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Radio "Bruce Gilbert and similar artists"

Time To Say 'Good Bye' 1984 Time To Say 'good Bye'
Rainy Love Affair 1982 Why No Reply
Stop Crying For The Moon 1999 Arabesque - IX & X
Why No Reply? 1982 Why No Reply
Make Love Whenever You Can 1982 Everybody Likes Arabesque (Hit Medley)
Take Me, Don't Break Me 2015 Complete Box
The Hafler Trio
Sphotavada! 2003 Normally (CD2)
The Hafler Trio
Shaktipat 2005 Exactly As I Do (CD2)
The Hafler Trio
Humectation - dessication - oligarchy - the campaign - a confession - actuali... 2004 Cleave: 9 Great Openings
The Hafler Trio
Asis 2005 Exactly As I Do (CD1)
The Hafler Trio
1991 Kill The King
The Hafler Trio
Hцren Sie Den Nicht Das Schreien Ringsum Das Man Gewцnlich Stille HeiЯt? 2003 Normally (CD1)