Max Roach moreRoach was born in rural North Carolina in His mother sang gospel. His family moved to the Bedford-Stuyvesant 2013 The Complete Max Roach 1958 - 1962
Max Roach many ensembles, including a group of break dancers and rapper Fab 5 Freddy in what may be the first fusion of jazz and 2013 The Complete Max Roach 1958 - 1962
Max Roach Billy Harper, trumpeterCecil Bridgewater, pianist George Cables, electric bassist Eddie Mathias, and percussionist Ralph 2013 The Complete Max Roach 1958 - 1962
Max Roach recording with Gillespie simply titled Paris The year also saw the Manhattan School of Music award Roach -- who 2013 The Complete Max Roach 1958 - 1962
Max Roach trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie, and others at the famed locale. He was a frequent participant in after-hours jam sessions. 2013 The Complete Max Roach 1958 - 1962