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Radio "Mindfield and similar artists"

Lunar Asylum
G Lock 1998 Lunar Asylum
B! Machine
Grand Delusion 2002 Doctors With Knives Vol. I
The Delta
Thing 2000 Scizoeffective
6 Pepsis Wasp 1999 Radiated
B! Machine
Waiting 2001 Aftermath
Ubar Tmar
Breath 2001 Eigou Kaiki
Asia 2001
Super JV 1998 Ama Zone
B! Machine
Silence 1998 Aftermath
B! Machine
After You Leave 2002 Doctors With Knives Vol. I
B! Machine
How Do I Leave 2002 Doctors With Knives Vol. II
Medicine Drum
Seralem 2002 Original Face
Mergem la mare [988 kbps] 2000 Candy
B! Machine
Doctors With Knives - What You Don't Say 2002 Machine Box
B! Machine
Painless 2002 Machine Box
Bypass Unit
Nanosphere Courier 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
Medicine Drum
Original Face 2002 Original Face
Shout Everybody ! 1998 Colours
Deviant Electronics
Loud and Clear 2000 Blunt Instruments
Lunar Asylum
Van halen 1998 Lunar Asylum
Medicine Drum
Queen Of Cups 1999 Talking Stick
Secret 1998 Colours
California Sunshine
Black moon - Black moon 2000 Wonderland
Hux Flux
Tripple Nipple 1999 Cryptic Crunch
Dancing On The Beach 1998 Colours
Find Out 2001 Simplicity
The Delta
Delta Skelter 2000 Scizoeffective
Deviant Electronics
Babelfish 2000 Blunt Instruments
Elevation 1999 Live
Lunar Asylum
Iron Age 1998 Lunar Asylum
Medicine Drum
Passage Of Time 2002 Original Face
Deviant Electronics
Tesco Siesta 2000 Blunt Instruments
California Sunshine
Summer 89 - Summer 89 2000 Wonderland
California Sunshine
Imperia-rmx - Imperia-rmx 2000 Wonderland
Medicine Drum
Funk Chakra 2002 Original Face
Ubar Tmar
Yellow Yoga 2001 Eigou Kaiki
8 Paradigma 1999 Radiated
Take My Heart 1998 Colours
Bypass Unit
Zibling Zwirl 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
California Sunshine
The Future Now 2000 Wonderland
The Delta
Intro 2000 Scizoeffective
Esti indiferent [942 kbps] 2000 Candy
Asia 2001
Vertige 1998 Ama Zone
7 The Seed 1999 Radiated
Medicine Drum
Ancient Analog 2002 Original Face
Step Into The Music 1998 Colours
Ubar Tmar
Spinol 2001 Eigou Kaiki
Out Of Range 2001 Simplicity
California Sunshine
Wonderland 2000 Wonderland
Dreamin' Of You 1998 Colours
Sleep Of Peace 2001 Simplicity
The Muses Rapt
Corazon De Fuego 1998 Spiritual Healing
California Sunshine
Rain - Rain 2000 Wonderland
Right Here, Right Now 1998 Colours
Cosmic Pillow 1999 Live
Ubar Tmar
I Feel Love 2001 Eigou Kaiki
Medicine Drum
Minaret 1999 Talking Stick
California Sunshine
8 - Forest 8:32 2000 Flying Eye Land
2 More 1999 Radiated
California Sunshine
The Deeper The Bluer-Remix 2000 Wonderland
Deviant Electronics
Swollen Goods 2000 Blunt Instruments
Deviant Electronics
Suspense Hypothesis 2000 Blunt Instruments
Lasa-ma in pace [894 kbps] 2000 Candy
California Sunshine
Vertigo 2000 Wonderland
Heliopause 1999 Breathing Space
Producer, Written-By - Marcus C. Maichel , Spiralkinda 1999 Radiated
Deviant Electronics
Free Radical 2000 Blunt Instruments
The Delta
As A Child I Could Walk On The Ceiling 2000 Scizoeffective
The Muses Rapt
The Return Of The Travellers 1998 Spiritual Healing
Lunar Asylum
Meltdown 1998 Lunar Asylum
Ubar Tmar
Souran-Bushi 2001 Eigou Kaiki
Medicine Drum
Haiku 2002 Original Face
5 Carpe Noctem 1999 Radiated
9 Different Kind Of Fish 1999 Radiated
Lunar Asylum
Twister 1998 Lunar Asylum
Closure 2000 Closure Ep
Ubar Tmar
Free Fall Boogie 2001 Eigou Kaiki
Your 911 2001 Simplicity
Bypass Unit
Frozen Symrex 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
Bypass Unit
Spectral Collapse 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
The Delta
As A Child I Could Walk On The Ceiling 2000 Scizoeffective
Ciderspace 1999 Breathing Space
Ubar Tmar
Monkey Magic 2001 Eigou Kaiki
The Muses Rapt
The Angel And The Snake 1998 Spiritual Healing
The Delta
Supercell 2000 Scizoeffective
Asia 2001
Antartica 1998 Ama Zone
Bypass Unit
Lunar Senses 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
Lunar Asylum
Goldendown 1998 Lunar Asylum
Medicine Drum
Katakali 2002 Original Face
Close To You 1998 Colours
The Muses Rapt
Enchanted Forest 1998 Spiritual Healing
The Delta
Travelling At The Speed Of Thought 2000 Scizoeffective
Simplicity 2001 Simplicity
The Delta
Quiet And still 2000 Scizoeffective
The Muses Rapt
The Warriors Of Temperance 1998 Spiritual Healing
Show Me 1998 Colours
Ubar Tmar
Cosmo Drome 2001 Eigou Kaiki
Asia 2001
Red Horizones 1998 Ama Zone
Asia 2001
Zeta Reticulli 1998 Ama Zone
Lasa-ma in pace [966 kbps] 2000 Candy
Asia 2001
Full Moon Project 1998 Ama Zone
Deviant Electronics
Blunt Instruments 2000 Blunt Instruments
Hux Flux
Short Circuit 1999 Cryptic Crunch
Hux Flux
Cryptic Crunch 1999 Cryptic Crunch
Bypass Unit
Distorted Frames 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
Deviant Electronics
Silverside 2000 Blunt Instruments
1 Noosleap 1999 Radiated
Nu mai vreau singuratate [904 kbps] 2000 Candy
The Muses Rapt
...And The Sensitives Will Be Kings 1998 Spiritual Healing
The Muses Rapt
Spiritual Healing 1998 Spiritual Healing
The Delta
Dr. Rayman 2000 Scizoeffective
Bypass Unit
Liquid Prisma 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
Are You? 1999 Live
Hux Flux
Experimenting With Potions 1999 Cryptic Crunch
Human Evolution 2001 Simplicity
Jot Bodom 1999 Breathing Space
Hux Flux
Alkaloid 1999 Cryptic Crunch
3 The Beyond 1999 Radiated
The Unwinding Mind 1999 Breathing Space
Closure 2000 Closure Ep
Bypass Unit
Mesmer Drops 1999 Dropz Of Obscure Eclipses
Asia 2001
Bais 51 1998 Ama Zone
Hux Flux
Calculus 1999 Cryptic Crunch
Asia 2001
Ama Zone 1998 Ama Zone
Ubar Tmar
Eigou Kaiki 2001 Eigou Kaiki
Egg Cracked 1999 Live
Lunar Asylum
Vanishing Point 1998 Lunar Asylum
The Muses Rapt
The Ancient Sounds Of The God 1998 Spiritual Healing
Hartley's Ambiant Jam 1999 Breathing Space
Hux Flux
Nemo 1999 Cryptic Crunch
Asia 2001
Visitors 1998 Ama Zone
Sunt fata care iti place [980 kbps] 2000 Candy
Homes 1999 Live
Wicked 1999 Live
Deviant Electronics
On the Beach 2000 Blunt Instruments
Find Your Mind 1999 Breathing Space