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Radio "Dead Can Dance and similar artists"

Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus - Drama der Geschlechtslosigkeit 1995 «Todeswunsch» — Sous le soleil de Saturne
Cocteau Twins
Calfskin Smack 1996 Milk & Kisses [2006, Remaster]
Dead Can Dance
Ikon - In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated.flac - 95 1998 The Carnival Within [Tribute to Dead Can Dance]
The Tale Of The Crying Fire-flies 1995 The Moon Sang On The April Chair
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus - The Devil's Instrument 1995 «Todeswunsch» — Sous le soleil de Saturne
Il Violino Incantato 1996 Il Fantasma Dell'opera
Death In June
Headhunter 1996 Kapo!
Dead Can Dance
Devorzhum 1996 Spiritchaser
Death In June
Lullaby to a Ghetto 1996 Kapo!
Entrata Solenne 1994 Simphonia Sine Nomine
Dead Can Dance
Leaether Strip - The Carnival Is Over.flac - 41 1998 The Carnival Within [Tribute to Dead Can Dance]
Bewildered 1994 Loved
Current 93
His Shadow Shall Rise To A Higher Place 1997 In A Foreign Town, In A Foreign Land
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Birth - Fiendish Figuration 1994 Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue, Doch Ich Bin Unsterblich, Und Ich Erstehe W...
Dead Can Dance
I Am Stretched on Your Grave 1994 Toward The Within
Death In June
The November Men 1998 Take Care And Control
Love Is Colder Than Death
Mind Station 1994 Oxeia [1995 issue US Metropolis MET 007]
Cocteau Twins
Flock Of Soul 1996 Milk & Kisses
7 Danse Des Ernnyes 1996 La Tragedie D'oreste Et Electre
Dead Can Dance
I Am Stretched Out on Your Grave 1994 Toward The Within
Peter Murphy
Huuvola 1995 Cascade
The Mission
Sway 1995 Neverland
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus - Saturn-Impressionen 1995 «Todeswunsch» — Sous le soleil de Saturne
Bel Canto
Bombay 1996 Magic Box
Peter Murphy
Bonus Track 1995 Cascade
Desiderii Marginis
Ashes 1997 Songs Over Ruins
The Mission
Cannibal 1996 Blue
Peter Murphy
The Scarlet Thing In You 1995 Cascade
Cocteau Twins
Seekers Who Are Lovers 1996 Milk & Kisses [2006, Remaster]
Bel Canto
The Dinosaur-slipper Man 1998 Rush
Cocteau Twins
Ups 1996 Milk & Kisses
Bel Canto
All I Want to Do 1998 Rush
Drifting 1996 Cold
Desiderii Marginis
Songs over Ruins I 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Love Is Colder Than Death
November Morning 1994 Oxeia
Lisa Gerrard
Werd 1995 The Mirror Pool
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - Among the lost and wordless 1996 Purgate My Stain
The Mission
Damaged 1996 Blue
Love Is Colder Than Death
November Morning 1994 Oxeia [1995 issue US Metropolis MET 007]
Bel Canto
Big Belly Butterflies 1996 Magic Box
Dead Can Dance
EXP - Yulunga .flac - 77 1998 The Carnival Within [Tribute to Dead Can Dance]
Cocteau Twins
Seekers Who Are Lovers 1996 Milk & Kisses
Dead Can Dance
The Snake And The Moon 1996 Spiritchaser
Dead Can Dance
Song of the Sibyl.flac - 81 1994 Toward the Within [live]
Cocteau Twins
Treasure Hiding 1996 Milk & Kisses
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Ein Freundliches Wort Hat Meine Seele Beruhrt 1997 The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller
Brendan Perry
Medusa 1998 Eye Of The Hunter
Cocteau Twins
Serpentskirt 1996 Milk & Kisses
Cocteau Twins
Half-Gifts 1996 Milk & Kisses
Autumn Tears
Commiseration In Mourning 1997 Love Poems For Dying Children Act II
The Mission
Neverland 1995 Neverland
Canticle: Wide White Wave 1996 Concerto No.6: A Baroque Plaisanterie
Love Is Colder Than Death
Waves 1994 Oxeia [1995 issue US Metropolis MET 007]
In the Night 1994 Loved
Cocteau Twins
Rilkean Heart 1996 Milk & Kisses
FlГ©e Et Fabian 1994 Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - To A Loyal Friend 1997 The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller
Autumn Tears
A Dreaming Kiss 1997 Love Poems For Dying Children Act II
Death In June
Frost Flowers 1998 Take Care And Control
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Synchronicity 1997 The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller
Love Is Colder Than Death
Oxeia 1994 Oxeia [1995 issue US Metropolis MET 007]
Death In June
Death in June - C'est un RГЄve 1997 Discriminate (1981 ~ ’97) (2CD)
Death In June
Hero Gallow 1996 Kapo!
In The Embrasure of Heaven 1998 The Umbersun (Remaster)
Death In June
Despair 1998 Take Care And Control
Lisa Gerrard
Laurelei 1995 The Mirror Pool
Autumn Tears
They Watch With Closed Eyes 1998 Reprise Mcmxcviii
Desiderii Marginis
Scintillate II 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Autumn Tears
Carfax Abbey 1998 Reprise Mcmxcviii
Autumn Tears
Ode To My Forthcoming Winter, Part Summer 1996 Love Poems For Dying Children Act I
Desiderii Marginis
Chrism 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Desiderii Marginis
Songs over Ruins II 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Love Is Colder Than Death
Kaba Gajda 1995 Auter
Autumn Tears
The Garden Of Crystalline Dreams - Act I 1997 Love Poems For Dying Children Act II
Love Is Colder Than Death
Waves 1994 Oxeia
The Mission
Cry Like A Baby 1995 Neverland
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Do you know my Name? 1994 Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue, Doch Ich Bin Unsterblich, Und Ich Erstehe W...
The Mission
Swoon 1995 Neverland
Current 93
The Carnival Is Dead And Gone 1996 All The Pretty Little Horses (the Inmost Light)
Love Is Colder Than Death
Second Life 1994 Oxeia
Iman 1997 Sunyata
Autumn Tears
They Watch With Closed Eyes 1996 Love Poems For Dying Children Act I
Brendan Perry
The Captive Heart 1998 Eye Of The Hunter
The Mission
Lose Myself In You 1995 Neverland
Love Is Colder Than Death
The Surface 1994 Oxeia [1995 issue US Metropolis MET 007]
Later 1996 Cold
The Mission
Wasting Away 1995 Swoon
Peter Murphy
Indigo Eyes 98 1998 Recall
Autumn Tears
Do They Ever Sing 1997 Love Poems For Dying Children Act II
Death In June
Death in June - Black Radio 1997 Discriminate (1981 ~ ’97) (2CD)
Peter Murphy
Mirror To My Woman's Mind 1995 Cascade
Peter Murphy
Mercy Rain 1995 Cascade
Death In June
A Slaughter of Roses 1998 Take Care And Control
Arcanum Mortis . Ovid 1998 Eternity Rites
Transfer Complete 1998 Eternity Rites
Amber Asylum
Looking Glass Reprise 1997 The Natural Philosophy Of Love
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows
Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - Baptisma 1994 Ich Tote Mich Jedesmal Aufs Neue, Doch Ich Bin Unsterblich, Und Ich Erstehe W...
Desiderii Marginis
Ephemeral 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Into Bottomless Perdition 1994 Lecons De Tenebres
Brendan Perry
Death Will Be My Bride 1998 Eye Of The Hunter
Lisa Gerrard
Violina 1995 The Mirror Pool
Current 93
A Soft Voice Whispers Nothing 1997 In A Foreign Town, In A Foreign Land
Autumn Tears
The Battle - Act II 1997 Love Poems For Dying Children Act II
Desiderii Marginis
Embossed in Bones, Hidden... 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Bel Canto
Rumour 1996 Magic Box
Desiderii Marginis
Solemn Descent 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Bela Lugosi's Dead 1998 Crackle – The Best of Bauhaus
Current 93
Calling For Vanished Faces II 1996 All The Pretty Little Horses (the Inmost Light)
Bel Canto
Verena 1998 Rush
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - 13th order 1996 Purgate My Stain
Nocturne 1997 Weeping Nights
Nightvision 1998 Eternity Rites
Bel Canto
Idly I De-ice 1998 Rush
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - Pure... the suffering 1996 Purgate My Stain
Seelenlos 1998 Eternity Rites
Brendan Perry
Voyage of Bran 1998 Eye Of The Hunter
Bel Canto
Sleepwalker 1996 Magic Box
Leзon de tйnиbres 1994 Lecons De Tenebres
Demon Eyes 1998 Eternity Rites
Bel Canto
99% Of Me 1998 Rush
Lisa Gerrard
Venteles 1995 The Mirror Pool
Ethereal Journeys 1996 Les Tenebres Du Dehors
The Passion of Lovers 1998 Crackle – The Best of Bauhaus
Lisa Gerrard
Largo 1995 The Mirror Pool
Sunyata 1997 Sunyata
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - Clean cathedral 1996 Purgate My Stain
Eternity Rite 1998 Eternity Rites
Peter Murphy
Gliding Like A Whale 1995 Cascade
Peter Murphy
Surrendered 1998 Recall
Amber Asylum
Looking Glass 1997 The Natural Philosophy Of Love
Varuna 1998 Offerings
A Garland of Breath 1998 Offerings
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - Burn my rest 1996 Purgate My Stain
Peter Murphy
Wild Birds Flock To Me 1995 Cascade
Amber Asylum
Song of the Spider War 1997 The Natural Philosophy Of Love
Saphyrro 1997 Sunyata
Down To The Halls Of The Blind 1998 Eternity Rites
The Sanity Assassin 1998 Crackle – The Best of Bauhaus
Temple of the Maiden 1998 Offerings
Brendan Perry
I Must Have Been Blind 1998 Eye Of The Hunter
Desiderii Marginis
Chreston 1997 Songs Over Ruins
Dark Sanctuary
Funeral Cry 1998 Funeral Cry
Ningal 1997 Sunyata
Amber Asylum
Jorinda and Joringal 1997 The Natural Philosophy Of Love
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - Truth awakening 1996 Purgate My Stain
Terror Couple Kill Colonel 1998 Crackle – The Best of Bauhaus
Lisa Gerrard
Celon 1995 The Mirror Pool
Lisa Gerrard
Majhnavea's Music Box 1995 The Mirror Pool
Lisa Gerrard
La Bas 1995 The Mirror Pool
Lisa Gerrard
Persian Love Song 1995 The Mirror Pool
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - The silence shed a tear 1996 Purgate My Stain
Brendan Perry
Saturday's Child 1998 Eye Of The Hunter
Temple Of The Moon 1998 Eternity Rites
In Slaughter Natives
In slaughter natives - Purgate my stain 1996 Purgate My Stain
Fuer Grissa Est Drauka 1998 Eternity Rites
Brendan Perry
Archangel 1998 Eye Of The Hunter
Brendan Perry
Sloth 1998 Eye Of The Hunter