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Radio "Death In June and similar artists"

Death In June
Blood of Winter 1989 The Corn Years
Current 93
Be 1987 Imperium
Death In June
Doubt To Nothing 1989 93 Dead Sunwheels
Death In June
Foretold 1985 ''Nada Plus!''
Death In June
Giddy Giddy Carousel 1989 The Wall Of Sacrifice
Death In June
C'est Un Reve 1985 ''Nada Plus!''
Death In June
Zimmerit 1987 Brown Book
Current 93
Scarlet Woman 1987 Swastikas For Noddy
Death In June
Foretold 1985 "Nada!"
Death In June
Burn Again 1987 Brown Book Zwei
Death In June
Campi Di Ravizzone 1985 Le Bianche Mani Della Morte
Current 93
Beausoleil 1987 Swastikas For Noddy
Current 93
The Stair Song 1987 Swastikas For Noddy
Current 93
Imperium I 1987 Imperium
Current 93
Malediction 1987 Swastikas For Noddy
Current 93
The Dilly Song 1988 Earth Covers Earth