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Radio "Shane Theriot and similar artists"

Vital Information
Cranial #6 Mata Hari 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Greg Koch
Absinthe 2001 The Grip!
Dean Brown
Seven Groove Interlude 2001 Here
Robben Ford
Reunion - David Poe 1998 KINK Live
Mike Stern
Big Kids 1999 Play
Atamanashi 2000 CAB
Robben Ford
Good To Love 2002 Blue Moon
Gary Willis
Everything's cool 1998 Bent
Greg Koch
Blind Lemon Pledge 2001 The Grip!
Hiram Bullock
If Six Was Nine 2001 Color Me
Vital Information
Mr. T.C. 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Chad Wackerman
The Grey Chair 1999 Scream
Mike Stern
The River 2001 Voices
Michael Landau
Tacos 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
John Scofield
Do Like Eddie 2000 Steady Groovin
Frank Gambale
Isola d'Elba 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Mike Stern
Link 1999 Play
Frank Gambale
Mirage Mystery 2000 Coming To Your Senses
John Scofield
7th Floor 2000 Steady Groovin'
Jeff Berlin
Marabi 1998 Crossroads
John Scofield
Do Like Eddie 2000 Steady Groovin'
John Scofield
- Kilgeffen 2000 Bump
Robben Ford
Ain't Nobody's Business 1999 Sunrise
Brett Garsed
Drowning 2002 Big Sky
John Scofield
- In The Cracks 2000 Flat Out
Project Z
UTENSIL OCEANS 4:29 2001 Project Z
John Scofield
Loose Canon 2000 Works For Me
Greg Howe
Maniacal 1999 Ascend
Greg Koch
Dylan the Villain 2001 The Grip!
Hiram Bullock
And ting 2002 Best Groove Selection
Robben Ford
Miss Miss 1999 Sunrise
Scott Henderson
Track02 2000 Rocket Science
Vital Information
Swamp Stomp 2001 Live From Mars
Joel Hoekstra
Homework 2000 Undefined
Mike Stern
What Might Have Been 2001 Voices
Robben Ford
Let Me In 1999 Supernatural
Tribal Tech
Somewhat Later 1999 Thick
Dean Brown
Big Foot 2001 Here
Gary Willis
Cadillac 1998 Bent
Tribal Tech
You May Remember Me 1999 Thick
Jonas Hellborg
Vehicle 2002 Icon
Jeff Berlin
Bach 1998 Crossroads
Michael Landau
The Star Spangled Guitar 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Project Z
PSYCHIC FLUTTER :18 2001 Project Z
Robben Ford
It's My Own Fault 2001 Anthology - The Early Years
John Scofield
- Trim 2000 Blue Matter
John Scofield
- Protocol 2000 Still Warm
Mike Stern
Still There 2001 Voices
Greg Koch
Flyover Country 2000 Past and Present
Scott Henderson
Track01 2000 Rocket Science
Scott Henderson
Dat's da way it go 2002 Well To The Bone
Hiram Bullock
Hurricane 2001 Color Me
Joel Hoekstra
Reflection 2000 Undefined
Robben Ford
As the Rain - Jeb Loy Nichols 1998 KINK Live
Dean Brown
Just For Kicks 2001 Here
Brett Garsed
Brothers 2002 Big Sky
Greg Koch
Fall from Grace 2000 Past and Present
Robben Ford
Let Me In 1999 Su P Ern A Tu Ral
Vital Information
Drum Improve 2001 Live From Mars
Frank Gambale
Cybernaughts 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Vital Information
The Blackhawk 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Greg Koch
Holy Grail 2001 The Grip!
Just Perfect 2000 CAB
Jeff Berlin
Runaway Train 2001 In Harmony's Way
Jeff Richman
Leap Of Faith 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.2
Victor Bailey
Knee-Jerk Reaction 1999 Low Blow
Tribal Tech
Sheik Of Encino 1999 Thick
Jeff Berlin
Emeril Kicks It Up 2001 In Harmony's Way
Jeff Berlin
Subway Music 1998 Crossroads
Dean Brown
Billy Groove Interlude 2001 Here
Greg Koch
Mean Streak 2000 Past and Present
Gary Willis
Big time 1998 Bent
Greg Koch
Walking Wounded 2001 The Grip!
Gary Willis
Emancipation 1998 Bent
Dean Brown
Back in The Day 2001 Here
Scott Henderson
Track03 2000 Rocket Science
Chad Wackerman
The Way Out 1999 Scream
Hiram Bullock
Peace 2001 Color Me
Greg Koch
All the Same 2000 Past and Present
Jeff Richman
Mercy Street 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.1
Scott Henderson
Lola Fay 2002 Well To The Bone
Greg Howe
Garden Of Harmony 1999 Ascend
Tribal Tech
Clinic Troll 1999 Thick
Vital Information
Sitting Ducks 1998 Where We Come From
Hiram Bullock
Shut up 2002 Best Groove Selection
Joel Hoekstra
Corny 2000 Undefined
Gary Willis
It's only music 1998 Bent
Vital Information
Cranial Joy: Completion 1998 Where We Come From
Vital Information
The Fire Still Burns 2001 Show 'em Where You Live
Vital Information
Craniac Trilogy - Part 2: The Extraction 1998 Where We Come From
Chad Wackerman
Holland 1999 Scream
Randy Brecker
Never Tell Her U Love Her 2001 Hangin' In The City
Dean Brown
Take This ! 2001 Here
Jeff Richman
I Got Rhythm 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.2
Mike Stern
Way Out East 2001 Voices
Gary Willis
Bent 1998 Bent
Tribal Tech
Somewhat Later 1999 Thick
Jeff Richman
Let This Be The One 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.2
Elastic Man 2000 CAB
Randy Brecker
I Talk To The Trees 2001 Hangin' In The City
Jeff Berlin
Motherlode 1998 Crossroads
Randy Brecker
Overture 2001 Hangin' In The City
Project Z
GUITARGUMENT II- :09 2001 Project Z
Jonas Hellborg
Heretics 2002 Personae
Gary Willis
Hipmotize 1998 Bent
Boogie Me 2000 CAB
Jazz Pistols
Blues For Gordon 1999 Three On The Moon
Scott Henderson
Track05 2000 Rocket Science
Hiram Bullock
Tracklist 1998 55 Bar Sessions
Michael Landau
Old Mind 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Victor Bailey
She Left Me 1999 Low Blow
Scott Henderson
Track07 2000 Rocket Science
Tribal Tech
Space Camel 2000 Rocket Science
Dean Brown
Gemini 2001 Here
Brett Garsed
Breathe 2002 Big Sky
Victor Bailey
Lowblow 1999 Low Blow
Michael Landau
The Day 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Greg Howe
Receptionist 2000 Hyperacuity
Dean Brown
Billy Groove Interlude 2001 Here
Hiram Bullock
Shoppin' 'round again 2002 Best Groove Selection
Dean Brown
Gemini 2001 Here
Michael Landau
Born in the Rain 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Randy Brecker
Wayne Out 2001 Hangin' In The City
Hiram Bullock
That happy song 2000 Guitar Man
Hiram Bullock
Gotta get your jollys 2002 Best Groove Selection
Joel Hoekstra
Mad Bar 2000 Undefined
Jeff Berlin
Three Nighter 1998 Crossroads
Tribal Tech
Moonshine 2000 Rocket Science
Scott Henderson
Rituals 2002 Well To The Bone
Scott Henderson
That Hurts 2002 Well To The Bone
Victor Bailey
Continuum 1999 Low Blow
Chad Wackerman
Youse from Here? 1999 Scream
Project Z
SHE FREAK :31 2001 Project Z
Frank Gambale
Loch Ness Monster 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Gary Willis
Before your eyes 1998 Bent
Michael Landau
This House 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Project Z
MUD BUG 6:24 2001 Project Z
Greg Howe
Trinka 2000 Hyperacuity
Greg Howe
Unlocked 1999 Ascend
Jeff Berlin
Manos de Piedra 1998 Crossroads
Tribal Tech
Jalapeno 1999 Thick
Greg Howe
Heat Activated 2000 Hyperacuity
Brett Garsed
Trinity 2002 Big Sky
Jeff Berlin
All the Greats 1998 Crossroads
Jonas Hellborg
Rice With The Angels 2002 Personae
Brett Garsed
The Myth 2002 Big Sky
Tribal Tech
Thick 1999 Thick
Project Z
RAINBOW 5:23 2001 Project Z
Victor Bailey
Goose Bumps 2001 That's Right!
Michael Landau
Another Day 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Gary Willis
Armageddon blues 1998 Bent
Victor Bailey
One Nation Medley 2001 That's Right!
Michael Landau
Indian Man 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Joel Hoekstra
Kill Swing 2000 Undefined
Frank Gambale
Circular Quay 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Frank Gambale
Land of the Leal 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Jeff Richman
Seven Stars 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.1
Victor Bailey
The Rope-A-Dope 2001 That's Right!
Brett Garsed
Undoing 2002 Big Sky
Bernard 2000 CAB
Jazz Pistols
Man In The Woods 1999 Three On The Moon
Project Z
?. THE THIRD MAN :18 2001 Project Z
Chad Wackerman
Cycles 1999 Scream
Brett Garsed
Fu'd Fight 2002 Big Sky
Jonas Hellborg
Rag B.B 2002 Personae
Victor Bailey
Feels Like A Hug 1999 Low Blow
Jonas Hellborg
Escape 2002 Icon
Project Z
GUITARGUMENT I- :24 2001 Project Z
Victor Bailey
Brain Teaser 1999 Low Blow
Jonas Hellborg
Mirror 2002 Icon
Project Z
JEAN :40 2001 Project Z
Chad Wackerman
The City 1999 Scream
Jeff Richman
On The Trail 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.2
Jon Cleary
A Little Satisfaction 2002 Jon Cleary & The Absolute Monster Gentlemen
The Watcher 2000 CAB
Joel Hoekstra
Slide Tune 2000 Undefined
Jazz Pistols
Beast 1999 Three On The Moon
Michael Landau
Problem 2001 The Star Spangled Banner
Chad Wackerman
Timeless 1999 Scream
Randy Brecker
I Been Through This Before 2001 Hangin' In The City
Randy Brecker
Pastoral 2001 Hangin' In The City
Jazz Pistols
Mystic Train 1999 Three On The Moon
Greg Howe
I Wish 2000 Hyperacuity
Joel Hoekstra
Gorilla Man 2000 2000 Undefined
Greg Howe
Abrupt Terminal 1999 Ascend
Randy Brecker
Down For The Count 2001 Hangin' In The City
Randy Brecker
One Thing Led To Another 2001 Hangin' In The City
Jazz Pistols
Second Feeling 1999 Three On The Moon
Brett Garsed
Friend Or Foe 2002 Big Sky
Jonas Hellborg
Personae 2002 Personae
Jonas Hellborg
Anchor 2002 Icon
Jazz Pistols
Happy Hour 1999 Three On The Moon
Brett Garsed
Got The Horn 2002 Big Sky
Joel Hoekstra
Afghanistan Blues 2000 Undefined
Randy Brecker
Then I Came 2 My Senses 2001 Hangin' In The City
Night Splash 2000 CAB
Jeff Richman
Ain't Gonna Wait 2001 Live At The Baked Potato Vol.1
Joel Hoekstra
Urban Experiments 2000 Undefined
Chad Wackerman
My Two Worlds 1999 Scream
Jonas Hellborg
Time Is The Enemy 2002 Personae
Greg Howe
Order of Dawn 2000 Hyperacuity
One For Stern 2000 CAB
Chad Wackerman
Days Gone By 1999 Scream
Frank Gambale
The Italian job 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Frank Gambale
Salvador Once More 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Jazz Pistols
Spain 1999 Three On The Moon
Jazz Pistols
Moby Dick 1999 Three On The Moon
Frank Gambale
Major Fascination 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Jazz Pistols
Birdland 1999 Three On The Moon