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Radio "Stuart Hamm and similar artists"

Michael Manring
Dromedary 1998 The Book Of Flame
Tony Macalpine
, Bunny Brunel, Dennis Chambers - One For Stern 2000 Cab
Attention Deficit
RSVP 2001 The Idiot King
Greg Howe
Hyperacuity 2000 Hyperacuity
Allan Holdsworth
Eidolon 2000 The Sixteen Men Of Tain
Tony Macalpine
Tony MacAlpine - 5 Isis 2001 Chromaticity
Frank Gambale
Isola d'Elba 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Allan Holdsworth
Above and Below 2002 2002-05-02, Rappongi Pit Inn, Tokyo, Japan
Victor Wooten
Tali Lama 1999 Yin-yang 2CD
Scott Henderson
Track01 2000 Rocket Science
Allan Holdsworth
Funnels 2002 All Night Wrong
Steve Morse Band
Marching Orders 2002 Split Decision
Allan Holdsworth
Bo Peep 2001 Flat Tire
Scott Henderson
Track04 2000 Rocket Science
One For Stern 2000 CAB
Greg Howe
Trinka 2000 Hyperacuity
Victor Wooten
What Did He Say? 2001 Live In America (2CD)
Gary Willis
Armageddon blues 1998 Bent
Tribal Tech
Mini Me 2000 Rocket Science
Stuart Hamm
... Remember 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Tony Macalpine
Tony MacAlpine - 5 Time 1999 Master Of Paradise
Vinnie Colaiuta
In My Dream 2002 Jing Chi
Atamanashi 2000 CAB
Jam for Jason 2001 Live At The Baked Potato
Tribal Tech
Slick 1999 Thick
Frank Gambale
Salvador Once More 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Jeff Berlin
Crossroads 1998 Crossroads
Jimmy Haslip
Fuego 2000 Red Heat
Vinnie Moore
Meltdown 2000 Vinnie Moore (Live)
Just Perfect 2000 CAB
Alain Caron
Baby Step 2000 Call Me Al!
Tribal Tech
Somewhat Later 1999 Thick
Allan Holdsworth
Texas. 2000 The Sixteen Men Of Tain
Vinnie Moore
The Voice Within 2001 Defying Gravity
Allan Holdsworth
Material Unreal. 2000 The Sixteen Men Of Tain
Jazz Pistols
Birdland 1999 Three On The Moon
Chad Wackerman
Timeless 1999 Scream
Attention Deficit
My Fellow Astronauts 2001 The Idiot King
Tony Macalpine
Shoe Shine Cyber Boy 2002 Violent Machine
Tony Macalpine
Box Office Poison.Piano Solo 1998 Live Insanity
Victor Wooten
My Life 2001 Live In America (2CD)
Gary Willis
Bowlegged 1998 Bent
Bootleg Jeans 2000 Deep
Stompin' Ground 2000 Deep
Mark Egan
Heart Beat 2001 Freedom Town
Stuart Hamm
The Castro Hustle 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Panic Button 2000 Deep
Tribal Tech
Sojlevska 2000 Rocket Science
Vinnie Moore
The thinking Machine 2000 Live
Jimmy Haslip
Los Feliz 2000 Red Heat
Vinnie Moore
If I Could 2001 Defying Gravity
Swing Swang Swung 2000 Deep
Vinnie Colaiuta
Stan Key 2002 Jing Chi
Billy Sheehan
Bleed Along The Way 2001 Compression
On The Virg
Pentathlon 1999 Serious Young Insects
Victor Bailey
She Left Me 1999 Low Blow
Elastic Man 2000 CAB
Victor Wooten
Hey Girl 2001 Live In America (2CD)
Darkside 1998 High Bias
Brett Garsed
The Myth 2002 Big Sky
Jazz Pistols
Happy Hour 1999 Three On The Moon
Michael Manring
Ephemeris 1998 The Book Of Flame
Tribal Trance 2002 Squadrophenia
Stuart Hamm
The Memo 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Tony Macalpine
Rusalka 1998 Live Insanity
Vinnie Moore
Meltdown 2000 Live
Tony Macalpine
Tony MacAlpine - 7 Imagination 1999 Master Of Paradise
Tony Macalpine
Tony MacAlpine - 2 Chromaticity 2001 Chromaticity
Billy Sheehan
Caroline 2001 Compression
Tribal Tech
Clinic Troll 1999 Thick
Stuart Hamm
The Memo 2000 Outbound
Jimmy Haslip
Novelas 2000 Red Heat
Tony Macalpine
Tony MacAlpine - 10 etude #8 Op.10 2001 Chromaticity
Vinnie Moore
Daydream 2000 Vinnie Moore (Live)
Greg Howe
Maniacal 1999 Ascend
Victor Wooten
Yinin' & Yangin' 1999 Yin-yang 2CD
Vinnie Moore
Rain 2000 Live
Jazz Pistols
Spain 1999 Three On The Moon
Billy Sheehan
Chameleon 2001 Compression
Scott Henderson
Hillbilly in the Band 2002 Well To The Bone
Alain Caron
Secrets 2000 Call Me Al!
Scott Henderson
Track05 2000 Rocket Science
Victor Bailey
Feels Like A Hug 1999 Low Blow
Greg Howe
Receptionist 2000 Hyperacuity
Tribal Tech
Sheik Of Encino 1999 Thick
Vinnie Moore
Rain 2000 Vinnie Moore (Live)
Mark Egan
Habanero Nights 2001 Freedom Town
Victor Bailey
Lowblow 1999 Low Blow
Godzilla's Revenge 2002 Squadrophenia
Victor Bailey
Graham Cracker 1999 Low Blow
Chad Wackerman
Scream 1999 Scream
Victor Wooten
U Can't Hold No Groove... 2001 Live In America (2CD)
Tribal Tech
Space Camel 2000 Rocket Science
Billy Sheehan
Chameleon 2001 Compression
Victor Wooten
Hormones in The Headphones 2001 Live In America (2CD)
Time Crunch 2001 Time Crunch
Vinnie Moore
She's Only Sleeping 2000 Vinnie Moore (Live)
Winter in Innisfail 2002 Squadrophenia
Frank Gambale
Major Fascination 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Jimmy Haslip
The Red Sun 2000 Red Heat
Montuno 1998 High Bias
Slapped Silly 1998 High Bias
Victor Wooten
Joe's Journey 1999 Yin-yang 2CD
Jazz Pistols
Moby Dick 1999 Three On The Moon
Victor Wooten
Singing My Song 1999 Yin-yang 2CD
Steve Morse Band
Natural Flow 2002 Split Decision
Sheer Drama 2001 Live At The Baked Potato
Scott Henderson
Track03 2000 Rocket Science
Steve Morse Band
Busybodies 2002 Split Decision
Fat, Mean & Nasty 2001 Live At The Baked Potato
On The Virg
Trencherman 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jonas Hellborg
Hell Is Other People 2002 Personae
Mark Egan
Valley Girl 2001 Freedom Town
Vinnie Colaiuta
Go Figure 2002 Jing Chi
On The Virg
Out Of The Haze 1999 Serious Young Insects
Billy Sheehan
Bleed Along The Way 2001 Compression
Scott Henderson
Track07 2000 Rocket Science
Steve Morse Band
Midnight Daydream 2002 Split Decision
Brett Garsed
Breathe 2002 Big Sky
Frank Gambale
The Italian job 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Chad Wackerman
Looking In 1999 Scream
Tribal Tech
Moonshine 2000 Rocket Science
Scott Henderson
Track09 2000 Rocket Science
Tribal Tech
Party At Kinsey's 1999 Thick
Billy Sheehan
Perfect Groove 2001 Compression
Greg Howe
Her Dance 1999 Ascend
Brett Garsed
Fu'd Fight 2002 Big Sky
Jazz Pistols
Mystic Train 1999 Three On The Moon
Jeff Berlin
What I Know Now 1998 Crossroads
Jonas Hellborg
Anchor 2002 Icon
Frank Gambale
Cybernaughts 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Chad Wackerman
Days Gone By 1999 Scream
Scott Henderson
Lola Fay 2002 Well To The Bone
On The Virg
Dragon Bones 1999 Serious Young Insects
Stuart Hamm
A Better World 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Gary Willis
Big time 1998 Bent
On The Virg
Sort Yourself Out 1999 Serious Young Insects
Gary Willis
Everything's cool 1998 Bent
Alain Caron
T.M.C. 2000 Call Me Al!
Greg Howe
Heat Activated 2000 Hyperacuity
Vinnie Colaiuta
Crazy House 2002 Jing Chi
In Loving Memory 2001 Live At The Baked Potato
Victor Bailey
Steamy 2001 That's Right!
Jazz Pistols
Beast 1999 Three On The Moon
On The Virg
Running From The Aliens 1999 Serious Young Insects
Mark Egan
... Has Left the Building 2001 Freedom Town
Jam for Jason 2002 Squadrophenia
Alain Caron
The 'F' file 2000 Call Me Al!
Jeff Berlin
Joe Frazier 1998 Crossroads
Journey Through Life 2001 Live At The Baked Potato
Vinnie Colaiuta
Going Nowhere 2002 Jing Chi
Brett Garsed
Friend Or Foe 2002 Big Sky
Attention Deficit
American Jingo 2001 The Idiot King
Victor Bailey
Nothing But Net 2001 That's Right!
Scott Henderson
Well to the Bone 2002 Well To The Bone
Mark Egan
Tricycles 2001 Freedom Town
Alain Caron
Impact 2000 Call Me Al!
Chad Wackerman
Between the Dog and the Wolf 1999 Scream
Brett Garsed
Got The Horn 2002 Big Sky
Gary Willis
Emancipation 1998 Bent
Mark Egan
The Morning After 2001 Freedom Town
Chad Wackerman
Cycles 1999 Scream
Gary Willis
Do the math 1998 Bent
Michael Manring
Brief Nudity 1998 The Book Of Flame
Victor Bailey
Brain Teaser 1999 Low Blow
Michael Manring
No Wontons for Elvis 1998 The Book Of Flame
The Watcher 2000 CAB
Billy Sheehan
Perfect Groove 2001 Compression
Billy Sheehan
Oblivion 2001 Compression
Gary Willis
Bent 1998 Bent
Bernard 2000 CAB
Billy Sheehan
All Mixed Up 2001 Compression
Attention Deficit
Nightmare on 48th St 2001 The Idiot King
Alain Caron
4 & 6 2000 Call Me Al!
Steve Morse Band
Mechanical Frenzy 2002 Split Decision
Jimmy Haslip
The Heat 2000 Red Heat
Victor Bailey
City Living 1999 Low Blow
Alain Caron
Radio Format 2000 Call Me Al!
Victor Bailey
Black On The Bach 2001 That's Right!
Chad Wackerman
The City 1999 Scream
Gary Willis
Armageddon blues 1998 Bent
Chad Wackerman
The Way Out 1999 Scream
Vinnie Colaiuta
Train Song 2002 Jing Chi
On The Virg
Pyramids On Mars 1999 Serious Young Insects
Stuart Hamm
The Castro Hustle 2000 Outbound
Chad Wackerman
Youse from Here? 1999 Scream
Attention Deficit
Any Unforeseen Event 2001 The Idiot King
Gary Willis
It's only music 1998 Bent
Frank Gambale
Loch Ness Monster 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Attention Deficit
The Risk of Failure 2001 The Idiot King
Frank Gambale
Up in Beachwood 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Steve Morse Band
Moment's Comfort 2002 Split Decision
Greg Howe
Abrupt Terminal 1999 Ascend
Alain Caron
Finger Prints 2000 Call Me Al!
Jimmy Haslip
El Morro 2000 Red Heat
Attention Deficit
Dubya 2001 The Idiot King
Michael Manring
Theseus in the Rains 1998 The Book Of Flame
Frank Gambale
Circular Quay 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Stuart Hamm
Outbound 2000 Outbound
Mark Egan
Kauai 2001 Freedom Town
Stuart Hamm
Further Down Market 2000 Outbound
Jeff Berlin
Everybody Knows You When You're Up & In 2001 In Harmony's Way
Michael Manring
The Fire Sermon 1998 The Book Of Flame
Stuart Hamm
Further Down Market 2000 Outbound [FN2030-2]
Night Splash 2000 CAB
Vinnie Colaiuta
Man in the Ring 2002 Jing Chi
Boogie Me 2000 CAB
Jonas Hellborg
Mirror 2002 Icon
Jeff Berlin
Runaway Train 2001 In Harmony's Way
Brett Garsed
Trinity 2002 Big Sky
Jeff Berlin
Three Nighter 1998 Crossroads
Jeff Berlin
Motherlode 1998 Crossroads
Jonas Hellborg
Vehicle 2002 Icon
Brett Garsed
Drowning 2002 Big Sky
Mark Egan
Freedom Town 2001 Freedom Town
Jeff Berlin
Pale Glider 2001 In Harmony's Way
Mark Egan
Yumi 2001 Freedom Town
On The Virg
Invasion Of The Ants 1999 Serious Young Insects
Jeff Berlin
Freight Train Shuffle 1998 Crossroads
Michael Manring
The Book of Lies 1998 The Book Of Flame
Steve Morse Band
Heightened Awareness 2002 Split Decision
Steve Morse Band
Gentle Flower, Hidden Beast 2002 Split Decision
Attention Deficit
Unclear, Inarticulate Things 2001 The Idiot King
Greg Howe
Full Throttle 1999 Ascend
Attention Deficit
Low Voter Turnout 2001 The Idiot King
Jazz Pistols
Blues For Gordon 1999 Three On The Moon
Jazz Pistols
Second Feeling 1999 Three On The Moon
Michael Manring
The Book of Living and Dying 1998 The Book Of Flame
Greg Howe
La Villa Strangiato 1999 Ascend
Steve Morse Band
Great Mountain Spirits 2002 Split Decision
Michael Manring
Your Ad Here 1998 The Book Of Flame
Jazz Pistols
Man In The Woods 1999 Three On The Moon
Brett Garsed
Big Sky 2002 Big Sky
Jonas Hellborg
Rice With The Angels 2002 Personae
Frank Gambale
Mirage Mystery 2000 Coming To Your Senses
Vinnie Colaiuta
Tengoku 2002 Jing Chi
Jonas Hellborg
Heretics 2002 Personae
Jonas Hellborg
Escape 2002 Icon
Jonas Hellborg
Personae 2002 Personae
Jimmy Haslip
She Never Has A Window 2000 Red Heat
On The Virg
Native Metal 1999 Serious Young Insects
Vinnie Colaiuta
Aurora 2002 Jing Chi
Jonas Hellborg
Rag B.B 2002 Personae
Alain Caron
Infinite 2000 Call Me Al!
Brett Garsed
Undoing 2002 Big Sky
Jimmy Haslip
Calle Del Sol 2000 Red Heat
Jimmy Haslip
Vaya 2000 Red Heat