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Radio "Jesper Kyd and similar artists"
Brian Tyler
Stay In The Light
2003 Darkness Falls / Темнота Наступает
James Newton Howard
Build A House Around Her
2003 Peter Pan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Brian Tyler
The Mask
2003 Darkness Falls / Темнота Наступает
John Ottman
Paris Gets It
2005 House Of Wax
Brian Tyler
Lose A Tooth
2003 Darkness Falls / Темнота Наступает
Craig Armstrong
First Day
2003 Love Actually
John Ottman
Toy Shrine
2005 Hide And Seek OST
Dario Marianelli
Liz on Top of The World
2005 Pride & Prejudice / Гордость и предубеждение
Alan Silvestri
It's Cursed, That Gun
2001 The Mexican / Мексиканец OST
Jack Wall
A Heartbeat Away
2001 Myst III Exile The Soundtrack
Greg Edmonson
Inside the Tam House
2005 Firefly OST
Jesper Kyd
H2 Action
2005 Hitman - Codename 47 & Hitman 2: Silent Assassin OST (CD2)
Brian Tyler
History Will Change
2003 Timeline
Greg Edmonson
Inara's Suite
2005 Firefly OST
James Newton Howard
06 - I Cannot See His Color.flac - 01
2004 The Village
Christopher Lennertz
Natives Are Restless
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Jack Wall
The Forest And The Swamp
2001 Myst III Exile The Soundtrack
James Newton Howard
Chase finale Pt.2
2002 The Package OST (Limited Edition)
Jack Wall
Yeesha’s Joyride
2005 Myst IV: Revelation
James Newton Howard
Ci Sono Anch'io
2002 Treasure Planet #2
Alan Silvestri
2001 The Mexican / Мексиканец OST
James Newton Howard
Hundert Remembers
2002 The Emperor's Club / Императорский клуб OST
Jesper Kyd
Hospital Themes
2005 Hitman - Codename 47 & Hitman 2: Silent Assassin OST (CD1)
James Newton Howard
05 - The Race Begins
2004 Hidalgo
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - War
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Jeremy Soule
Intro Theme
2003 The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind OST
Jack Wall
2001 Myst III Exile The Soundtrack
Bear McCreary
Starbuck on the Red Moon
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Jesper Kyd
Main Title
2005 Hitman - Codename 47 & Hitman 2: Silent Assassin OST (CD1)
Brian Tyler
The Preacher At Arrakeen
2002 Children Of Dune / Дети Дюны
John Ottman
What Bobby Can Do
2003 X-Men: United (2CD) (Soundtrack)
James Newton Howard
Captain Hook
2003 Peter Pan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Craig Armstrong
Natalie On The Stairs
2003 Love Actually
John Powell
Format: CD, Album
2002 Two Weeks Notice (Original Motion Picture Score)
Gustavo Santaolalla
When Our Wings Are Cut, Can We Still Fly?
2002 21 Grams / 21 грамм OST
John Powell
Suite on Banks
2002 Agent Cody Banks (Promo Score)
Harry Gregson-Williams
The Long Night
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
James Newton Howard
The Vote
2004 The Village / Таинственный лес OST
Gustavo Santaolalla
2004 The Motorcycle Diaries (die Reise Des Jungen Che)
James Newton Howard
Adopting Lost Boys-Peter Returns
2003 Peter Pan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Bear McCreary
Starbuck Takes on all Eight
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Alan Silvestri
Family Car Drive
2002 Stuart Little 2 & 3 / Стюарт Литтл 2 & 3 OST
John Ottman
If You Really Know
2003 X-Men: United (2CD) (Soundtrack)
Alan Silvestri
Main Title
2001 The Mexican / Мексиканец OST
Greg Edmonson
The Funeral
2005 Firefly OST
Jesper Kyd
Snow Battle
2003 Freedom Fighters OST
Alan Silvestri
A Gift And A Curse
2001 The Mummy Returns / Мумия возвращается OST
John Powell
Sid's Sing-A-Long
2005 Ice Age - The Meltdown
Alexandre Desplat
Something Really Cool
2005 Syriana OST
Alan Silvestri
Refusing Monty
2002 Stuart Little 2 & 3 / Стюарт Литтл 2 & 3 OST
Brian Tyler
2005 The Greatest Game Ever Played
Jesper Kyd
Freedom Fighters
2003 Freedom Fighters OST
John Powell
Creating Wonderbot
2005 Robots - Original Motion Picture Score
Jesper Kyd
Trouble in Russia
2005 Hitman - Codename 47 & Hitman 2: Silent Assassin OST (CD2)
John Powell
It's ok daddy
2001 I Am Sam Score
Craig Armstrong
Symphony for Isabelle
2001 Kiss Of The Dragon
Brian Tyler
A Chance Encounter
2005 The Greatest Game Ever Played
Alan Silvestri
Useless Crucifix
2004 Van Helsing / Ван Хельсинг OST
Jesper Kyd
Jungle Exploration
2005 Hitman - Codename 47 & Hitman 2: Silent Assassin OST (CD1)
John Ottman
Dead Girl in Shower
2005 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Soundtrack)
Craig Armstrong
The Ball
2005 Film Works 1995-2005
Bear McCreary
Kobol's Last Gleaming
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Craig Armstrong
Christmas Is All Around
2003 Love Actually
Brian Tyler
Enter the Wormhole
2003 Timeline
Alan Silvestri
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
2001 Selected Themes (CD2)
Gustavo Santaolalla
Does He Who Looks For The Truth, Deserve The Punishment For Finding It?
2002 21 Grams / 21 грамм OST
Brian Tyler
The Desert Journey
2002 Children Of Dune / Дети Дюны
John Powell
2003 Paycheck / Час Расплаты
Alan Silvestri
The Ring has vanished
2002 Stuart Little 2 & 3 / Стюарт Литтл 2 & 3 OST
John Powell
Bigweld Workshop
2005 Robots - Original Motion Picture Score
Jack Wall
The Sacrifice
2005 Myst IV: Revelation
Alexandre Desplat
2005 Syriana OST
Stuart Chatwood
Lost In The Crypts
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
John Powell
The Boat And The Geysers
2005 Ice Age - The Meltdown
Gustavo Santaolalla
Partida Del Leprosario
2004 The Motorcycle Diaries (die Reise Des Jungen Che)
Jeremy Soule
Knight's Charge
2002 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (AcRIP)
Craig Armstrong
Bad Policies
2003 Love Actually
Craig Armstrong
O Verona
2005 Film Works 1995-2005
Jesper Kyd
Fast Beat
2002 Minority Report / Особое Мнение - Score
Dario Marianelli
Stars And Butterflies
2005 Pride & Prejudice / Гордость и предубеждение
John Powell
Wolfe Pack
2003 Paycheck / Час Расплаты
Craig Armstrong
2004 Ray (Original Motion Picture Score)
John Ottman
Getting Out Alive
2003 X-Men: United (2CD) (Soundtrack)
Craig Armstrong
This Love
2005 Film Works 1995-2005
Jack Wall
Let Me Go!
2001 Myst III Exile The Soundtrack
Jeremy Soule
Store Theme
2002 Neverwinter Nights
Jesper Kyd
Flag of Freedom
2003 Freedom Fighters OST
John Ottman
Flashback - Dropping off Body
2005 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Soundtrack)
John Ottman
Fireside Chat
2003 X-Men: United (2CD) (Soundtrack)
Dario Marianelli
The Forest Comes To Life
2005 The Brothers Grimm / Братья Гримм
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Exclusive Track: Legacy
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Jeremy Soule
Theme 3
2003 The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind OST
Harry Gregson-Williams
2005 Kingdom Of Heaven (OST)
Bear McCreary
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Gustavo Santaolalla
Should I Let Her Know?
2002 21 Grams / 21 грамм OST
Bear McCreary
Main Title
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Jack Wall
Saavedro's Theme
2001 Myst III Exile The Soundtrack
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Exclusive Track: The Shaping of the World
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Christopher Lennertz
Shima Escapes
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Jack Wall
Deadwood Ridge
2001 Myst III Exile The Soundtrack
Greg Edmonson
2005 Firefly OST
John Ottman
Where is Everyone
2003 X-Men: United (2CD) (Soundtrack)
Greg Edmonson
2005 Firefly OST
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Duskwood
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Jeremy Soule
Bright Spears, Dark Blood
2002 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (AcRIP)
Harry Gregson-Williams
Muir's In The Hot Seat
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
Harry Gregson-Williams
To Jerusalem
2005 Kingdom Of Heaven (OST)
Jack Wall
The Predator
2005 Myst IV: Revelation
Bear McCreary
Flesh and Bone
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Alexandre Desplat
I'll Walk Around
2005 Syriana OST
Jeremy Soule
Soule, Jeremy - Guild Wars Theme
2005 Guild Wars
Harry Gregson-Williams
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD1)
Jeremy Soule
Theme 2
2003 The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind OST
Jeremy Soule
Shed Your Travails
2002 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (AcRIP)
Jeremy Soule
Battle Aribeth
2002 Neverwinter Nights
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Elwynn Forest
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Harry Gregson-Williams
Back At Shou-Chow Prison
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
Bear McCreary
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Christopher Lennertz
Shell Shock
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Harry Gregson-Williams
A Narnia Lullaby
2005 The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (OST)
Dario Marianelli
2005 Pride & Prejudice / Гордость и предубеждение
Alexandre Desplat
Driving in Geneva
2005 Syriana OST
Gustavo Santaolalla
Al Otro Lado Del Rio
2004 The Motorcycle Diaries (die Reise Des Jungen Che)
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Tanaris
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Gustavo Santaolalla
Can Emptiness Be Filled?
2002 21 Grams / 21 грамм OST
Bear McCreary
Baltar Speaks with Adama
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Dario Marianelli
It's You: You Know The Story
2005 The Brothers Grimm / Братья Гримм
Alexandre Desplat
2005 Syriana OST
Bear McCreary
2005 Battlestar Galactica OST (Season 1)
Dario Marianelli
Dickensian Beginnings
2005 The Brothers Grimm / Братья Гримм
Greg Edmonson
River's Dance
2005 Firefly OST
Dario Marianelli
A Postcard to Henry Purcell
2005 Pride & Prejudice / Гордость и предубеждение
Harry Gregson-Williams
Evacuating London
2005 The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (OST)
Gustavo Santaolalla
Can Light Be Found In The Darkness?
2002 21 Grams / 21 грамм OST
Dario Marianelli
Mrs. Darcy
2005 Pride & Prejudice / Гордость и предубеждение
Christopher Lennertz
The Hanger
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Greg Edmonson
Reavers Chase Serenity
2005 Firefly OST
Stuart Chatwood
Call To Arms
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Dario Marianelli
Can't Slow Down
2005 Pride & Prejudice / Гордость и предубеждение
Stuart Chatwood
Finish The Vizier
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Christopher Lennertz
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Stuart Chatwood
Time Only Knows
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Harry Gregson-Williams
An Understanding
2005 Kingdom Of Heaven (OST)
Greg Edmonson
My Crew
2005 Firefly OST
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Lurking
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Christopher Lennertz
Passing the Nevada
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Gustavo Santaolalla
2004 The Motorcycle Diaries (die Reise Des Jungen Che)
Christopher Lennertz
Deep in Guadal Canal
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Christopher Lennertz
Zero Attack
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Stuart Chatwood
Discover The Royal Chambers
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Stuart Chatwood
The Library
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Christopher Lennertz
PT Attack
2003 Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun (promo)
Greg Edmonson
2005 Firefly OST
Stuart Chatwood
The Tower Of Dawn
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Alexandre Desplat
2005 Syriana OST
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Exclusive Track: Song of Elune
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Matt Uelmen
2001 Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack
Jason Hayes
Hayes, Jason - Orgrimmar
2004 World Of Warcraft (Original Soundtrack)
Alexandre Desplat
2005 Syriana OST
Alexandre Desplat
The Commute
2005 Syriana OST
Stuart Chatwood
Welcome To Persia
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Stuart Chatwood
The Battle Begins
2004 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
Alexandre Desplat
Fields of Oil
2005 Syriana OST
Matt Uelmen
2001 Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack
Matt Uelmen
2001 Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack
Matt Uelmen
Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack
2001 Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack
Matt Uelmen
2001 Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack
Matt Uelmen
2001 Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack
Matt Uelmen
2001 Diablo II Expansion Set Soundtrack