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Radio "Gyllene Tider and similar artists"

Twist In The Dark 1984 Shine
Gyllene Tider
Ska vi дlska, sе ska vi дlska till Buddy Holly 1981 Parkliv! Mjölby Folketspark 31 Juli 1981
Agnetha Faltskog
Nej se det snцar, Bjдllerklang 1981 Nu Tändas Tusen Juleljus
Gyllene Tider
Can You Touch Me? 1984 The Heartland Cafe
Gyllene Tider
Teaser Japanese 1984 The Heartland Cafe
Agnetha Faltskog
To Love 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Don't Do It 1984 Shine
Agnetha Faltskog
The Heat Is On 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Gyllene Tider
Flickan I En Cole Porter-Sang 1982 Puls
Tell Me It's Over 1982 Something's Going On
One Little Lie 1984 Shine
Agnetha Faltskog
Wrap Your Arms Around Me 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
One Little Lie 1984 Shine
The Face 1984 Shine
To Turn The Stone 1982 Something's Going On
Dans les iles 1983 Amours Propres
The Face 1984 Shine
Gyllene Tider
Hej! 1982 Puls
Gyllene Tider
Rock On 1984 The Heartland Cafe
Gyllene Tider
Ljudet Av Ett Annat Hjarta 1981 Moderna Tider
Agnetha Faltskog
Wrap Your Arms Around Me 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Agnetha Faltskog
Take Good Care Of Your Children 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Agnetha Faltskog
It's So Nice To Be Rich 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Agnetha Faltskog
Man 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Agnetha Faltskog
Take Good Care Of Your Children 1983 Wrap Your Arms Around Me
Per Gessle
Historier vi kan 1983 Per Gessle
Hic dans les comix 1983 Amours Propres
Ulf Lundell
Bara en fraga om nar 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
Ulf Lundell
Battre Tider 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
Passion dans l'est 1983 Amours Propres
Per Gessle
Fiskarnas tecken 1983 Per Gessle
Ulf Lundell
Glad igen 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
Ulf Lundell
Framlingar 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
West side 1983 Amours Propres
Per Gessle
Den ode stranden 1983 Per Gessle
Tout petit doute 1983 Amours Propres
Ulf Lundell
Odysseus 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
Ulf Lundell
Hem till mina rotter igen 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
Per Gessle
Om du har lust 1983 Per Gessle
Ulf Lundell
Ingens kvinna 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
Per Gessle
Indiansommar 1983 Per Gessle
Per Gessle
Syrenernas tid 1983 Per Gessle
Per Gessle
Pa vag 1983 Per Gessle
Ulf Lundell
Stackars Jack 1980 Langre Inat Landet (2CD)
Per Gessle
Ledmotiv fran 'Indiansommar' 1983 Per Gessle
Per Gessle
Overallt 1983 Per Gessle
Stupidites 1983 Amours Propres
Tiny Tinto 1983 Amours Propres
Partout c'est la merde 1983 Amours Propres
Haut et bas 1983 Amours Propres