitcher
1996 Matilda [OST]
Roger Taylor
Nazis 1994 - 02:35
1994 Happiness ?
St. Helen: St. Helen
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
Basil Poledouris
Main Titles
1994 On Deadly Ground / Зона смертельной опасности
David Newman
To The Library and Beyond
1996 Matilda [OST]
Pino Donaggio
Tina Moore - At Last
1995 Never Talk To Strangers
Graeme Revell
The Craft - Invocation
1996 The Craft Score
Richard Band
Max, But a Lot Younger
1992 The Arrival (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - Prelude and Rooftop
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
John Ottman
Back to the Pier
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Roger Taylor
Old Friends - 03:33
1994 Happiness ?
Richard Band
Latham Is Killed
1992 Crash And Burn (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Christopher Young
The Red Planet
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Claudio Simonetti
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Alan Howarth
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
La Chiesa: La Chiesa
1995 Their Hits, Rare Tracks & Outtakes Collection 1975-1989
Bernard Herrmann
The Killing
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Graeme Revell
The Craft - I Bind You, Nancy
1996 The Craft Score
Bernard Herrmann
The Rainstorm
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Bernard Herrmann
The Knife
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Elmer Bernstein
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Claudio Simonetti
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Alan Howarth
Maximum Security
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
Alan Howarth
Birth Ceremony
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
David Newman
Let's Get Sticky
1996 Matilda [OST]
Cliff Eidelman
The Death of Hans
1992 Magdalene / Магдалена OST
David Newman
1996 Matilda [OST]
Christopher Young
Son Of Sil
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Pino Donaggio
Never Talk
1995 Never Talk To Strangers
John Ottman
Kobayashi's Domain
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Elmer Bernstein
One Of The Last
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Pino Donaggio
Il Rittorno a Marrakech
1992 Oltre La Porta
Christopher Young
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - By The Fireside
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Richard Band
Tyson and Erin Leave Together-Finale and End Titles
1992 Crash And Burn (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Richard Band
The Meteor
1992 The Arrival (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
John Ottman
Payback Time
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Lalo Schifrin
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Christopher Young
Milky Way Breasts
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Graeme Revell
The Craft - The Nightmare
1996 The Craft Score
David Newman
FBI in the Garage
1996 Matilda [OST]
Pino Donaggio
Racconto Ad Aitbenhaddou
1992 Oltre La Porta
Lalo Schifrin
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Cliff Eidelman
Wind God
1994 Picture Bride / Невеста по фотографии (rejected) OST
John Ottman
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Cliff Eidelman
Christmas Time
1992 Magdalene / Магдалена OST
Cliff Eidelman
You Are My Peace
1993 Untamed Heart / Дикое сердце OST
Christopher Young
On The Surface
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Claudio Simonetti
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Cliff Eidelman
Kyrie Eleison
1992 Magdalene / Магдалена OST
Cliff Eidelman
A Long Day
1994 Picture Bride / Невеста по фотографии (rejected) OST
Bernard Herrmann
The Garden
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
Elmer Bernstein
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Elmer Bernstein
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Elmer Bernstein
To Jericho
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Alan Howarth
Watching Mom
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - Scene d'Amour
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Bernard Herrmann
The Man Who Knew To Much - Prelude
1996 Salonen (The Film Scores)
John Ottman
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Alan Howarth
Carnival Festival
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
Richard Band
Max Wanders Off
1992 The Arrival (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Claudio Simonetti
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Richard Band
Quinn Is the Synthoid
1992 Crash And Burn (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - Goodnight and The Park
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Lalo Schifrin
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
John Ottman
The Killing of a Rat
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Alan Howarth
You Can't Have The Baby
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
Claudio Simonetti
1997 Fuga Da New York
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Lalo Schifrin
I. Allegro
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Alan Howarth
Empty Stomach
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
Elmer Bernstein
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - Farewell and The Tower
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - The Necklace and Finale
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Elmer Bernstein
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)
Claudio Simonetti
Profondo Rosso
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Bernard Herrmann
Joel McNeely - The Beach
1996 Vertigo (Joel McNeely Re-Recording)
Alan Howarth
Jamie's Escape
1995 Halloween - The Curse Of Michael Myers
Lalo Schifrin
III. Allegro molto vivace
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Lalo Schifrin
II. Andante lontano
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Claudio Simonetti
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Lalo Schifrin
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Lalo Schifrin
I. Theme and variations
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Claudio Simonetti
1995 Profondo Rosso Project
Lalo Schifrin
II. Andantino
1995 Concierto Caribeno For Flute And Orchestra / Guitar Concerto / Tropicos for Chamber Orchestra
Elmer Bernstein
Felina's Story
1996 Last Man Standing: Music Inspired By The Film (rejected)