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Radio "Logic System and similar artists"

Bazoft Rope 1993 Vote Hezbollah
Haruomi Hosono
Esashi 1989 Omni Sight Seeing
Nocturnal Emissions
Condyle 1989 Magnetized Light
The Legendary Pink Dots
Swordfish Lament 1991 The Legendary Pink Box (CD2)
- Disco Hospital 1991 Love's Secret Domain
The Legendary Pink Dots
Expresso Noir 1991 The Maria Dimension
Yellow Magic Orchestra
Firecracker 1992 Hi-tech No Crime
Front 242
T. Slo-mo 1990 Tyranny >for You<
- Teenage Lightning 2 1991 Love's Secret Domain
Yellow Magic Orchestra
YMO - The End Of Asia 1992 Techno Bible
The Legendary Pink Dots
Legendary Pink Dots - Hanging Gardens 1989 Stone Circles
The Legendary Pink Dots
New Tomorrow 1990 The Crushed Velvet Apocalypse
Yellow Magic Orchestra
YMO - Computer Games 1992 Techno Bible
Cabaret Voltaire
Seconds Too Late 1990 The Living Legends...
Front 242
Moldavia 1991 Tyranny For You
The Legendary Pink Dots
The Grain Kings 1991 The Maria Dimension
Twice A Man
Figaro - Nine Pieces For Virtual Orchestra Part I 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Cabaret Voltaire
1991 - - - Keep On Pushin' 1991 Percussion Force
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Velvet Realm 1990 Buried Dreams
Einsturzende Neubauten
Wuste 1993 Tabula Rasa
Front 242
Agressiva Due 1992 Official Version 1986-1987
The Legendary Pink Dots
Closet Kings 1991 The Legendary Pink Box (CD2)
Twice A Man
Thorsten - The Blue Virgin 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Voice Recognition Test 1993 Voice Recognition Test
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Axiomatic and Heuristic 1991 Man-amplified
Severed Heads
Hot With Fleas 1990 Bulkhead
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - The Reign 1990 Buried Dreams
The Dark Age Of Love 1991 Love's Secret Domain
Nurse With Wound
Steel Dream March of the Metal Men 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Satyajit Eye 1993 Vote Hezbollah
Yellow Magic Orchestra
YMO - Seoul Music 1992 Techno Bible
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - NYC Overload 1991 Man-amplified
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Mouth Of Thee Knight 1993 Splinter Test 2
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Signal 1993 Sign
Young Europa Pts 1-10 1992 Kapital
The Tear Garden
[1992] Tear Garden, The - - Circles In The Sand 1992 The Last Man To Fly
Severed Heads
L.F.M. 1989 Rotund For Success
Haruomi Hosono
Laughter Meditation 1993 Medicine Compilation: From The Quiet Lodge
Hama 1990 Intifaxa
Yellow Magic Orchestra
YMO - Jiseki - Hirake Kokoro 1992 Techno Bible
The Legendary Pink Dots
Pennies for Heaven 1991 The Maria Dimension
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Decoder 4: Sex and the Married Frog 1993 Splinter Test 2
The Legendary Pink Dots
The Collector 1990 The Crushed Velvet Apocalypse
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Final Program 1991 Final Program
The Legendary Pink Dots
I Dream of Jeannie 1991 The Maria Dimension
Die Krupps
Crossfire 1993 Ii The Final Option
Severed Heads
Greater Reward 1990 Bulkhead
Die Krupps
The Dawning of Doom 1992 I
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track02 1991 Fireside Favourites
Nurse With Wound
- Zero Neither No 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Nocturnal Emissions
Shivering Mound 1989 Stoneface
Yellow Magic Orchestra
YMO - Radio Junk 1992 Techno Bible
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Virtual Flesh 1992 Bitstream
Front 242
Crapage 1993 06:21:03:11 Up Evil
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Eternity 1993 Sign
Twice A Man
Figaro - Nine Pieces For Virtual Orchestra Part VII 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Severed Heads
Seven of Oceans 1991 Cuisine with Piscatorial
Yellow Magic Orchestra
Waterford 1993 Technodon
The Tear Garden
[1992] Tear Garden, The - - Empathy With The Devil 1992 The Last Man To Fly
Teenage Lightning I 1991 Love's Secret Domain
Throbbing Gristle
Trained Condition of Obedience 1993 TG Box 1
Yellow Magic Orchestra
YMO - The Madmen 1992 Techno Bible
Jaffa 1993 Betrayal
Yellow Magic Orchestra
Kimi Ni Mune Kyun 1993 Ymo Versus The Human League
Nurse With Wound
- Dead Cold 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Severed Heads
Chasing Skirt 1989 Rotund For Success
Ramallah 1993 Betrayal
Severed Heads
Big Car 1990 Big Car Remix (CDS)
Nablus 1993 Betrayal
Nocturnal Emissions
Abduction 1989 Magnetized Light
Die Krupps
Shellshocked 1993 Ii The Final Option
Throbbing Gristle
Five Knuckle Shuffle 1993 TG Box 1
Teheran Via Train 1992 Zul'm
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track03 1991 Fireside Favourites
Nurse With Wound
Dream of a Butterfly Inside the Skull of a Horse 1989 A Sucked Orange
Yukihiro Takahashi
Rehabilitation 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Twice A Man
Emilia - Seduction In Church 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Nocturnal Emissions
Lud's Church 1989 Stoneface
Severed Heads
Rotund for Success 1989 Rotund For Success
Cabaret Voltaire
1991 - - - Dynamic Zone 1991 Percussion Force
Throbbing Gristle
Wall of Sound 1993 TG Box 1
Severed Heads
7 Miles 1989 Rotund For Success
Front 242
No Shuffle 1992 Backcatalogue 1981 - 1985
Front 242
With Your Cries 1992 Geography 1981 - 1983
Throbbing Gristle
No Two Ways 1993 TG Box 1
Nocturnal Emissions
Wikka Man 1989 Stoneface
Front 242
Rhythm Of Time 1991 Rhythm Of Time (CDS)
Twice A Man
Figaro - Nine Pieces For Virtual Orchestra Part VI 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Nocturnal Emissions
Duty Experiment 1989 Years 1989 Stoneface
Nurse With Wound
Peccadillo 1989 A Sucked Orange
Jerusalem Knife 1993 Hamas Arc
Throbbing Gristle
Assume Power Focus 1993 TG Box 1
The Power of The Word 1989 Uzi
Psychic TV
S.M.I.L.E. 1990 Beyond Thee Infinite Beat
Severed Heads
Greater Reward 1990 Bulkhead
Nurse With Wound
Two Mock Projections 1990 The Ladies Home Tickler
Nurse With Wound
- Colder Then 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Die Krupps
Doppelganger 1992 I
Haruomi Hosono
Ambient Meditation #3 1993 Medicine Compilation: From The Quiet Lodge
Cabaret Voltaire
Everything Is True 1993 International Language
Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal emissions - Wailer 1991 Cathedral
Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth 1993 TG Box 1
Cabaret Voltaire
Runaway 1990 Groovy, Laidback And Nasty
Cabaret Voltaire
1991 - - - Don't Walk Away 1991 Percussion Force
The Tear Garden
[1993] Tear Garden, The - - Do It Yourself From A-Z Part 2 1993 Sheila Liked The Rodeo [ep]
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Cold Dark Matter 1993 Splinter Test 2
Cabaret Voltaire
Cooled Out 1992 Plasticity
Cabaret Voltaire
Colours 1991 Colours [EP]
Cabaret Voltaire
Title Sequence 1990 Johnny Yesno [OST]
Nurse With Wound
Registered Nurse Second Coming 1990 The Ladies Home Tickler
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Prayer For Derek 1993 Splinter Test
Nurse With Wound
Cold 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Le Privilege Des Morts 1992 Kapital
Dance To The Music 1989 Les Rythmes Automatiques
Hymn To The Black Sun 1992 Kapital
Psychic TV
Thee Shadow Creatures 1993 Kondole
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Decoder 1: Music for Frogs 1993 Splinter Test 2
The Tear Garden
[1992] Tear Garden, The - - Turn Me On, Dead Man 1992 The Last Man To Fly
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Stained By Dead Horses 1993 Splinter Test
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Spliter Test 1993 Splinter Test 2
Twice A Man
Emilia - Ghosts - The Dance Of Emilia 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Throbbing Gristle
Forced Entry 1993 Live Volume 1, 1976-1978
Die Krupps
Inside Out 1993 Ii The Final Option
1993 - Airborne Bells 1993 Is Suicide A Solution?
Twice A Man
Figaro - Nine Pieces For Virtual Orchestra Part III 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Throbbing Gristle
They Make No Say 1993 TG Box 1
The Tear Garden
[1992] Tear Garden, The - - The Great Lie 1992 The Last Man To Fly
Die Krupps
The Power 1992 I
Yukihiro Takahashi
...... 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track09 1991 Fireside Favourites
The Tear Garden
[1992] Tear Garden, The - - Isis Veiled 1992 The Last Man To Fly
The Tear Garden
[1992] Tear Garden, The - - Last Post 1992 The Last Man To Fly
Die Krupps
Simply Say No 1992 I
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track04 1991 Fireside Favourites
The Tear Garden
[1993] Tear Garden, The - - Keep The Bomb Under Your Coat 1993 Sheila Liked The Rodeo [ep]
Die Krupps
Fatherland 1993 Ii The Final Option
Haruomi Hosono
Armenian Orientation 1993 Medicine Compilation: From The Quiet Lodge
Die Krupps
Ministry of Fear 1992 I
Nocturnal Emissions
Squaking Jenny 1989 Stoneface
Nocturnal Emissions
Dorsiflexion 1989 Magnetized Light
Yukihiro Takahashi
4:30am ..... 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Twice A Man
Thorsten - Chaos In God's Neighbour 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Twice A Man
Emilia - Marinelli's Plot 1992 Figaro - Thorsten - Emilia
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track08 1991 Fireside Favourites
The Tear Garden
[1993] Tear Garden, The - - Sheila Liked The Rodeo 1993 Sheila Liked The Rodeo [ep]
Haruomi Hosono
Laugh-Gas 1989 Omni Sight Seeing
Rock Around The Clock 1989 Les Rythmes Automatiques
Yukihiro Takahashi
....... 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
1993 - Is Suicide A Solution 1993 Is Suicide A Solution?
Haruomi Hosono
Retort 1989 Omni Sight Seeing
Haruomi Hosono
Pleocene 1989 Omni Sight Seeing
Einsturzende Neubauten
Zebulon 1993 Tabula Rasa
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track06 1991 Fireside Favourites
Twist A Saint-Tropez 1989 Les Rythmes Automatiques
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track01 1991 Fireside Favourites
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track07 1991 Fireside Favourites
Einsturzende Neubauten
Sie 1993 Tabula Rasa
Yukihiro Takahashi
What The World Needs Now Is Love 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Yukihiro Takahashi
Forever Bursting Into Flame 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Yukihiro Takahashi
1% ... 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Einsturzende Neubauten
12305 1993 Tabula Rasa
Einsturzende Neubauten
Headcleaner 1993 Tabula Rasa
Fad Gadget
Unknown Artist - Track05 1991 Fireside Favourites
Yukihiro Takahashi
6,000,000,000 ... 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Yukihiro Takahashi
The Sensual Object Dance 1990 Broadcast From Heaven
Einsturzende Neubauten
Die Interimsliebenden 1993 Tabula Rasa
Einsturzende Neubauten
blume 1993 Tabula Rasa