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Radio "Dopplereffekt and similar artists"

Ellen Allien & Apparat
Year: 13 Apr 2006 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
Dmx Krew
[KUST003] DMX Krew - Ionospheric Exploration - - Target Disk Mode 2008 Ionospheric Exploration
Lips On Fire 2006 The Green Armchair
Dmx Krew
DMX Krew - Denki No Merodi 2005 Our Most Requested Records
Alter Ego
Why Not?! 2008 What's Next?!
Ellen Allien
Sprung 2008 Sool
Ellen Allien
Its 2008 Sool
E.R.P. E.R.P. JB 2005 Event Related Potential
Ergosphere 2006 Inertial Frame
Ellen Allien
06 Miss Kittin – Neukölln 2 2007 The Other Side - Berlin
Rainbow 2005 Cute & Cult
E.R.P. E.R.P. Aurelia 2005 Event Related Potential
Dominik Eulberg
Stelldichein des Westerwдlder Vogelchores 2007 Heimische Gefilde
E.R.P. E.R.P. Oretha 2005 Event Related Potential
Love is Ok [Ricardo Villalobos Remix] 2005 Cute & Cult
Dominik Eulberg
Eistaucher 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Boys Noize
& Down 2007 Oi Oi Oi
Gui Boratto
Eggplant 2009 Take My Breath Away
01 Les Violons Ivres 8:09 2007 Les Violons Ivres (DIFF 1074 T)-WEB [webs]
- Kurt Curtain 2008 Schone Neue Extrawelt
Dmx Krew
DMX Krew - 17 Ways to Break My Heart 2005 Our Most Requested Records
- Im Garten Von Eben 2008 Im Garten Von Eben Anniversary Remixes
Dominik Eulberg
Rauhhautfledermaus und GroЯer Abendsegler 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Dmx Krew
DMX Krew - Echelon 2005 Wave:CD
Ellen Allien
03 Quarks – Königin 2007 The Other Side - Berlin
Heiko Laux
Writin' Time Pt. 2 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
Booka Shade
You Don't Know What You Mean to Me 2008 The Sun & the Neon Light (Limited Edition) (CD 01)
Alter Ego
Baby Kraut 2008 What's Next?!
- Im Garten Von Eben 2008 Im Garten Von Eben Anniversary Remixes
Dmx Krew
[BRK 47] DMX Krew - Snow Cub EP - - Funk Cube 2007 Snow Cub
Ellen Allien
She is with Me 2005 Thrills
- Was Ubrig Bleibt 2009 Deine Beine Rmxs
Ellen Allien & Apparat
C2 - Under 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
- Was Ubrig Bleibt 2009 Deine Beine Rmxs
The Exaltics
2009 - Reach The Target 2009 The Arriving ( Transient Force [ Tf025 ] )
Gui Boratto
Atomic Soda 2009 Take My Breath Away
Dominik Eulberg
Uhu 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Non Vanishing Harmonic Spinor 2007 Calabi Yau Space
Ellen Allien & Apparat
Rotary 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
- Mit Liese Auf Der Wiese 2009 Deine Beine Rmxs
Alter Ego
Fuckingham Palace 2008 What's Next?!
Booka Shade
Hallelujah USA 2006 Movements
Dmx Krew
DMX Krew - Tonight 2005 Wave:CD
Gui Boratto
MalГЎ Strana 2007 Chromophobia [KOMPAKT CD 56]
Dominik Eulberg
Afraid of seeing stars? 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Dmx Krew
DMX Krew - 2005 - - You Take Me Up 2005 Kiss Goodbye
Alter Ego
Jolly Joker 2008 What's Next?!
Dmx Krew
[BRK 47] DMX Krew - Snow Cub EP - - Blimp Beats Remix 2007 Snow Cub
The Exaltics
2008 - Scanning Surface Structure 2008 Invasion ( Transient Force [ Tf014 ] )
Gui Boratto
Take My Breath Away 2009 Take My Breath Away [KOMPAKT CD 70]
Ellen Allien
DELAY* – You With Now 2007 The Other Side - Berlin
Gui Boratto
Azurra 2009 Take My Breath Away
The Exaltics
2008 - Observing Individuals 2008 Invasion ( Transient Force [ Tf014 ] )
Marionette 2005 Cute & Cult
Dmx Krew
DMX Krew - Place Called Love 2005 Our Most Requested Records
Ellen Allien
Bim 2008 Sool
Gui Boratto
Beautiful Life 2007 Chromophobia [KOMPAKT CD 56]
Your Inner Kiss 2006 The Green Armchair
Another way 2005 Cute & Cult
Heiko Laux
Writin' Time Pt. 1 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
Dominik Eulberg
Die Alpenstrandlдufer von Spiekeroog 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Boys Noize
Kontact Me 2009 Power (CD1)
Gui Boratto
Chromophobia 2007 Chromophobia [KOMPAKT CD 56]
The Exaltics
2009 - High Voltage Accelerator 2009 The Arriving ( Transient Force [ Tf025 ] )
The Exaltics
2009 - We Want But We Can't 2009 The Arriving ( Transient Force [ Tf025 ] )
Ellen Allien & Apparat
D2 - Metric 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
Ellen Allien & Apparat
Tracklist 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
Alter Ego
Jolly Joker 2008 What's Next?!
- Homing 2008 Schone Neue Extrawelt
Event Horizon 2006 Inertial Frame
Boys Noize
Gax 2009 Power (CD1)
Ellen Allien
05 Rhythm & Sound with Bobbo Shanti – Poor People Must Work 2007 The Other Side - Berlin
Dominik Eulberg
Adler 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Bochum Welt
Vectors In Full Colors 2005 Elan
Boys Noize
Radio Soulwax Mix 2009 Power (CD2)
Ellen Allien
Naked Rain 2005 Thrills
Boys Noize
Nerve 2009 Power (CD1)
Bochum Welt
Cinematronics 2005 Elan
Dominik Eulberg
BegrГјГџung und Buntspecht 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Ellen Allien & Apparat
Sleepless 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
E.R.P. E.R.P. Wisteria 2005 Event Related Potential
Alter Ego
Why Not?! 2008 What's Next?!
Alter Ego
Why Not?! 2008 What's Next?!
Ellen Allien & Apparat
Floating Points 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
Dominik Eulberg
Die Rotbauchunken vom Tegernsee 2007 Heimische Gefilde
Boys Noize
Transmission 2009 Power (CD1)
Heiko Laux
Present Wave 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
No Boundry Condition 2006 Inertial Frame
- Trummerfeld 2008 Schone Neue Extrawelt
Ellen Allien & Apparat
Catalog#: BPC 125LP 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
Compactification 2007 Calabi Yau Space
Bochum Welt
Chelsea 2005 Elan
- Im Garten Von Eben 2008 Im Garten Von Eben Anniversary Remixes
Boys Noize
Lava Lava 2007 Oi Oi Oi
Boys Noize
Wu-Tang 2007 Oi Oi Oi
Boys Noize
Rozz Box 2009 Power (CD1)
Heiko Laux
Waves Ahead 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
Heiko Laux
The Bridge 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
E.R.P. E.R.P. Alsoran 2007 Alsoran [EP]
Ellen Allien & Apparat
Under 2006 Orchestra Of Bubbles
GroЯvater Paradoxon 2006 Inertial Frame
Heiko Laux
Journeys 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
The Exaltics
2008 - Machine Room 2008 Invasion ( Transient Force [ Tf014 ] )
Schwarzchild Radius 2006 Inertial Frame
Calabi Yau Manifold 2007 Calabi Yau Space
Zero Volume 2006 Inertial Frame
Holomorpic n-0 Form 2007 Calabi Yau Space
Axis Of Rotation 2006 Inertial Frame
The Exaltics
2009 - No Time To Spend 2009 The Arriving ( Transient Force [ Tf025 ] )
Universe Oscillation 2006 Inertial Frame
Bochum Welt
Blue Part 2 2005 Elan
Mirror Symmetry 2007 Calabi Yau Space
Bochum Welt
Blue Part 3 2005 Elan
Lorentz Contraction 2006 Inertial Frame
Bochum Welt
Interlude 2005 Elan
Bochum Welt
D.V.E. 2005 Elan
Heiko Laux
Sharpened 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
Hyperelliptic Surfaces 2007 Calabi Yau Space
E.R.P. E.R.P. Irma 2007 Alsoran [EP]
Heiko Laux
Shared Wave 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
Bochum Welt
Blue 2005 Elan
Hypersurface 2007 Calabi Yau Space
E.R.P. E.R.P. Silvae 2005 Event Related Potential
Dimension 11 2007 Calabi Yau Space
Bochum Welt
Joystick Coupler 2005 Elan
Heiko Laux
Fire At Will 2006 Waves [Kanzleramt]
E.R.P. E.R.P. Lament Subrosa 2007 Alsoran [EP]
E.R.P. E.R.P. Ephemera 2005 Event Related Potential