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Radio "Michel Portal and similar artists"

Joachim Kuhn
August in Paris 2002 Universal Time
Paul Bley
--------------------------------------------------------- 2001 Partners
Joachim Kuhn
Solo 22 2002 Solos
Marty Ehrlich
The Falling Rains of Life 2001 Song
Joachim Kuhn
Bank Of Memory 1998 The Joachim Kuhn Collection
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Sveti Boze 1999 Koreni
Paul Bley
Track 9 2001 Partners
Paul Bley
Footloose (1962 - - Floater 2000 Footloose (complete Edition) (1962-63)
Greg Osby
Extreme Behavior 1998 Zero
Marty Ehrlich
The Git Go 1999 Sojourn
Hadouk Trio
Hadouk - Bille en tкte 2002 Now
Tim Berne
Open, Coma 2001 Open, Coma
Daniel Humair
Pablo 2002 Ear Mix
Carla Bley
Romantic Notion #6 1998 Fancy Chamber Music
Daniel Humair
'Round Midnight 1999 Humair Louiss Ponty Vol 1
The Vandermark 5
Hbf 3 2001 Acoustic Machine
David Binney
Moment in Memory 2001 South
Gianluigi Trovesi
Il Postino 1999 In Cerca Di Cibo
David Krakauer
A New Hot One 2000 A New Hot One
Paul Bley
Filename Z:Music & Gary Peacock - Partners [FLAC] {SSC 3503}10 - Twitter Pat.wav 2001 Partners
Julien Lourau
Bulkamer 2001 The Rise
Tim Berne
Chang 1998 Empire Box
Julien Lourau
Tu mi turbi 2001 The Rise
Paul Bley
Coleman's "Latin Genetics." The parting shot "No Pun Intended" is a humorous, atonal, avant-garde, extended-techniques 2001 Partners
Marilyn Crispell
Opium Dream Eyes 2001 Selected Works 1983-1986 (2CD)
Paul Bley
Extraction speed 8 X 2001 Partners
Paul Bley
Accurately ripped [61F6531C] 2001 Partners
Paul Bley
6 | 20:45 | 5:55 | 93195 | 118224 2001 Partners
Tim Berne
A Pearl in the Oliver C. 1998 Empire Box
Paul Bley
21) Accurately ripped 2001 Partners
Marilyn Crispell
Rounds 2001 Amaryllis
Gianluigi Trovesi
In cerca di cibo 1999 In Cerca Di Cibo
Baptiste Trotignon
travail collectif car concernant avant tout un trio sereinement soudé, cultivant l'échange, l'écoute attentive, un 2001 Sightseeing
Richard Galliano
Tango Pour Claude 1999 Concerts Inedits - Duo (Michel Portal)
Baptiste Trotignon
batterie, le pianiste y expose ses nombreuses idées, tant dans le domaine de l'harmonie que dans celui du rythme. Un 2001 Sightseeing
Enrico Rava
Eigua 1998 Certi Angoli Segreti
Myriam Alter
- If 2002 If
Louis Sclavis
L'Affrontement Des Pretendants 2001 L'affrontement Des Pretendants
Ellery Eskelin
Sequence - Consequence 2000 The Secret Museum
David Binney
- Girl of the Southern Sky 1998 Free To Dream
Marty Ehrlich
Movement III 2002 The Long View
Baptiste Trotignon
Flow 2000 Suite...
Daniel Humair
Sonny Moon for Two 1999 Humair Louiss Ponty Vol 1
Enrico Rava
Bandoleros 1998 Certi Angoli Segreti
Marty Ehrlich
The Modzitzer Nigun 1999 Sojourn
Enrico Rava
& Ran Blake – Certi Angoli 2000 Duo En Noir
Baptiste Trotignon
No errors occurred 2001 Sightseeing
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Wadi Rum 2001 Navigatore
Gianluigi Trovesi
Le maschere: Pierrot 1998 Around Small Fairy Tales
Baptiste Trotignon
Suite... Prologue 2000 Suite...
Henri Texier
Azur Quintet - Dezarwa 2002 Strings' Spirit (2CD)
Leon Parker
All My Life 1998 The Awakening
David Binney
- Where the Rain Shines 1998 Free To Dream
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Koreni 1999 Koreni
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Alto Pais 2001 Navigatore
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
CD-Rom 1999 Koreni
David Binney
- Free to Dream 1998 Free To Dream
Daniel Humair
Bag's Groove 1999 Humair Louiss Ponty Vol 1
Gianluigi Trovesi
Dance for a King - Fragment 2 2002 Dedalo
Joachim Kuhn
Round Trip 2002 Universal Time
Baptiste Trotignon
Suite... Part II 2000 Suite...
John Surman
Dark Corners 2000 Coruscating
Baptiste Trotignon
Clovis Nicolas - bass 2001 Sightseeing
Richard Galliano
Fou rire 2001 Gallianissimo!
Baptiste Trotignon
personnel : 2001 Sightseeing
Enrico Rava
& Ran Blake – There's a Small Hotel 2000 Duo En Noir
Joachim Kuhn
Monroe 2002 Universal Time
Marilyn Crispell
Quartet Improvisations, Paris 1986 2001 Selected Works 1983-1986 (2CD)
Richard Galliano
Tango pour Claude 2001 Gallianissimo!
The Vandermark 5
Wherever June Bugs Go 2000 Free Jazz Classics Vol. 1
Enrico Rava
Could Be Goodbye 1998 Certi Angoli Segreti
Leon Parker
Makin' Love 2001 The Simple Life
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - Jungle Hard Bop 2000 Time 4 Change
Marty Ehrlich
Movement IV 2002 The Long View
Baptiste Trotignon
Make use of C2 pointers : No 2001 Sightseeing
Richard Galliano
La valse a Margaux 2001 Gallianissimo!
Greg Osby
Indiana 2000 The Invisible Hand
Joachim Kuhn
Solo 21 2002 Solos
Gianluigi Trovesi
Minor Dance 1999 In Cerca Di Cibo
Leon Parker
Jungle 2001 The Simple Life
Marilyn Crispell
Morpion 2001 Amaryllis
The Vandermark 5
Attempted, Not Known 1998 Target Or Flag
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - Battle in a Box 2000 Time 4 Change
The Vandermark 5
Vandermark 5 - Cover to Cover 1999 Simpatico
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Tout Neuf 2000 Solobsession
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - If I could 2002 Stories
Gianluigi Trovesi
Pinocchio - in groppa al tonno 1999 In Cerca Di Cibo
Leon Parker
O.K. 2001 The Simple Life
Richard Galliano
Tacot Blues 1998 French Touch
Marilyn Crispell
Rhythms Hung in Undrawn Sky 2001 Selected Works 1983-1986 (2CD)
The Vandermark 5
Auto Topography 2001 Acoustic Machine
David Binney
- The Mondello Line 1998 Free To Dream
Marilyn Crispell
Element Air...Leap 2001 Selected Works 1983-1986 (2CD)
Julien Lourau
Voodoo house 2000 Gambit
Greg Osby
Ozthetica 1998 Zero
Ellery Eskelin
You'll Know When You Get There... 2000 The Secret Museum
Leon Parker
Peace 2001 The Simple Life
David Binney
- Goddess 1998 Free To Dream
John Surman
Suite from apartment 5C 2002 Bande Originale du film "Apartment #5C" (2002)
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Srtcha 1999 Koreni
Henri Texier
- Happy Daze 1998 Mosaic Man
John Surman
For the moment 2000 Coruscating
The Vandermark 5
Last Call 1998 Target Or Flag
Stefano Di Battista
Quintet - Miccettina 1998 A Prima Vista
David Binney
- Sea of Allurement 1998 Free To Dream
Gianluigi Trovesi
Dance for a King 1998 Around Small Fairy Tales
Joachim Kuhn
Wandlungen 1998 The Joachim Kuhn Collection
Louis Sclavis
Qumran 1999 Objets Bruts
Greg Osby
3 for Civility 2001 Symbols Of Light (A Solution)
Greg Osby
Two over One 1998 Zero
Hadouk Trio
Malherbe Ehrlich Shehan - Gopi 1999 Shamanimal
Marty Ehrlich
The Secret Of Light 1999 Sojourn
The Vandermark 5
Hbf 5 2001 Acoustic Machine
Marty Ehrlich
Fauve 2001 Song
Joachim Kuhn
Concorde 2002 Universal Time
Louis Sclavis
Hommage A Lounes Matoub 2001 L'affrontement Des Pretendants
Gianluigi Trovesi
Labirinto 2002 Les Boites A Musique
The Vandermark 5
Cruz Campo 2002 ~airports For Light~
The Vandermark 5
Saturn 2000 Free Jazz Classics Vol. 1
Greg Osby
Deuce Ana Quota 1998 Zero
Louis Sclavis
Le Miroir 2002 Dans La Nuit
David Binney
Arlmyn Trangent Reliv 2002 Balance
Enrico Rava
Laura 2000 Duo En Noir
Henri Texier
- Out of the Lights 1998 Mosaic Man
Hadouk Trio
Hadouk - Thйвtre des Singes 2002 Now
David Binney
Speedy's 9 is 10 2002 Balance
Myriam Alter
Children play 2002 If
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - The Present 2000 Time 4 Change
Rabih Abou-Khalil
La Seduction - Charab Et Tout 2002 Il Sospiro
Tim Berne
Impacted Wisdom 2001 Open, Coma (CD2)
John Surman
She leaves the swimming pool - Nicky knocks the door 2002 Bande Originale du film "Apartment #5C" (2002)
Enrico Rava
& Ran Blake – Shake the Cage 2000 Duo En Noir
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Multi Don Kulti 2000 Solobsession
Julien Lourau
The Rise 2001 The Rise
Julien Lourau
Contigo En La Distencia 2001 The Rise
Leon Parker
Street Sounds 2001 The Simple Life
Stefano Di Battista
Quintet - Benji 1998 A Prima Vista
Daniel Humair
Summertime 1999 Humair Louiss Ponty Vol 1
Marilyn Crispell
Song for Abdullah 2001 Selected Works 1983-1986 (2CD)
Greg Osby
Diary of the Same Dream 2002 Inner Circle
Tim Berne
Hard Cell 2001 The Shell Game
Myriam Alter
- An Intrigant Melody 2002 If
Louis Sclavis
Dans la nuit 2002 Dans La Nuit
Myriam Alter
- Home 2002 If
Julien Lourau
Hulio's Blues 2001 The Rise
Marty Ehrlich
Eliahu: 2nd Variation 1999 Sojourn
Leon Parker
C' Est Moi 2001 The Simple Life
Stefano Di Battista
Stefano di Battista - Time For A Solo 2000 Stefano Di Battista
Stefano Di Battista
Stefano di Battista - Your Romance 2000 Stefano Di Battista
Louis Sclavis
Hors Les Murs 2001 L'affrontement Des Pretendants
David Krakauer
lower case e 2000 A New Hot One
Myriam Alter
- You Should Stay 2002 If
Stefano Di Battista
Stefano di Battista - The Next Nine Hours 2002 Round About Roma
Stefano Di Battista
Stefano di Battista - Johnny's Time 2000 Stefano Di Battista
Gianluigi Trovesi
Dance for a King - Fragment 1 2002 Dedalo
Hadouk Trio
Hadouk - Grand Large 2002 Now
David S. Ware
Glorified Calypso 2000 Surrendered
Rabih Abou-khalil
Rabih Abou-Khalil - Imminent Journey 1998 Yara
Marty Ehrlich
Day of the Dark Bright Light 2001 Song
Henri Texier
Azur Quintet - Charles Le Bon 2002 Strings' Spirit (2CD)
Stefano Di Battista
Stefano di Battista - Roma Antica 2002 Round About Roma
Carla Bley
- Birds of Paradise 2000 Birds Of Paradise
Myriam Alter
You should stay 2002 If
David Krakauer
The Russian Shers 2000 A New Hot One
David S. Ware
Dao 1999 Balladware
Henri Texier
- Togo 1998 Mosaic Man
Henri Texier
Azur Quintet - Tonic Tony 2002 Strings' Spirit (2CD)
Stefano Di Battista
Quintet - Dina 1998 A Prima Vista
Hadouk Trio
Hadouk - Barca Solaris 2002 Now
Carla Bley
- Chicken 2000 Birds Of Paradise
Rabih Abou-Khalil
Maltese Chicken Farm 2001 The Cactus Of Knowledge
Enrico Rava
Tango For Vasquez & Pepita 1998 Certi Angoli Segreti
Stefano Di Battista
Stefano di Battista - Amoroso 2002 Round About Roma
Hadouk Trio
Hadouk - Alma Celesta 2002 Now
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Solobsession 2000 Solobsession
Myriam Alter
Carousel 1999 Alter Ego
Myriam Alter
Change in Rhythm 1999 Alter Ego
Daniel Humair
Quatrolingual 2002 Ear Mix
David Krakauer
A Simcha Gone Mad Medley 2000 A New Hot One
Leon Parker
Evy's Samba 2001 The Simple Life
Leon Parker
Tokyo 1998 The Awakening
Marilyn Crispell
Silence 2001 Amaryllis
Tim Berne
Thin Ice 2001 The Shell Game
Julien Lourau
Anda, Jaleo 2001 The Rise
Julien Lourau
El Gato Porteсo 2001 The Rise
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - Blues in the Background 2000 Time 4 Change
Carla Bley
End of Vienna 1998 Fancy Chamber Music
Enrico Rava
Electric Five 1998 Certi Angoli Segreti
Rabih Abou-Khalil
An Oyster In Paris 2002 Il Sospiro
Greg Osby
Equalatogram 2002 Inner Circle
Myriam Alter
It's all there 2002 If
Marc Ducret
Le bruit court 1998 Un Certain Malaise
Louis Sclavis
Bafouee 1999 Objets Bruts
Ellery Eskelin
Resident Alien 2000 Ramifications
Carla Bley
Romantic Notion #4 1998 Fancy Chamber Music
Louis Sclavis
Bert 1999 Objets Bruts
Marilyn Crispell
Voice from the past 2001 Amaryllis
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Cecen Kizi 1999 Koreni
Greg Osby
Wild Is the Wind 2001 Symbols Of Light (A Solution)
Ellery Eskelin
We See 2000 The Secret Museum
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - Don't Axe Me 2000 Time 4 Change
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - French elections 2002 Stories
Louis Sclavis
Amour et Beautй 2002 Dans La Nuit
Carla Bley
- Major 2000 Birds Of Paradise
David S. Ware
1997 - Estheticmetric 1998 Go See The World
David Krakauer
Klezmer Г  la Bechet 2000 A New Hot One
Tim Berne
Open, Coma 2001 Open, Coma 2CD
Tim Berne
Impacted Wisdom 2001 Open, Coma 2CD
Tim Berne
iHornet 2002 Science Friction
Ellery Eskelin
Mediation 2000 The Secret Museum
Hadouk Trio
Malherbe Ehrlich Shehan - Shamanimal 1999 Shamanimal
Hadouk Trio
Malherbe Ehrlich Shehan - Dragon de Lune 1999 Shamanimal
Daniel Humair
Carole's Garden 1999 Humair Louiss Ponty Vol 1
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Ultimo Fandango 2001 Navigatore
Rabih Abou-Khalil
Serenade To A Mule 2002 Il Sospiro
John Surman
Crystal Walls 2000 Coruscating
Hadouk Trio
Hadouk - Nacarat 2002 Now
Rabih Abou-khalil
Rabih Abou-Khalil - Grateful Parting 1998 Yara
Carla Bley
Tigers in Training 1998 Fancy Chamber Music
David S. Ware
Sentient Compassion 1999 Balladware
Bojan Zulfikarpasic
Mothers of the Veil 2000 Solobsession
Ellery Eskelin
Nymphaliadae 2000 The Secret Museum
Julien Lourau
Agua 2000 Gambit
Carla Bley
- The Lord Is Listenin' to Ya, Hallelujah 2000 Birds Of Paradise
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - Time for Change 2000 Time 4 Change
Rabih Abou-Khalil
La Seduction - Qawarma 2002 Il Sospiro
Carla Bley
Les Trois Lagons 2000 4x4
Rabih Abou-khalil
Rabih Abou-Khalil - Requiem 1998 Yara
Marc Ducret
Old Brown Shoe 1998 Un Certain Malaise
Rabih Abou-Khalil
The Lewinsky March 2001 The Cactus Of Knowledge
Daniel Humair
Bois Darbre 2002 Ear Mix
Daniel Humair
Wither Thou Goest 2002 Ear Mix
Ellery Eskelin
Vox Organalis 2000 The Secret Museum
David S. Ware
1997 - MikurosBlues 1998 Go See The World
John Surman
Stone Flower 2000 Coruscating
David S. Ware
Tenderly 1999 Balladware
Laurent De Wilde
Laurent de Wilde - Big up 2002 Stories
Ellery Eskelin
Ephemera 2000 The Secret Museum
David S. Ware
1997 - Quadrahex 1998 Go See The World
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Mohabbat 2001 Navigatore
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Bolbol 2001 Navigatore
David S. Ware
Peace Celestial 2000 Surrendered
David S. Ware
Autumn Leaves 1999 Balladware
David Krakauer
Lvov 2000 A New Hot One
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Monajat 2001 Navigatore
Ellery Eskelin
Title Piece 2000 Ramifications
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Alto Pais 2001 Navigatore
Marc Ducret
Mйfiance 1998 Un Certain Malaise
David Krakauer
Krakow Doina 2000 A New Hot One
David Krakauer
Klezdrix 2000 A New Hot One
Marc Ducret
Un certain malaise 1998 Un Certain Malaise
David Krakauer
Sirba 2000 A New Hot One
Marc Ducret
La Mazurka 1998 Un Certain Malaise
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Tavakkol 2001 Navigatore
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Sahari 2001 Navigatore