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Radio "Jon Rose and similar artists"

Steam Trader 1995 Object Holder
Shelley Hirsch
Now I Am Yours: Landscape 1997 States
Cinder 1995 Object Holder
O Cure Me 1998 Live In Tokyo
Eavesdrop 1995 Object Holder
Luigi Nono
Staatsorchester Stuttgart - Bernhard Kontarsky - SchluЯchor 1995 Intolleranza 1960 (Staatsorchester Stuttgart, Bernhard Kontarsky) (2010 Warner Classics & Jazz)
Francis Dhomont
Scherzo 1997 Frankenstein Symphony
Across The Sky #3 1998 Live In Tokyo
AMM - Part3 1996 Laminal
Magical Power Mako
Blue Dot 1995 Bluedot
Shelley Hirsch
Blanche Bubois 1997 States
Zeena Parkins
Si Mahmoud Essadi: The Convert 1995 Isabelle
Helmut Lachenmann
02 Tanzsuite mit Deutschlandlied - I. abteilung: vorspann 1994 Reigen Seliger Geister - Tanzsuite Mit Deutschlandlied
Heiner Goebbels
MuМ€ller) 1994 Hörstücke
Mats Gustafsson
Viska: Two Hands 1997 Impropositions
Iva Bittova
BlГЎzen 1994 Ne Nehledej
Mauricio Kagel
Teodoro Anzelotti - episoden, figuren 1997 Solowerke Fur Akkordon Und Klavier
Zeena Parkins
Vexed Zeit 1998 No Way Back
Mauricio Kagel
Artista desconocido - Track06 1994 Klangwolfe, Unguis incarnatus est, An tasten, Trio
David Shea
2 Three Elements 3:20 1996 Hsi-Yu Chi
Teiji Ito
Sarabande 1998 King Ubu
Heiner Goebbels
1994 - Horstucke (FLAC, ECM 1452 - - Wolokolamsker Chaussee I Russische EroМ€ffnung 1994 Hörstücke
Zeena Parkins
Bowed Body Bonewhite 1998 No Way Back
Luigi Nono
Staatsorchester Stuttgart - Bernhard Kontarsky - Die Folterung - Szene 1995 Intolleranza 1960 (Staatsorchester Stuttgart, Bernhard Kontarsky) (2010 Warner Classics & Jazz)
Teiji Ito
Mennon's Song 1998 King Ubu
Distraction 1995 Object Holder
Kaoru Abe
8-Alto Sax Improvisation 43:31 1995 Solo Live At Gaya, Vol.8
Luigi Nono
luigi nono - Leggio V 1994 La Lontananza Nostalgica Utopica Futura
Iva Bittova
Kristus Pan se narodil 1995 Kolednice
Teiji Ito
Hurrah for War 1998 King Ubu
David Shea
Two Sisters Wedding 5:46 1996 Hsi-Yu Chi
Mats Gustafsson
Again 1995 Parrot Fish Eye
AMM - Allentown 1 1996 Live In Allentown Usa
Teiji Ito
Button Song 1998 King Ubu
Mark Dresser
Coda 1995 Force Green
O Cure Me 1998 Live In Tokyo
Flatwheel 1995 Object Holder
James Tenney
Chorale 1998 Music For Violin & Piano
Visible Gap 1995 Object Holder
Teiji Ito
Bear Music 1998 King Ubu
Heiner Goebbels
1994 - Horstucke (FLAC, ECM 1452 - - Wolokolamsker Chaussee IV Kentauren (Text Heiner 1994 Hörstücke
Mats Gustafsson
A, B, C, D, E, F, G 1997 Hidros One
Mauricio Kagel
93) - KlavieRhapsodie 1995 Piano Works
Mats Gustafsson
Plingaling 1997 Impropositions
Iva Bittova
KapitulnГ­ sГ­n 1994 Ne Nehledej
Mats Gustafsson
Even the rain 1995 Parrot Fish Eye
Heiner Goebbels
MuМ€ller) 1994 Hörstücke
The Trunk 1995 Object Holder
Heiner Goebbels
MuМ€ller) 1994 Hörstücke
Zeena Parkins
2Gun 1996 Mouth=Maul=Betrayer
Iva Bittova
Studenec 1994 Ne Nehledej
Francis Dhomont
Implosion 1996 Sous Le Regard D'un Soleil Noir
Shelley Hirsch
Temenos: Drone 1997 States
Zeena Parkins
a.Ice Pick b.The Dasher 1996 Mouth=Maul=Betrayer
Mats Gustafsson
A, B, C 1997 Hidros One
Zeena Parkins
Engineer – Elliott Sharp 1998 No Way Back
Alvin Curran
Animal Behavior 1995 Animal Behavior
AMM - Allentown 4 1996 Live In Allentown Usa
Mark Dresser
Invocation 1995 Invocation
Heiner Goebbels
1994 - Horstucke (FLAC, ECM 1452 - - Die Befreiung Des Prometheus Im Jubel Der 1994 Hörstücke
Luigi Nono
luigi nono - Leggio IV 1994 La Lontananza Nostalgica Utopica Futura
Zeena Parkins
Vita Futuristica 1998 No Way Back
Helmut Lachenmann
13 Tanzsuite mit Deutschlandlied - ьberleitung 1994 Reigen Seliger Geister - Tanzsuite Mit Deutschlandlied
Iva Bittova
Ne nehledej 1997 Iva Bittova
Francis Dhomont
Finale 1997 Frankenstein Symphony
Heiner Goebbels
1994 - Horstucke (FLAC, ECM 1452 - - Die Befreiung Des Prometheus Herakles Singt Vom 1994 Hörstücke
Mauricio Kagel
Artista desconocido - Track03 1994 Klangwolfe, Unguis incarnatus est, An tasten, Trio
AMM - Part5 1996 Laminal
Teiji Ito
Plotting 1998 King Ubu
Kaoru Abe
4-3 Alto Sax Improvisation 14:58 1995 Solo Live At Gaya, Vol.4
Teiji Ito
Japanese Flute 1998 King Ubu
Mark Dresser
Threaded 1995 Invocation
Teiji Ito
Music Box 1998 King Ubu
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
Tout de suite 1997 Upbeat
David Shea
Hsi-Yu Chi Solo Sampler Version 1998 Mort Aux Vaches
Zeena Parkins
Dreaming Lips 1998 No Way Back
Eugene Chadbourne
Misty, I Know Your Misty 'Cus You Miss Me When I'm Gone 1997 End To Slavery
Iva Bittova
Dedecek 1997 Iva Bittova
Kaoru Abe
10-1 Sopranino Improvisation 23:59 1995 Solo Live At Gaya, Vol.10
Across The Sky #2 1998 Live In Tokyo
Teiji Ito
Congo 1998 King Ubu
Helmut Lachenmann
01 II. Streichquartett - 'Reigen seliger Geister' - 1989 1994 Reigen Seliger Geister - Tanzsuite Mit Deutschlandlied
Iva Bittova
Sel Pan Kristus do zahrady 1995 Kolednice
Happy Mail 1997 Happy Mail
Heiner Goebbels
1994 - Horstucke (FLAC, ECM 1452 - - MAeLSTROMSUМ€DPOL Keep The Dog (Text Heiner 1994 Hörstücke
Mark Dresser
Ediface 1995 Force Green
Helmut Lachenmann
wiegenmusik 1995 Solo Pieces
Zeena Parkins
Oblivian Seekers 1995 Isabelle
Francis Dhomont
Allegro 1997 Frankenstein Symphony
David Shea
8 Two Elements 1:45 1996 Hsi-Yu Chi
Francis Dhomont
Le moi divis 1996 Sous Le Regard D'un Soleil Noir
David Shea
5 The Woodcutter And The Fisherman 4:09 1996 Hsi-Yu Chi
Kaoru Abe
3-3 Alto Sax Improvisation: Blowing With The Wind 18:10 1995 Solo Live At Gaya, Vol.3
This Ridge 1995 Object Holder
Heiner Goebbels
Heiner MuМ€ller) 1994 Hörstücke
improvisation with birds [52:13] 1996 Nickelsdorf Konfrontationen 1996
Eugene Chadbourne
Grey Skies Are Just Clouds Passing Over 1997 End To Slavery
Kaoru Abe
1-4 Alto Sax Improvisation 10:41 1995 Solo Live At Gaya, Vol.1
Iva Bittova
Byla cesta, byla uslapana 1995 Kolednice
Iva Bittova
Ples upiru 1997 Iva Bittova
Helmut Lachenmann
interieur I 1995 Solo Pieces
Fake Arabesque 1997 Happy Mail
Pachinko Cadaver 1997 Live In Tokyo
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
The Stinky Boy Suit 2 1995 Ayaya Moses
Mats Gustafsson
Long Titles - No Way! 1997 Impropositions
Mauricio Kagel
Artista desconocido - Track02 1994 Klangwolfe, Unguis incarnatus est, An tasten, Trio
Eugene Chadbourne
Oil Of Hate 1997 End To Slavery
Mauricio Kagel
Artista desconocido - Track04 1994 Klangwolfe, Unguis incarnatus est, An tasten, Trio
Shelley Hirsch
Burst 1997 States
Luigi Nono
Staatsorchester Stuttgart - Bernhard Kontarsky - Projektionen von Episoden des Schreckens und des 1995 Intolleranza 1960 (Staatsorchester Stuttgart, Bernhard Kontarsky) (2010 Warner Classics & Jazz)
Helmut Lachenmann
14 Tanzsuite mit Deutschlandlied - IV. abteilung: aria I 1994 Reigen Seliger Geister - Tanzsuite Mit Deutschlandlied
Mats Gustafsson
Other Brothers 1997 Impropositions
Luigi Nono
Staatsorchester Stuttgart - Bernhard Kontarsky - - Chor der Algerier und Flьchtlinge 1995 Intolleranza 1960 (Staatsorchester Stuttgart, Bernhard Kontarsky) (2010 Warner Classics & Jazz)
Francis Dhomont
Arr te! Arr te! Elle me tue 1996 Sous Le Regard D'un Soleil Noir
Luigi Nono
luigi nono - Leggio VI 1994 La Lontananza Nostalgica Utopica Futura
Magical Power Mako
Blue Dot II 1995 Bluedot
Luigi Nono
luigi nono - Leggio II 1994 La Lontananza Nostalgica Utopica Futura
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
Ayaya Moses 1995 Ayaya Moses
James Tenney
Diaphonic Toccata 1998 Music For Violin & Piano
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
Stinky Eye To Laugh Uncleanly at the Nurse 1997 Upbeat
Ginga 1997 Happy Mail
Helmut Lachenmann
10 Tanzsuite mit Deutschlandlied - III. abteilung: ьberleitung 1994 Reigen Seliger Geister - Tanzsuite Mit Deutschlandlied
Annie Gosfield
The Manufacture of Tangled Ivory, Part II 1998 Burnt Ivory And Loose Wires
Helmut Lachenmann
ein kinderspiel - falscher chinese, ein bisschen besoffen 1995 Solo Pieces
Mats Gustafsson
Knotted Canvas 1995 Parrot Fish Eye
Kaoru Abe
6-3 Sopranino Improvisation 32:51 1995 Solo Live At Gaya, Vol.6
Mauricio Kagel
Artista desconocido - Track01 1994 Klangwolfe, Unguis incarnatus est, An tasten, Trio
Annie Gosfield
Four Roses 1998 Burnt Ivory And Loose Wires
Francis Dhomont
P trification 1996 Sous Le Regard D'un Soleil Noir
Ricardo Sex 1997 Happy Mail
Orpheus Mirror 1998 Live In Tokyo
David Shea
Alpha II [New Version] 1998 Mort Aux Vaches
Shelley Hirsch
The Vidzer Family: Phillip 1997 States
Helmut Lachenmann
dal niente 1995 Solo Pieces
Todo Dia 1998 Live In Tokyo
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
The Why Me Suite 3 1995 Ayaya Moses
Mark Dresser
Threnody for Charles Mingus 1995 Invocation
Mauricio Kagel
Metapiece - version I 1995 Piano Works
Shelley Hirsch
Now I Am Yours: Silencio 1997 States
Luigi Nono
Staatsorchester Stuttgart - Bernhard Kontarsky - - Szene 1995 Intolleranza 1960 (Staatsorchester Stuttgart, Bernhard Kontarsky) (2010 Warner Classics & Jazz)
Mark Dresser
Polystop For Multiple Solo Bass 1995 Invocation
Mauricio Kagel
Teodoro Anzelotti - Rrrrrrr...: 4 orgelstucke 3] rossignols enrhumes 1997 Solowerke Fur Akkordon Und Klavier
Kill the Light Between the Womb and the Funeral Parlor 1997 Live In Tokyo
James Tenney
Ergodos II with instrumental responses 1998 Music For Violin & Piano
Alvin Curran
1994 Crystal Psalms
Annie Gosfield
Blue Serge 1998 Burnt Ivory And Loose Wires
It's Never Quiet 1998 Live In Tokyo
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
Freedom Is Your Frinds 2 1995 Ayaya Moses
Mark Dresser
For Miles 1995 Force Green
I Was Old 1998 Live In Tokyo
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
Uruk's Tablets 1995 Ayaya Moses
Francis Dhomont
Citadelle int rieure 1996 Sous Le Regard D'un Soleil Noir
They Go In Under Archways 1998 Live In Tokyo
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
Pulau Dewata 1995 Ayaya Moses
Shelley Hirsch
Temenos: Don't Touch The Rosebush 1997 States
Fred Frith Guitar Quartet
Antaeus Rosali's Song 1997 Upbeat
Eugene Chadbourne
A Stone From Every River 1997 End To Slavery
Eugene Chadbourne
Imitation Of Astral Traveling 1997 End To Slavery
Mark Dresser
Bosnia 1995 Force Green
Alvin Curran
1994 Crystal Psalms
Eugene Chadbourne
End To Slavery 1997 End To Slavery
Mark Dresser
Trenchant 1995 Invocation
Francis Dhomont
Le message quand vient le soir 1996 Sous Le Regard D'un Soleil Noir
David Tudor
Rainforest Version IV, Sliding Pitches In The Rainforest In The Field 1998 Rainforest (versions I & IV)
Alvin Curran
Why is This Night Different Than All Other Nights? 1995 Animal Behavior
Shelley Hirsch
War Of Dreams 1997 States
Shelley Hirsch
Temenos: Merci 1997 States
James Tenney
Diaphonic Trio 1998 Music For Violin & Piano
Low-tech 1997 Happy Mail
Magical Power Mako
Gothicthic II 1995 Bluedot
Morning Stars 1997 Happy Mail
Eugene Chadbourne
Amber 1997 End To Slavery
TRAP Crickets 1997 Happy Mail
Eugene Chadbourne
Symphony Of Weirdness 1997 End To Slavery
Magical Power Mako
Gothicthic 1995 Bluedot
Alvin Curran
Charlie's Park 1998 Theme Park
Eugene Chadbourne
Naima 1997 End To Slavery
Annie Gosfield
Nickolaievski Soldat 1998 Burnt Ivory And Loose Wires
Less than Lovers, More than Friends 1997 Happy Mail
James Tenney
3 Pages in the Shape of a Pear 1998 Music For Violin & Piano
Magical Power Mako
Mako Drum 1995 Bluedot
. . . . . . . . . . . . ! 1997 Happy Mail
David Tudor
Rainforest Version I, Music for Dance 1998 Rainforest (versions I & IV)
Alvin Curran
Theme Park 1998 Theme Park
Annie Gosfield
The Manufacture of Tangled Ivory, Part I 1998 Burnt Ivory And Loose Wires
Magical Power Mako
Ukawa Miming 1995 Bluedot