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Radio "Mario Pavone Nu Trio and similar artists"

Dirk Wachtelaer
Konstruction 6 2001 Konstruction / Deconstruktion
Bertrand Denzler Cluster
3 1998 Y?
Paul Dunmall
Octet - Trumpet Solo 1997 Desire and Liberation
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Beyond The Ancient 1997 Duets For Percussion
Paul Dunmall
The expanding universe 3:46 2001 Solo Bagpipes II
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Bonemeal 2001 Bonemeal
Border Meetings
Berlin 2000 Border Meetings
Dirk Wachtelaer
Mechelen 1999 Elac Drumming
Bertrand Denzler Cluster
1 1998 Y?
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Green Eyes, Fireflies 2001 Bonemeal
Paul Dunmall
The saint 3:21 1999 Solo Bagpipes
Paul Dunmall
The lair 4:54 1999 Solo Bagpipes
Bertrand Denzler Cluster
2 1998 Y?
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Ornette's Quest 1997 Duets For Percussion
Border Meetings
The Other Side 2000 Border Meetings
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Strong Coffee 1997 Duets For Percussion
Border Meetings
Villes frontiиres 2000 Border Meetings
Dirk Wachtelaer
No Return 1999 Elac Drumming
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Limp Forever 1997 Duets For Percussion
Border Meetings
Gemmipass 2000 Border Meetings
Daunik Lazro Quintet
Pat 1997 Dourou
Border Meetings
Williams House 2000 Border Meetings
Dirk Wachtelaer
Konstruction 8 2001 Konstruction / Deconstruktion
Paul Dunmall
East 2000 Eastwestnorthsouth
Dirk Wachtelaer
Konstruction 1 2001 Konstruction / Deconstruktion
Paul Dunmall
North 2000 Eastwestnorthsouth
Dirk Wachtelaer
The Long Day Closes 1999 Elac Drumming
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Trains 1997 Duets For Percussion
Dirk Wachtelaer
Konstruction 4 2001 Konstruction / Deconstruktion
Dirk Wachtelaer
Konstruction 5 2001 Konstruction / Deconstruktion
Dirk Wachtelaer
Tri 10: O Sin 1999 Elac Drumming
Vanishing Pictures
The 25th Century 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Displace The Kits 1997 Duets For Percussion
Vanishing Pictures
Felo Q. 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Border Meetings
Membranes and Interfaces 2000 Border Meetings
Daunik Lazro Quintet
Malachi 1997 Dourou
Border Meetings
Daydreams & Nightmares 2000 Border Meetings
Vanishing Pictures
The Flying Red Horse 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Border Meetings
Psycho 2000 Border Meetings
Vanishing Pictures
Match Vibe 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
No, It's Fern 1997 Duets For Percussion
Paul Dunmall
South 2000 Eastwestnorthsouth
Border Meetings
1789-1989 2000 Border Meetings
Paul Dunmall
The day before freedom 6:19 2001 Solo Bagpipes II
Vanishing Pictures
Sonido 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Paul Dunmall
West 2000 Eastwestnorthsouth
Daunik Lazro Quintet
Catty 1997 Dourou
Vanishing Pictures
At Muftips 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Vanishing Pictures
Ugly Gash 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Zero Zone 1997 Duets For Percussion
Brad Dutz & John Holmes
Waaay Too Much! 1997 Duets For Percussion
Daunik Lazro Quintet
Candide 1997 Dourou
Vanishing Pictures
If You Believe Rumours 2001 Vanishing Pictures
Daunik Lazro Quintet
Africa Lab 1997 Dourou
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Star Crossed Lovers 2001 Bonemeal
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Choppers 2001 Bonemeal
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Blues Bred In The Bone 2001 Bonemeal
Bertrand Denzler Cluster
4 1998 Y?
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Kind Of Garnerish 2001 Bonemeal
Vanishing Pictures
Pueblo, Colorado 2001 Vanishing Pictures
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Snoo Tune 2001 Bonemeal
The Ray Anderson Quartet
Microwave Woman 2001 Bonemeal