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Radio "John Taylor Trio and similar artists"

Arild Andersen
Siv 1975 Clouds In My Head
Paul Bley
Summer 1973 Paul Bley & Nhop
Steve Kuhn
The Sandhouse 1975 Trance
Paul Bley
Seven 1973 Open, To Love
Steve Kuhn
Life's Backward Glance 1975 Trance
Arild Andersen
Cycles 1975 Clouds In My Head
Gary Peacock
Bonsho 1971 Voices
Paul Bley
Carla 1973 Paul Bley & Nhop
Gary Peacock
AE. AY. 1971 Voices
Arild Andersen
Song For A Sad Day 1975 Clouds In My Head
Gary Peacock
Requiem 1971 Voices
Paul Bley
Closer 1973 Open, To Love
Steve Kuhn
Trance 1975 Trance
Paul Bley
- Circles 1971 Ballads
Art Lande
Waltz For A 1974 Red Lanta
Paul Bley
Later 1973 Paul Bley & Nhop
John Taylor
- Awakening,Eye to Eye 1971 Pause, And Think Again
Paul Bley
Mating Of Urgency 1973 Paul Bley & Nhop
Art Lande
Miss Fortune 1974 Red Lanta
Gary Peacock
Hollows 1971 Voices
Art Lande
Cherifen Dream Of Renate 1974 Red Lanta
Paul Bley
Harlem 1973 Open, To Love
Art Lande
Velvet 1974 Red Lanta
Paul Bley
- So Hard It Turns 1971 Ballads
Arild Andersen
Outhouse 1975 Clouds In My Head
John Taylor
- Pause 1971 Pause, And Think Again
Steve Kuhn
Something Everywhere 1975 Trance
John Taylor
- And Think Again 1971 Pause, And Think Again
Arild Andersen
The Sword Under His Wings 1975 Clouds In My Head
Gary Peacock
Ishi 1971 Voices
Gary Peacock
Voice From The Past 1971 Voices
Arild Andersen
Last Song 1975 Clouds In My Head
Art Lande
Open Return 1974 Red Lanta
Steve Kuhn
The Young Blade 1975 Trance
Art Lande
Meanwhile 1974 Red Lanta
Steve Kuhn
A Change Of Face 1975 Trance
Art Lande
Quintennaisance 1974 Red Lanta
Art Lande
Awakening 1974 Red Lanta
Steve Kuhn
Squirt 1975 Trance
Art Lande
Verdulac 1974 Red Lanta
John Taylor
- White Magic 1971 Pause, And Think Again
Steve Kuhn
Silver 1975 Trance
Arild Andersen
Clouds In My Head 1975 Clouds In My Head
Arild Andersen
305 W 18 ST 1975 Clouds In My Head
John Taylor
- Interlude,Soft Winds 1971 Pause, And Think Again