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Radio "Shirley Walker and similar artists"
James Newton Howard
Dorothy's Trailer
1991 Guilty By Suspicion / Виновен по подозрению OST
Jerry Goldsmith
The Hotel
1994 The Shadow
Howard Shore
The Moth
1991 The Silence Of The Lambs / Молчание ягнят OST
Hans Zimmer
One Case Won't Do
1991 Backdraft (Original Music From the Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Elliot Goldenthal
1995 Heat / Схватка OST
Howard Shore
1993 Mrs. Doubtfire / Миссис Даутфайр OST
Graeme Revell
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Danny Elfman
Soundtrack Version)
1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas
James Newton Howard
Love Montage
1991 Dying Young / Умереть Молодым
Danny Elfman
1993 Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
James Horner
Alan Parrish
1995 Jumanji / Джуманджи OST
Elliot Goldenthal
Mystery Man
1995 Heat / Схватка OST
Danny Elfman
1993 Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
Cliff Eidelman
1991 Star Trek Vi: The Undiscovered Country (2CD)
Jerry Goldsmith
critically acclaimed Indiana sports movie that became part of the pantheon. The score is heartfelt, warm and melodic,
1993 Rudy (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack / Deluxe Edition)
James Newton Howard
Case Closed
1995 Just Cause / Правое дело OST
David Arnold
1994 Stargate (the Deluxe Edition)
Graeme Revell
1994 The Crow / Ворон
James Newton Howard
The Fishmarket
1991 Prince Of Tides / Повелитель приливов OST
Danny Elfman
In the Forest
1993 Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
Randy Edelman
Crater Reunion
1994 Pontiac Moon
John Ottman
It was Beautiful
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Hans Zimmer
Save My Baby
1991 Backdraft (Original Music From the Motion Picture Soundtrack)
James Horner
1995 Jumanji / Джуманджи OST
Jerry Goldsmith
The carnival
1991 Sleeping With The Enemy / В постели с врагом OST
Hans Zimmer
Walkin' Talkin' Man
1991 Regarding Henry / КОЕ-ЧТО О ГЕНРИ
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Prisoner Exchange
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
Hans Zimmer
1995 Broken Arrow / Сломанная Стрела
James Newton Howard
1995 Restoration / Королевская милость OST
Howard Shore
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Idomeneo: Non Temer Amato Bene
1994 Philadelphia (Score) / Филадельфия
Danny Elfman
18 - - Family Life
1994 Dolores Claiborne (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack / Deluxe Edition)
Howard Shore
1994 The Fly
James Horner
Casper's Lullaby
1995 Casper
Danny Elfman
04 - - Ride Home
1994 Dolores Claiborne (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack / Deluxe Edition)
Jerry Goldsmith
Taylor Dayne - Original Sin
1994 The Shadow
Randy Edelman
Soldier's Irony & Close Call
1993 Gettysburg (Deluxe Commemorative Edition)
Danny Elfman
Batman Vs. The Circus
1993 Batman Returns Omps
Howard Shore
Ed Takes Control 4:06
1994 Ed Wood / Эд Вуд OST
James Horner
Morgan's Final Testament
1993 The Pelican Brief / Дело о пеликанах OST
Jerry Goldsmith
He's Back
1993 Dennis The Menace / Деннис-мучитель [OST]
Howard Shore
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - I'm Ready
1994 Philadelphia (Score) / Филадельфия
Elliot Goldenthal
1995 Batman Forever (3CD)
Howard Shore
1994 The Fly
Jerry Goldsmith
Wrong Name
1992 Basic Instinct / Основной инстинкт (Complete) OST
Hans Zimmer
1991 Backdraft (Original Music From the Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Jerry Goldsmith
Morning on the beach
1991 Sleeping With The Enemy / В постели с врагом OST
Elliot Goldenthal
Alley Rumble & Screen Kiss
1995 Batman Forever (3CD)
Hans Zimmer
The Real Thing
1991 Backdraft (Original Music From the Motion Picture Soundtrack)
James Newton Howard
Your Child I Believe
1995 Restoration / Королевская милость OST
Jerry Goldsmith
to 67 minutes, including the film’s a cappella recordings of the classic “Hike, Notre Dame!” and “Notre Dame
1993 Rudy (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack / Deluxe Edition)
Randy Edelman
A Testacular Situation
1995 While You Were Sleeping
James Horner
Kat Walks To School
1995 Casper
Danny Elfman
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas / Кошмары перед Рождеством OST
James Horner
'Dying' To Be A Ghost
1995 Casper
James Newton Howard
Savanna Awakes
1991 Prince Of Tides / Повелитель приливов OST
Hans Zimmer
Memories of the Dead
1994 Beyond Rangoon
Brad Fiedel
- Cameron's Inferno
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Remastered 2017)
Elliot Goldenthal
1995 Heat / Схватка OST
Hans Zimmer
Turn Back The Hands Of Time
1995 Nine Months / Девять Месяцев
Cliff Eidelman
Working In The Field
1994 Picture Bride / Невеста по фотографии (rejected) OST
Elliot Goldenthal
Scuba Fight & Claw Island & Emperor of Madness
1995 Batman Forever (3CD)
Danny Elfman
Selina Transforms I
1993 Batman Returns Omps
Graeme Revell
Captive Child
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Michael Kamen
Rush to Hospital
1995 Mr. Holland's Opus OST
Jerry Goldsmith
Shopping Cart
1993 Matinee (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
James Newton Howard
Searching For A Heart
1991 Grand Canyon / Большой каньон OST
James Horner
The Doctor Is In
1995 Casper
James Newton Howard
Don't Work Late
1991 Grand Canyon / Большой каньон OST
Howard Shore
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Calculated Risks
1994 Philadelphia (Score) / Филадельфия
Elliot Goldenthal
Riddles Solved & Partners & Battleship
1995 Batman Forever (3CD)
David Arnold
Faith & Courage
1995 Last Of The Dogmen
Cliff Eidelman
1993 Untamed Heart / Дикое сердце OST
Christopher Young
Safe Sex
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
David Arnold
Transporter horror
1994 Stargate (the Deluxe Edition)
Christopher Young
A Vibrant Slime
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
James Horner
'No Sign Of Ghosts'
1995 Casper
Hans Zimmer
Freedom from Fear
1994 Beyond Rangoon
James Horner
The Lighthouse - Casper & Kat
1995 Casper
Randy Edelman
Refuse The Line!
1993 Gettysburg (Deluxe Commemorative Edition)
Randy Edelman
Charging Up the Hill
1993 Gettysburg (Deluxe Commemorative Edition)
Elliot Goldenthal
Mouth to Mouth Nocturne
1995 Batman Forever (3CD)
Brad Fiedel
Cameron’s Inferno
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Christopher Young
Fever's Fever
1995 Species (Limited Edition)
Howard Shore
1994 The Fly
Brad Fiedel
‘Hasta La Vista, Baby’
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Randy Edelman
The First Battle
1993 Gettysburg (Deluxe Commemorative Edition)
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Prisoner Exchange
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
Elliot Goldenthal
Armand's Seduction 1:51
1994 Interview With A Vampire / Интервью с вампиром OST
Randy Edelman
1994 The Mask / Маска Score
Randy Edelman
Fife and Gun
1993 Gettysburg (Deluxe Commemorative Edition)
Basil Poledouris
Nikko & Murphy
1993 Robocop 3 OST
Randy Edelman
Milo to the Rescue
1994 The Mask / Маска Score
Cliff Eidelman
A Long Day
1994 Picture Bride / Невеста по фотографии (rejected) OST
Brad Fiedel
Terminator Impaled
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Brad Fiedel
Sarah’s Dream
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
David Arnold
Giza, 1928
1994 Stargate (the Deluxe Edition)
Christopher Young
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Michael Kamen
Bryan Adams - I Do It For You
1991 Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves
Brad Fiedel
Escape From The Hospital
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Basil Poledouris
Jennings Goes Down
1994 On Deadly Ground / Зона смертельной опасности
Michael Kamen
Thank You Mr. Holland
1995 Mr. Holland's Opus OST
Basil Poledouris
Robo Saves Lewis
1993 Robocop 3 OST
Cliff Eidelman
Sign Off
1991 Star Trek Vi: The Undiscovered Country (2CD)
David Arnold
The destruction of Nagada
1994 Stargate (the Deluxe Edition)
John Ottman
The Water
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Cliff Eidelman
Silent Night
1992 Magdalene / Магдалена OST
Basil Poledouris
Resistance Base
1993 Robocop 3 OST
David Arnold
Somebody's Out There
1995 Last Of The Dogmen
Kevin Kiner
Ozzie Attacked
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
Brad Fiedel
John And Dyson Into Vault
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Enterprise D Warp-Out #2
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
Basil Poledouris
Murphy's Memories
1993 Robocop 3 OST
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Klingon Sensor Alert
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
Cliff Eidelman
Wind God
1994 Picture Bride / Невеста по фотографии (rejected) OST
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Soran's Rocket De-Cloaks
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
David Arnold
Translation and Orion
1994 Stargate (the Deluxe Edition)
Cliff Eidelman
Mind Meld
1991 Star Trek Vi: The Undiscovered Country (2CD)
Cliff Eidelman
Will you forget me
1992 Magdalene / Магдалена OST
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Enterprise B Transporter
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Jumping The Ravine
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
John Ottman
The Story Begins
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Brad Fiedel
John And Dyson Into Vault
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
David Arnold
Against the gods
1994 Stargate (the Deluxe Edition)
Christopher Young
Safe Sex
1995 Species (Limited Edition)
David Arnold
1994 Stargate (the Deluxe Edition)
Christopher Young
Mating Season Begins
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Graeme Revell
Return to the Grave
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Dennis Mccarthy
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
Christopher Young
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Graeme Revell
The Crow Descends
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Brad Fiedel
- Into The Steel Mill
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Remastered 2017)
Dennis Mccarthy
Dennis McCarthy - Kirk's Death
1994 Star Trek: Generations (2CD)
Graeme Revell
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Basil Poledouris
Forrest Found
1994 On Deadly Ground / Зона смертельной опасности
John Ottman
The Arrests
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Christopher Young
Aetherian Universe
1995 Species (Limited Edition)
John Ottman
Getting on Board
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Michael Kamen
Jeff Lynne - Wild Times
1991 Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves
Michael Kamen
1995 Mr. Holland's Opus OST
Basil Poledouris
Main Title-The Resistance
1993 Robocop 3 OST
Basil Poledouris
Dead, Not Dead
1995 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
Graeme Revell
Believe in Angels
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Christopher Young
Worm Hole
1995 Species - Species II / Особь - Особь II OST
Michael Kamen
Marian At The Waterfall
1991 Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves
Kevin Kiner
Endless Chase
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
Kevin Kiner
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
Kevin Kiner
The Fence
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
Michael Kamen
Maid Marian
1991 Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves
Michael Kamen
J.S. Bach - Concerto For 3 Harpsichords In C - 1st Movement
1995 Mr. Holland's Opus OST
Kevin Kiner
Ozzie and Alex
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
Michael Kamen
1994 Don Juan Demarco (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Graeme Revell
Pain and Retribution
1994 The Crow / Ворон
Kevin Kiner
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
Graeme Revell
Tracking the Prey
1994 The Crow / Ворон
John Ottman
Payback Time
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
John Ottman
Main Theme
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
John Ottman
The Greatest Trick
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Basil Poledouris
After the Train Has Gone
1995 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
Kevin Kiner
Hospital Chase
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
Kevin Kiner
1993 Leprechaun [OST]
John Ottman
The Garage
1995 The Usual Suspects (Soundtrack)
Kevin Kiner
Main Title
1993 Leprechaun [OST]