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Radio "Matthew Garrison and similar artists"

Chad Wackerman
Cycles 1999 Scream
Gary Willis
No Sweat 1997 No Sweat
Atamanashi 2000 CAB
Gary Willis
Do the math 1998 Bent
Chad Wackerman
The Grey Chair 1999 Scream
Gary Willis
Armageddon blues 1998 Bent
On The Virg
Native Metal 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jazz Pistols
Tracklist: 1997 3 On The Floor
Dean Brown
Just For Kicks 2001 Here
Attention Deficit
RSVP 2001 The Idiot King
Gary Willis
Hipmotize 1998 Bent
Dean Brown
Seven Groove Interlude 2001 Here
Dean Brown
Big Foot 2001 Here
Jazz Pistols
Bad 15 03:36 1997 3 On The Floor
Vail Johnson
Green Eyed Lady 1997 Says Who
Stuart Hamm
Star Spangled Banner 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Jeff Berlin
Joe Frazier 1998 Crossroads
Just Perfect 2000 CAB
Jeff Berlin
Crossroads 1998 Crossroads
Vail Johnson
I Know 1997 Says Who
Jeff Berlin
Motherlode 1998 Crossroads
Night Splash 2000 CAB
Dean Brown
Tell It 2001 Here
Victor Bailey
Continuum 1999 Low Blow
Dean Brown
Belive Me 2001 Here
Jeff Berlin
Imagine! 1997 Taking Notes
Dean Brown
Back in The Day 2001 Here
On The Virg
Out Of The Haze 1999 Serious Young Insects
Attention Deficit
Dubya 2001 The Idiot King
Gary Willis
The Everlasting Night 1997 No Sweat
Victor Bailey
Lowblow 1999 Low Blow
Dean Brown
Gemini 2001 Here
Victor Bailey
Nothing But Net 2001 That's Right!
Chad Wackerman
The City 1999 Scream
Attention Deficit
American Jingo 2001 The Idiot King
Victor Bailey
City Living 1999 Low Blow
Mark Egan
Habanero Nights 2001 Freedom Town
Attention Deficit
Nightmare on 48th St 2001 The Idiot King
Gary Willis
Before your eyes 1998 Bent
Dean Brown
Back in The Day 2001 Here
Gary Willis
Bowlegged 1998 Bent
Chad Wackerman
Youse from Here? 1999 Scream
Jazz Pistols
Happy Hour 1999 Three On The Moon
Jeff Berlin
Bach 1998 Crossroads
Gary Willis
Cadillac 1998 Bent
Mark Egan
Tricycles 2001 Freedom Town
Gary Willis
Everything's cool 1998 Bent
Victor Bailey
Steamy 2001 That's Right!
Jazz Pistols
Man In The Woods 1999 Three On The Moon
Stuart Hamm
Lydian 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Victor Bailey
Joey 2001 That's Right!
Jazz Pistols
Take The Brake 04:02 1997 3 On The Floor
Victor Bailey
Goose Bumps 2001 That's Right!
Steve Hunt
From Your Heart and Your Soul 1997 From Your Heart And Your Soul
Jeff Berlin
Sean En La Madrugada 1997 Taking Notes
Stuart Hamm
The Memo 2000 Outbound
Jeff Berlin
Dixie 1998 Crossroads
Jazz Pistols
Three On The Floor 04:43 1997 3 On The Floor
Dean Brown
The Clave Groove 2001 Here
On The Virg
Malfunction 1999 Serious Young Insects
Victor Bailey
The Rope-A-Dope 2001 That's Right!
Mark Egan
Outskirts 2001 Freedom Town
Victor Bailey
That's Right! 2001 That's Right!
Chad Wackerman
Between the Dog and the Wolf 1999 Scream
Vail Johnson
Rufus 1997 Says Who
Jeff Berlin
Johnny Joker 1997 Taking Notes
Stuart Hamm
Further Down Market 2000 Outbound
Jeff Berlin
Marabi 1998 Crossroads
Chad Wackerman
Scream 1999 Scream
Attention Deficit
Low Voter Turnout 2001 The Idiot King
Chad Wackerman
Holland 1999 Scream
Jazz Pistols
Beast 1999 Three On The Moon
Jazz Pistols
Moby Dick 1999 Three On The Moon
The Watcher 2000 CAB
Jazz Pistols
---------- 1997 3 On The Floor
Chad Wackerman
The Way Out 1999 Scream
Vail Johnson
Soundcheck 1997 Says Who
Vail Johnson
Glide 1997 Says Who
On The Virg
Trencherman 1999 Serious Young Insects
Boogie Me 2000 CAB
On The Virg
Sort Yourself Out 1999 Serious Young Insects
Steve Hunt
Wring It Out 1997 From Your Heart And Your Soul
Chad Wackerman
The Grey Chair 1999 Scream
Vail Johnson
Organ Jam MK II 1997 Says Who
Mark Egan
The Flame 2001 Freedom Town
Elastic Man 2000 CAB
Stuart Hamm
A Better World 2000 Outbound
On The Virg
Running From The Aliens 1999 Serious Young Insects
Mark Egan
... Has Left the Building 2001 Freedom Town
Vail Johnson
Says Who 1997 Says Who
Stuart Hamm
The Castro Hustle 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Steve Hunt
Belle Faccia 1997 From Your Heart And Your Soul
Stuart Hamm
Lydian 2000 Outbound
Stuart Hamm
The Memo 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Stuart Hamm
Star Spangled Banner 2000 Outbound
Vail Johnson
Ain't Gonna Be me 1997 Says Who
Vail Johnson
Parliamentary Procedure 1997 Says Who
Mark Egan
Freedom Town 2001 Freedom Town
On The Virg
Dragon Bones 1999 Serious Young Insects
On The Virg
Pentathlon 1999 Serious Young Insects
Steve Hunt
One Thing After Another 1997 From Your Heart And Your Soul
On The Virg
Pyramids On Mars 1999 Serious Young Insects
Attention Deficit
The Risk of Failure 2001 The Idiot King
Mark Egan
Kauai 2001 Freedom Town
So There Is Love 2000 CAB
One For Stern 2000 CAB
Mark Egan
Heart Beat 2001 Freedom Town
Mark Egan
Jack Hall 2001 Freedom Town
Attention Deficit
Public Speaking is Very Easy 2001 The Idiot King
Attention Deficit
Unclear, Inarticulate Things 2001 The Idiot King
Attention Deficit
My Fellow Astronauts 2001 The Idiot King
Steve Hunt
Point of Light 1997 From Your Heart And Your Soul