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Radio "Carl Filipiak and similar artists"

Gary Willis
Bent 1998 Bent
Bernard 2000 CAB
Jeff Berlin
Bach 1998 Crossroads
Stuart Hamm
Star Spangled Banner 2000 Outbound
The Watcher 2000 CAB
Vital Information
Once In A Lifetime 1998 Where We Come From
Gary Willis
Hipmotize 1998 Bent
Vital Information
Shagdelic Boogaloo 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Michael Landau
This House 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Vital Information
Swamp Stomp 2001 Live From Mars
Gary Willis
Everything's cool 1998 Bent
Vital Information
Gingerbread Boy 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Vital Information
Cranial #6 Mata Hari 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Stuart Hamm
Lydian 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Vital Information
Our Man In Lousiana 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Jazz Pistols
Man In The Woods 1999 Three On The Moon
Vital Information
Happy House 2001 Live From Mars
Chad Wackerman
The City 1999 Scream
Michael Landau
Indian Man 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Attention Deficit
Low Voter Turnout 2001 The Idiot King
Vital Information
Cranial #4 Where We Live 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Jonas Hellborg
Mirror 2002 Icon
Jeff Berlin
Everybody Knows You When You're Up & In 2001 In Harmony's Way
Chad Wackerman
The Way Out 1999 Scream
Vital Information
Craniac Trilogy - Part 2: The Extraction 1998 Where We Come From
Jeff Berlin
All the Greats 1998 Crossroads
Wayne Krantz
Casanova club 1999 Greenwich Mean
Dean Brown
Baby Youґre A Rich Man 2001 Here
On The Virg
Dragon Bones 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jeff Berlin
Motherlode 1998 Crossroads
Chad Wackerman
Youse from Here? 1999 Scream
Jeff Berlin
Subway Music 1998 Crossroads
Gary Willis
Cadillac 1998 Bent
So There Is Love 2000 CAB
On The Virg
Trencherman 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jonas Hellborg
Hell Is Other People 2002 Personae
Wayne Krantz
Honey loves sugar 1999 Greenwich Mean
Chad Wackerman
Looking In 1999 Scream
Wayne Krantz
Wet heat sweat 1999 Greenwich Mean
Dean Brown
Seven Groove Interlude 2001 Here
Dean Brown
Belive Me 2001 Here
Wayne Krantz
Blue period 1999 Greenwich Mean
Gary Willis
Bowlegged 1998 Bent
Wayne Krantz
Spektor 1999 Greenwich Mean
Stuart Hamm
The Memo 2000 Outbound
Wayne Krantz
Marble maker 1999 Greenwich Mean
Jonas Hellborg
Rag B.B 2002 Personae
Wayne Krantz
Outpost + 1999 Greenwich Mean
Shane Theriot
1321 N. Las Palmas 2000 Hwy 90
Gary Willis
Hipmotize 1998 Bent
Jazz Pistols
Spain 1999 Three On The Moon
Wayne Krantz
Escape from oblivion 1999 Greenwich Mean
Dean Brown
Seven Groove Interlude 2001 Here
Boogie Me 2000 CAB
Gary Willis
Big time 1998 Bent
Mark Egan
The Morning After 2001 Freedom Town
Jazz Pistols
Beast 1999 Three On The Moon
Mark Egan
The Flame 2001 Freedom Town
Attention Deficit
RSVP 2001 The Idiot King
Dean Brown
Tell It 2001 Here
Michael Landau
The Day 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Brett Garsed
Friend Or Foe 2002 Big Sky
On The Virg
Pyramids On Mars 1999 Serious Young Insects
Shane Theriot
Shiho 2000 Hwy 90
Wayne Krantz
Unnamed 23 1999 Greenwich Mean
Attention Deficit
Dubya 2001 The Idiot King
Stuart Hamm
Lydian 2000 Outbound
Shane Theriot
Stampy 2000 Hwy 90
On The Virg
Pentathlon 1999 Serious Young Insects
Dean Brown
Just For Kicks 2001 Here
Gary Willis
Before your eyes 1998 Bent
Jonas Hellborg
Rice With The Angels 2002 Personae
On The Virg
Running From The Aliens 1999 Serious Young Insects
Brett Garsed
Drowning 2002 Big Sky
Dean Brown
The Clave Groove 2001 Here
Stuart Hamm
The Castro Hustle 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Shane Theriot
Bayou Chicken 2000 Hwy 90
Dean Brown
Big Foot 2001 Here
Jeff Berlin
Three Nighter 1998 Crossroads
Dean Brown
Solid 2001 Here
Jazz Pistols
Blues For Gordon 1999 Three On The Moon
Jazz Pistols
Birdland 1999 Three On The Moon
Jonas Hellborg
Anchor 2002 Icon
Attention Deficit
Unclear, Inarticulate Things 2001 The Idiot King
Shane Theriot
Punch 2000 Hwy 90
Jeff Berlin
A Place Of Know 2001 In Harmony's Way
Jonas Hellborg
Personae 2002 Personae
On The Virg
Sort Yourself Out 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jonas Hellborg
Vehicle 2002 Icon
Michael Landau
Rascal Balls 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Stuart Hamm
Further Down Market 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Chad Wackerman
Holland 1999 Scream
Jeff Berlin
Emeril Kicks It Up 2001 In Harmony's Way
One For Stern 2000 CAB
Mark Egan
Kauai 2001 Freedom Town
Brett Garsed
Fu'd Fight 2002 Big Sky
Jonas Hellborg
Heretics 2002 Personae
Michael Landau
Born in the Rain 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Chad Wackerman
Scream 1999 Scream
Stuart Hamm
Outbound 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Attention Deficit
My Fellow Astronauts 2001 The Idiot King
Jazz Pistols
Happy Hour 1999 Three On The Moon
Brett Garsed
The Myth 2002 Big Sky
Michael Landau
Problem 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Chad Wackerman
Cycles 1999 Scream
Stuart Hamm
Charlotte's Song 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Jonas Hellborg
Time Is The Enemy 2002 Personae
Jeff Berlin
Manos de Piedra 1998 Crossroads
Chad Wackerman
Days Gone By 1999 Scream
Mark Egan
Tricycles 2001 Freedom Town
Attention Deficit
The Killers Are to Blame 2001 The Idiot King
Mark Egan
Heart Beat 2001 Freedom Town
Elastic Man 2000 CAB
Stuart Hamm
Remember 2000 Outbound
Just Perfect 2000 CAB
Gary Willis
Emancipation 1998 Bent
Michael Landau
The Red Fireplace 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Shane Theriot
Cabildo Breeze 2000 Hwy 90
Mark Egan
Habanero Nights 2001 Freedom Town
On The Virg
Invasion Of The Ants 1999 Serious Young Insects
Attention Deficit
Any Unforeseen Event 2001 The Idiot King
Shane Theriot
Pump 2000 Hwy 90
Jazz Pistols
Mystic Train 1999 Three On The Moon
Chad Wackerman
The Grey Chair 1999 Scream
Brett Garsed
Trinity 2002 Big Sky
Shane Theriot
The Street Beater 2000 Hwy 90
Atamanashi 2000 CAB
Mark Egan
Outskirts 2001 Freedom Town
On The Virg
Alien Hip-Hop 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jazz Pistols
Second Feeling 1999 Three On The Moon
Michael Landau
Tacos 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Jeff Richman
I Got Rhythm 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.2
Mark Egan
Jack Hall 2001 Freedom Town
Attention Deficit
American Jingo 2001 The Idiot King
Brett Garsed
Brothers 2002 Big Sky
Brett Garsed
Breathe 2002 Big Sky
Attention Deficit
Public Speaking is Very Easy 2001 The Idiot King
Jeff Richman
Leap Of Faith 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.2
Brett Garsed
Undoing 2002 Big Sky
Jeff Richman
Mercy Street 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.1
On The Virg
Malfunction 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jazz Pistols
Moby Dick 1999 Three On The Moon
Mark Egan
Freedom Town 2001 Freedom Town
Jeff Richman
On The Trail 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.2
Jeff Richman
Seven Stars 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.1
Brett Garsed
Got The Horn 2002 Big Sky
Shane Theriot
It Ain't My Fault 2000 Hwy 90