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Radio "Nathalie Stutzmann and similar artists"

Accademia Bizantina
Giovanni Benedetto Platti - Trio Sonata in sol minore D-WD 692 - Allegro 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Barbara Bonney
Ein Traum 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - Harmonie du soir 1997 Forgotten Songs
Barbara Bonney
Fra Monte Pincio 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Teresa Berganza
San Anton Lo Bendiga 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Alexandre Tharaud
Petite valse 1998 Chabrier: LOEuvre pour piano, vol. 1-3
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Mahler nun will die sonn' so hell aufgeh'n 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Cecilia Bartoli
Dell'aura al sussurrar 1999 The Vivaldi Album (arias)
Accademia Bizantina
Baldassare Galuppi - Concerto a Quattro No. 1 in sol minore - Allegro 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Jessye Norman
Les Parapluies De Cherbourg 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Accademia Bizantina
Tomaso Albinoni - Sinfonia a Quattro in Fa Maggiore - Menuet 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Jessye Norman
What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life? 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Cecilia Bartoli
Bellini, Vincenzo: La farfalletta 1997 An Italian Songbook
Victoria De Los Angeles
Leoncavallo - Qual fiamma avea nel guardo 1998 Canta
Barbara Bonney
Var det en drцm? 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Victoria De Los Angeles
Puccini - Donde lieta usci 1998 Canta
Accademia Bizantina
Baldassare Galuppi - Concerto a Quattro No. 4 in do minore - Grave 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Andrew Manze
Violin Concerto in E-flat major 'La tempesta di Mare', Op. 8 No. 5, RV 253 -... 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Barbara Bonney
Vilse 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Cecilia Bartoli
Bellini, Vincenzo: Vanne, o rosa fortunata 1997 An Italian Songbook
Susan Graham
Je me souviens 1998 La Belle Epoque
Victoria De Los Angeles
Boito - L'altra notte in Fondo al Mare 1998 Canta
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Bach agnus dei 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Cecilia Bartoli
Pres des remparts de Seville, Seguidille 1998 Live In Italy
Accademia Bizantina
Giovanni Benedetto Platti - Trio Sonata in sol minore D-WD 692 - Adagio 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Cecilia Bartoli
Bellini, Vincenzo: Dolente immagine di Fille mia 1997 An Italian Songbook
Victoria De Los Angeles
Gounod - O Dieu! que de bijoux ... 1998 Canta
Accademia Bizantina
Antonio Vivaldi - Concerto per Violoncello, Archi e basso continuo, in re minore RV 405 - Allegro 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Cecilia Bartoli
Bellini, Vincenzo: Il fervido desiderio 1997 An Italian Songbook
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - L'ombre des arbres 1997 Forgotten Songs
Magdalena Kozena
ZerflieЯe, mein Herze, in Fluten der Zдhren, BWV 245, Nr. 35 1997 Bach - Arias
Barbara Bonney
Adagio 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Magdalena Kozena
Erbarme dich, mein Gott, BWV 244, Nr. 39 1997 Bach - Arias
Anne Sofie von Otter
'Une Sainte en son aureole' from 'La Bonne Chanson' by Gabriel Faure 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Susan Graham
Paysage 1998 La Belle Epoque
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - Chevaux de bois 1997 Forgotten Songs
Victoria De Los Angeles
Puccini - Sн, mi chiamano Mimi 1998 Canta
Cecilia Bartoli
Bellini, Vincenzo: Torna, vezzosa Fillide 1997 An Italian Songbook
Barbara Bonney
Dereinst, Gedanke mein 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Susan Graham
Mai 1998 La Belle Epoque
Cecilia Bartoli
Anch'il mar par che sommerga 1999 The Vivaldi Album (arias)
Jessye Norman
Les Enfants Qui Pleurent 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Alexandre Tharaud
Bouree fantasque 1998 Chabrier: LOEuvre pour piano, vol. 1-3
Andrew Manze
Violin Concerto in E-flat major 'La tempesta di Mare', Op. No. 5, RV 253 ... 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Accademia Bizantina
Antonio Vivaldi - Concerto per Archi e Continuo in sol minore RV 156 - Allegro 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Teresa Berganza
Caramba 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Magdalena Kozena
Wohl euch, ihr auserwдhlten Seelen, BWV 34, Nr. 3 1997 Bach - Arias
Anne Sofie von Otter
'Avant que tu ne t'en ailles' from 'La Bonne Chanson' by Gabriel Faure 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Magdalena Kozena
Wie starb die Heldin so vergnьgt, BWV 198, Nr. 5 1997 Bach - Arias
Victoria De Los Angeles
Mozart - Porgi amor 1998 Canta
Accademia Bizantina
Tomaso Albinoni - Sinfonia a Quattro in Fa Maggiore - Allegro 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Victoria De Los Angeles
Puccini - Senza Mamma... 1998 Canta
Cecilia Bartoli
Mi lagnero tacendo 'Il risentimento' 1998 Live In Italy
Susan Graham
Lyde 1998 La Belle Epoque
Andrew Manze
Concerto in A major, RV 552 - III. Allegro 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Jessye Norman
Je Vivrai Sans Toi 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Victoria De Los Angeles
Rossini - Una voce poco fa 1998 Canta
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - Calmes dans le demi-jour 1997 Forgotten Songs
Victoria De Los Angeles
Massenet - Je Marche Sur Tous Les Chemins 1998 Canta
Teresa Berganza
A la Lea Lea 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Handel return of god of hosts 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - Coquetterie posthume 1997 Forgotten Songs
Anne Sofie von Otter
Anne Sofie Von Otter, Markus Möllenbeck & Christian Rieger - Incassum, Lesbia, Rogas Z.383 1998 Lamenti: Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Purcell, Bertali, Legrenzi
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - Mandoline 1997 Forgotten Songs
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Mahler nun seh'ich wohl warum so dunkle flammen 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - Recueillement 1997 Forgotten Songs
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - Paysage sentimental 1997 Forgotten Songs
Jessye Norman
Afterthoughts 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Dawn Upshaw
James Levine - C'est l'extase langoureuse 1997 Forgotten Songs
Susan Graham
Phyllis 1998 La Belle Epoque
Barbara Bonney
Prinsessen 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Accademia Bizantina
Antonio Vivaldi - Trio for Liuto, Violino e basso continuo in sol minore RV 85 - Laghetto 1999 Settecento Veneziano
Andrew Manze
Concerto in D minor, RV 540 - II. Largo 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Anne Sofie von Otter
'Madras' from 'Quatre Poemes hindous' by Maurice Delage 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Andrew Manze
Sinfonia in G major, RV 149 - I. Allegro molto 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Brahms alto rhapsody op.53 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Barbara Bonney
Skogen sover 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Magdalena Kozena
Schafe kцnnen sicher weiden, BWV 208, Nr. 9 1997 Bach - Arias
Barbara Bonney
En svane 2000 Diamonds In The Snow
Andrew Manze
Violin Concerto in C major 'Il piacere', Op. 8 No. 6, RV 180 - III. Allegro 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Alexandre Tharaud
Petits morceaux faciles : Reverie 1998 Chabrier: LOEuvre pour piano, vol. 1-3
Susan Graham
D'une prison 1998 La Belle Epoque
Anne Sofie von Otter
'J'allais par des chemins perfides' from 'La Bonne Chanson' by Gabriel Faure 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Alexandre Tharaud
Air de ballet 1998 Chabrier: LOEuvre pour piano, vol. 1-3
Anne Sofie von Otter
'Final' from 'Rapsodie negre' by Francis Poulenc 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Susan Graham
L'Automne 1998 La Belle Epoque
Magdalena Kozena
Wenn kommt der Tag, an dem wir ziehen, BWV 70, Nr. 3 1997 Bach - Arias
Anne Sofie von Otter
'L'hiver a cesse' from 'La Bonne Chanson' by Gabriel Faure 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Anne Sofie von Otter
'Lahore' from 'Quatre Poemes hindous' by Maurice Delage 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Anne Sofie von Otter
'Placet futile' from 'Trois poemes de Stephane Mallarme' by Maurice Ravel 1996 La bonne Chanson: French Chamber Songs
Susan Graham
Le Rossignol des lilas 1998 La Belle Epoque
Teresa Berganza
Fortunilla 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Susan Graham
Fumee 1998 La Belle Epoque
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Bach grief for sin 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Jessye Norman
You Must Believe In Spring 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Teresa Berganza
El Liru Liru 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Andrew Manze
Violin Concerto in E-flat major 'La tempesta di Mare', Op. 8 No. 5, RV 253 -... 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Alexandre Tharaud
Petits morceaux faciles : Valse 1998 Chabrier: LOEuvre pour piano, vol. 1-3
Alexandre Tharaud
Cinq morceaux posthumes : Caprice 1998 Chabrier: LOEuvre pour piano, vol. 1-3
Andrew Manze
Sinfonia in G major, RV 149 - II. Andante 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Magdalena Kozena
Et exsultavit, BWV 243, Nr. 2 1997 Bach - Arias
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Mahler wenn dein mutterlein tritt zur tur herein 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Jessye Norman
La Valse Des Lilas 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Alexandre Tharaud
Suite de valses 1998 Chabrier: LOEuvre pour piano, vol. 1-3
Andrew Manze
Violin Concerto in C major 'Il piacere', Op. 8 No. 6, RV 180 - I. Allegro 1997 Vivaldi-concert For The Prince Of Poland
Teresa Berganza
Yo Que No Se Callar 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Magdalena Kozena
Unsre Stдrke heiЯt zu schwach, BWV 14, Nr. 2 1997 Bach - Arias
Teresa Berganza
Si Me Llamaron la Chica 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Mahler in diesem wetter in diesem braus 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952
Teresa Berganza
Ole, Ole 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Teresa Berganza
El Potrito 1996 Caprichos Liricos Espanoles
Jessye Norman
Celui-La 1997 I Was Born In Love With You
Magdalena Kozena
Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot, BWV 84, Nr. 3 1997 Bach - Arias
Kathleen Ferrier
kathleen ferrier - Handel o thou that tellest good tidings to zion 2000 Historical Recording 1947-1952