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Radio "Dear Mr. Time and similar artists"

Blonde On Blonde
Goodbye 1968 Contrasts (ECLEC2218, 2010)
Night Flight 1970 Affinity
Blonde On Blonde
Spinning Wheel 1968 Contrasts (ECLEC2218, 2010)
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Italian Irish 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Paul Brett's Sage
Limp Willie 1972 Schizophrenia
Blonde On Blonde
Country Life 1968 Contrasts (ECLEC2218, 2010)
Julian Jay Savarin
Stranger 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Promises 1971 Catapilla
Capability Brown
Do You Believe 1972 From Scratch
Got To Make It 1970 Strange Pleasure
Andwella's Dream
High On A Mountain 1969 Love And Poetry
Wild Turkey
The Return 1972 Turkey
The Human Beast
Maybe Someday 1970 Volume One [Japan]
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - The Tower 1970 Paul Brett Sage (2007 Japan)
Capability Brown
Redman 1972 From Scratch
Blonde On Blonde
Mother Earth 1968 Contrasts (ECLEC2218, 2010)
Capability Brown
Beautiful Scarlet 1972 From Scratch
Eli's Coming 1970 Affinity
Blackwater Park
Dirt Box (1971, BASF - - One's life 1971 Dirt Box
Coupla Prog
Alone In The Mountains 1970 SWF – Edmundo Lopez - Session Vol. 4
Embryonic Fusion 1971 Catapilla
Aunty Mary`s Trashcan 1972 Bodkin
Blonde On Blonde
november 1970 Rebirth
Annexus Quam
Osmose IV 1970 Osmose
Reflections 1972 Changes
Coupla Prog
Auf Das Er Sich Im Grabe Umdrehe 1971 Sprite (SWF - Session Vol. 2)
Wild Turkey
A Universal Man 1972 Turkey
Circus 2000
NO REGALATO I CAPELLI 1971 Circus 2000
Wild Turkey
Tomorrow's Friend 1972 Turkey
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - Goodbye Forever 1971 Jubilation Foundry (2007 Japan)
The Human Beast
Reality Presented As An Alternative 1970 Volume One [Japan]
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - The Sun Died 1970 Paul Brett Sage (2007 Japan)
Blonde On Blonde
you'll never know me 1970 Rebirth
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - Saviour Of The World 1972 Schizophrenia (2007 Japan)
Sitting In The Forest 1971 Garden Of Loneliness
Clear Blue Sky
Pick Up 1971 Destiny
Bokaj Retsiem
Bokaj Classic 1968 Psychedelic Underground
Capability Brown
Day In Day Out 1972 From Scratch
Blonde On Blonde
Country Life 1969 Contrasts
Ardo Dombec
Young And Strong 1971 Ardo Dombec
Titus Groan
Open The Door Homer [bonus] 1970 Titus Groan
Three Sisters 1970 Affinity
Capability Brown
Redman 1972 From Scratch
Clear Blue Sky
The Rocket Ride 1970 Clear Blue Sky
Blonde On Blonde
No Sleep Blues 1969 Contrasts
Rock Workshop
You To Lose 1971 Rock Workshop
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - Mediterranean Lazy Heat Wave 1970 Paul Brett Sage (2007 Japan)
Capability Brown
I Will Be There 1972 From Scratch
Clear Blue Sky
Sweet Leaf 1970 Clear Blue Sky
Annexus Quam
Osmose III 1970 Osmose
No Alternative 1972 No Alternative
Plastic Man 1972 Bodkin
Capability Brown
I Will Be There 1972 From Scratch
Coupla Prog
Season Of The Witch 1972 Death Is A Great Gambler
Blonde On Blonde
time is passing 1970 Rebirth
Cocoanut Grove 1970 Affinity
The Human Beast
Brush With The Midnight Butterfly 1970 Volume One
Circus 2000
I AM THE WITCH 1971 Circus 2000
Three Days After Death pt.2 1972 Bodkin
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - Take Me Back And I Will Love You 1972 Schizophrenia (2007 Japan)
Wild Turkey
Sanctuary 1972 Battle Hymn
Wild Turkey
See You Next Tuesday 1972 Turkey
Keep On Running - bonus track 1970 Cravinkel
The Human Beast
Maybe Someday 1970 Volume One
Rock Workshop
Hole In Her Stocking 1971 Rock Workshop
Spontenuity 1971 Diabolus (High Tones)
Titus Groan
It Wasn't For You 1970 Titus Groan
Clear Blue Sky
My Heaven 1970 Clear Blue Sky
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy 1969 Live Instrumentals
Walk On The Bad Side 1969 Breathe Awhile REP 4855
Lady Of The Moon 1971 Diabolus (High Tones)
Promises 1971 Catapilla
Wild Turkey
To The Stars 1972 Battle Hymn
1002 Nights 1971 Diabolus (High Tones)
The Human Beast
Appearance Is Everything, Style Is A Way Of Living 1970 Volume One [Japan]
Andwella's Dream
Man Without A Name 1969 Love And Poetry
Blood 1970 Strange Pleasure
Mr. Cooley - bonus track 1970 Cravinkel
Capability Brown
No Range 1972 From Scratch
I Wrapped Her In Ribbons 1970 Strange Pleasure
Capability Brown
Liar 1972 From Scratch
Clear Blue Sky
When I Call Your Name 1971 Destiny
Andwella's Dream
Cocaine 1969 Love And Poetry
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - I Fell So Far 1971 Jubilation Foundry (2007 Japan)
Blackwater Park
Dirt Box (1971, BASF - - Indian summer 1971 Dirt Box
Paul Brett's Sage
Paul Brett Sage - To Everyman 1971 Jubilation Foundry (2007 Japan)
Wild Turkey
Universal Man 1972 Turkey
Andwella's Dream
Clockwork Man 1969 Love And Poetry
Blackwater Park
Rock song 1972 Dirt Box
BODKIN - Plastic Man 1972 Bodkin
Dis Here 1969 Live Instrumentals
It Takes A Woman 1969 Breathe Awhile REP 4855
Circus 2000
Hey Man 1972 An Escape From A Box
Charing Cross 1972 Changes (austria Press '93)
Wild Turkey
Good Old Days 1972 Turkey
Tumbleweed 1971 Catapilla
Blackwater Park
Rock song 1972 Dirt Box
Bangor Flying Circus
Norwegian Wood 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Wild Turkey
Ballad Of Chuck Stallion And The Mustangs 1972 Turkey
13 Death March 1969 Live Instrumentals
Thank Christ For George 1972 Changes
Annexus Quam
Leyenburg 2 1972 Beziehungen
Clear Blue Sky
My Heaven 1970 Clear Blue Sky
Bokaj Retsiem
Drifting 1968 Psychedelic Underground
Lucy 1970 Cravinkel
I Wonder If I Care As Much 1970 Affinity
Andwella's Dream
Goodbye 1969 Love And Poetry
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Terzo tempo Quarto tempo 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Poor Lady 1969 Breathe Awhile
Thank Christ For George 1972 Changes
Bangor Flying Circus
Concerto Four Clouds 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Clear Blue Sky
Birdcatcher 1970 Clear Blue Sky
New Dawn Breaking 1970 New Dawn
I Wrapped Her In Ribbons-Bonus 1970 Strange Pleasure
Rock Workshop
You To Lose 1971 Rock Workshop
Circus 2000
SUN WILL SHINE 1971 Circus 2000
Three Days After Death, Part 2 1972 Bodkin
Circus 2000
PIOGGIA SOTTILE 1971 Circus 2000
Rock Workshop
Spine Cop 1971 Rock Workshop
Clear Blue Sky
Vagabonds 1971 Destiny
Night Clouded Moon 1971 Diabolus (High Tones)
Woman Of A Thousand Years 1969 Breathe Awhile REP 4855
Bangor Flying Circus
Mama Don't You Know 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
And Smile Again 1970 New Dawn
Rock Workshop
Hole In Her Stocking 1971 Rock Workshop
3 Piece Suite 1971 Diabolus (High Tones)
Titus Groan
c. Th... 1970 Titus Groan
Rock Workshop
Mooncross Grove 1971 Rock Workshop
Sing My Song 1969 Breathe Awhile
Blackwater Park
For noone 1972 Dirt Box
In Your Mind's Eyes 1970 New Dawn
Andwella's Dream
Felix 1969 Love And Poetry
Titus Groan
Hall Of Bright Carvings; Theme, Dusty High-Value Hall, The Burning, Theme 1970 Titus Groan
Titus Groan
Fuschia 1970 Titus Groan
Blackwater Park
Dirt Box (1971, BASF - - Rock song 1971 Dirt Box
Julian Jay Savarin
Soldiers of time 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Circus 2000
WHILE YOU'RE SLEEPING 1971 Circus 2000
The Human Beast
Circle Of The Night 1970 Volume One [Japan]
Sing My Song 1969 Breathe Awhile REP 4855
Andwella's Dream
Midday Sun 1969 Love And Poetry
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Ontro 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Rock Barock 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Bokaj Retsiem
Sad Bokaj 1968 Psychedelic Underground
Ardo Dombec
Clean-Up Sunday 1971 Ardo Dombec
A Modern Day Fairy Tale 1970 Strange Pleasure
Something Going On 1970 New Dawn
Julian Jay Savarin
Child of the night 1&2 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Blackwater Park
Dirt Box (1971, BASF - - Roundabout 1971 Dirt Box
BODKIN - Three Days After Death 1972 Bodkin
The Human Beast
Mystic Man 1970 Volume One [Japan]
Blast Furnace
This Time Of Year 1971 Blast Furnace
Clear Blue Sky
Could This Be The Way 1971 Destiny
Capitolo 6
L'Ultima Notte 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
Julian Jay Savarin
Cycle 1971 Waiters On The Dance
The Human Beast
Reality Presented As An Alternative 1970 Volume One
Hidden Love 1970 Cravinkel
Capitolo 6
Il Tramonto di un Popolo 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
Lonesome Road 1970 Cravinkel
Rock Workshop
Born In The City 1971 Rock Workshop
1002 Nights 1972 Diabolus
Circus 2000
TRY ALL DAY 1971 Circus 2000
Capitolo 6
Il tramonto di un popolo 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
Garden Of Loneliness 1971 Garden Of Loneliness
Lonely Days 1971 Diabolus (High Tones)
Circus 2000
I JUST CAN'T STAY 1971 Circus 2000
Candlelight 1970 Cravinkel
Circus 2000
THE LORD, HE HAS NO HANDS 1971 Circus 2000
Julian Jay Savarin
Cycle 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Plastic Man 1972 Bodkin
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Prologo parte 1 Quinto tempo Sesto tempo 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Andwella's Dream
Take My Road 1969 Love And Poetry
Bangor Flying Circus
Violent Men 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Annexus Quam
Dreh Dich Nicht Um 1972 Beziehungen
Blast Furnace
Ginger Cake 1971 Blast Furnace
The Human Beast
Mystic Man 1970 Volume One
Blackwater Park
Indian summer 1972 Dirt Box
Bokaj Retsiem
Only a child 1968 Psychedelic Underground
Capitolo 6
Grande Spirito 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
Coupla Prog
Daughter's Delirium 1972 Death Is A Great Gambler
Coupla Prog
Goodbye, Guns, Be By Gones 1971 Sprite (SWF - Session Vol. 2)
AfterYour Lumber 1972 Bodkin
Capitolo 6
Frutti per Kagua 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
BODKIN - Three Days After Death 1972 Bodkin
Titus Groan
It Wasn't For You 1970 Titus Groan
Titus Groan
Fuschia 1970 Titus Groan
Walk On The Bad Side 1969 Breathe Awhile
Blackwater Park
Indian summer 1972 Dirt Box
Andwella's Dream
Shades Of Grey 1969 Love And Poetry
Ardo Dombec
Supper Time 1971 Ardo Dombec
Blast Furnace
Toytown 1971 Blast Furnace
Capitolo 6
L'ultima notte 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
Riding Alone 1969 Breathe Awhile REP 4855
Ardo Dombec
Downtown Paradise Lost 1971 Ardo Dombec
Bangor Flying Circus
Ode To Sadness 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Blast Furnace
First And Last 1971 Blast Furnace
Spontenuity 1972 Diabolus
Rock Workshop
Ice Cold 1971 Rock Workshop
Annexus Quam
Osmose II 1970 Osmose
Ardo Dombec
Oh, Sorry 1971 Ardo Dombec
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Secondo Tempo 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Blast Furnace
Jaywalker 1971 Blast Furnace
Titus Groan
Woman Of The World [bonus] 1970 Titus Groan
Ardo Dombec
Unchangable Things?! 1971 Ardo Dombec
Titus Groan
It's All Up With Us 1970 Titus Groan
Blast Furnace
Man Bites Dog 1971 Blast Furnace
Annexus Quam
Osmose I 1970 Osmose
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Alba Secondo tempo 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Blast Furnace
Long Distance 1971 Blast Furnace
Bokaj Retsiem
Something Wrong with Bokaj 1968 Psychedelic Underground
Blast Furnace
Goodbye Mr. Bobo 1971 Blast Furnace
Rock Workshop
Wade In The Water 1971 Rock Workshop
Bangor Flying Circus
A Change In Our Lives 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Lonely days 1972 Diabolus
Julian Jay Savarin
Dance of the golden flamingoes 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Capitolo 6
Grande spirito 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
Julian Jay Savarin
The death of alda 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Blast Furnace
Lister Du Omkring Hjorner - Bonus 1971 Blast Furnace
Bokaj Retsiem
I'm so Afraid 1968 Psychedelic Underground
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Prologo parte 2 Settimo tempo 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Ardo Dombec
Open The Door, Open Your Mind 1971 Ardo Dombec
Annexus Quam
Trobluhs El Л Isch 1972 Beziehungen
Julian Jay Savarin
Child of the night 1&2 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Bangor Flying Circus
In the Woods 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Julian Jay Savarin
Stranger 1971 Waiters On The Dance
Ardo Dombec
Heavenly Rose 1971 Ardo Dombec
Bokaj Retsiem
Bossa Retsiem 1968 Psychedelic Underground
Campo Di Marte
Campo di Marte - Bluesy Rocky 1972 Concerto Zero Live (2003Remastered) (2CD)
Ardo Dombec
Spectaculum 1971 Ardo Dombec
Bangor Flying Circus
Someday I'll Find 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Bangor Flying Circus
Come On People 1969 Bangor Flying Circus
Capitolo 6
Frutti per Kagua 1972 Frutti Per Kagua
Annexus Quam
Leyenburg 1 1972 Beziehungen