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Radio "Doomsday and similar artists"

The Sorrow
Sorrow - Unjustified Relluctance 1991 Forgotten Sunrise (2CD)
The Sorrow
Sorrow - A Wasted Cry For Hope 1991 Forgotten Sunrise
The Sorrow
Sorrow - Unjustified Relluctance 1992 Hatred And Disgust
The Sorrow
Sorrow - Curse The Sunrise 1991 Forgotten Sunrise (2CD)
The Sorrow
Sorrow - Illusion Of Freedom 1991 Forgotten Sunrise (2CD)
The Sorrow
Sorrow - Separative Adjectives 1991 Forgotten Sunrise (2CD)
The Sorrow
Sorrow - Curse The Sunrise 1991 Forgotten Sunrise
The Sorrow
Sorrow - Human Error 1992 Hatred And Disgust
The Sorrow
Sorrow - Illusion Of Freedom 1992 Hatred And Disgust