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Radio "The Dust Brothers and similar artists"
Alan Silvestri
On The GSM
1997 The Long Kiss Goodnight
Jeff Danna
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Jerry Goldsmith
Total Recall - A New Life
2000 Total Recall (The Deluxe Edition)
Don Davis
Anything Is Possible
1999 The Matrix (Score)
James Horner
Combat Drop [Percussion Only]
2001 Aliens / Чужие [The Deluxe Edition] OST
Alan Silvestri
I Am Annie
1998 The Parent Trap
Jerry Goldsmith
New Sight
1998 Star Trek: Insurrection (2CD)
Christopher Young
Vernon Encrypted Network
2001 Swordfish
Alan Silvestri
Safety Dance
2001 The Mexican / Мексиканец OST
Danny Elfman
Jump For Joy 1:02
1999 Good Will Hunting and Black Beauty / Умница Уилл Хантинг и Черный красавец OST
Don Davis
Tree People
2001 Jurassic Park III
Danny Elfman
J Contemplates
1997 Men In Black / Люди в черном OST
James Horner
Goodbye And Godspeed
1998 Deep Impact / Столкновение с бездной OST
Christopher Young
Digital Footprints
2001 Swordfish
James Horner
End titles
2000 The Name Of The Rose / Имя Розы OST
Danny Elfman
1998 A Civil Action / Гражданский иск OST
Jerry Goldsmith
Full Alert
2001 The Last Castle / Последний замок OST
Danny Elfman
Barb Shares - Ode BG
1997 Mars Attacks! (2009 Remaster)
Clint Mansell
Summer, Party
2000 Requiem For A Dream
Alan Silvestri
End Credits
1997 Contact / Контакт OST
Don Davis
Switched At Birth
1999 The Matrix (Original Motion Picture Score)
Graeme Revell
Marshall Law
1998 Siege, The / Осада
Don Davis
Switched For Life
1999 The Matrix (Original Motion Picture Score)
Danny Elfman
Tender Moment
1998 Sleepy Hollow
Jerry Goldsmith
Chiseled In Stone - Dean Hall
2001 The Last Castle / Последний замок OST
John Ottman
1998 Goodbye Lover OST
Alan Silvestri
The Farewell Of Caitlin
1997 The Long Kiss Goodnight
Jerry Goldsmith
1998 Mulan / Мулан (Complete Edition) OST
James Horner
Main Title
1997 The Devil's Own / Собственность дьявола OST
Jerry Goldsmith
The Sword Maker
1999 The 13th Warrior / 13-й Воин OST
Michael Andrews
Waltz In The 4th Dimension
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
Danny Elfman
Love Lost
1998 Sleepy Hollow
Craig Armstrong
1997 The Space Between Us
Clint Mansell
Fall, Supermarket Sweep
2000 Requiem For A Dream
Danny Elfman
Water #1
1998 A Civil Action
Craig Armstrong
Symphony for Isabelle
2001 Kiss Of The Dragon
Danny Elfman
Final Confrontation
1998 Spider-man Score Academy Promo
Jerry Goldsmith
The Celebration
1999 Capricorn One
James Horner
Veni sancte spiritus
2000 The Name Of The Rose
Jerry Goldsmith
Break Out
1999 Capricorn One
Don Davis
Pteranodon Habitat
2001 Jurassic Park III
Graeme Revell
Chani & Paul's Love
2001 Dune (mini Series)
Danny Elfman
Walkin' Reprise
1998 A Civil Action
Alan Silvestri
The Legend Of The Scorpion King
2001 The Mummy Returns / Мумия возвращается OST
Hans Zimmer
La Guardia
1999 The Peacemaker (complete Motion Picture Score) (CD2)
Jerry Goldsmith
Pop Goes The Gremlin
1998 Gremlins (Original Motion Picture Score)
John Powell
Face On
1997 Face Off / Без Лица OST
Don Davis
Ignorance Is Bliss - Cyber Cyphernetic
1999 The Matrix (The Complete Score)
Clint Mansell
Fall - Marion Barfs
2000 Requiem For A Dream OST
Graeme Revell
Worm Sign - Escape The Worm
2001 Dune (mini Series)
Hans Zimmer
1998 The Last Days (bootleg)
James Horner
Nearer My God To Thee
1998 Back To Titanic
Don Davis
Near - Fatal Dozeoff
2001 Behind Enemy Lines
John Carpenter
Love Siege
2001 Ghosts Of Mars OST
Don Davis
Dodge This
1999 The Matrix (The Complete Score)
James Horner
Does Cindy Lou Really Ruin Christmas?
2000 Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas / Гринч похититель Рождества OST
Clint Mansell
Summer - Tense
2000 Requiem For A Dream OST
John Ottman
Enticing Deal
2000 Cruel Intentions & Suites (Soundtrack)
Alan Silvestri
Broken Remote
1999 Stuart Little / Стюарт Литтл OST
Alan Silvestri
Midnight Rambler, Washing Day
1999 Stuart Little / Стюарт Литтл OST
Hans Zimmer
1998 The Last Days (bootleg)
Harry Gregson-Williams
Muir's In The Hot Seat
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
Clint Mansell
Summer - Ghosts
2000 Requiem For A Dream OST
Alan Silvestri
We Need Some Answers
1997 The Long Kiss Goodnight
Don Davis
Mix The Art
1999 The Matrix (Original Motion Picture Score)
Hans Zimmer
1998 The Prince Of Egypt (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Hans Zimmer
1998 The Prince Of Egypt (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
James Horner
Quiet Goodbyes
1997 The Devil's Own / Собственность дьявола OST
Jeff Danna
First Snowfall
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Graeme Revell
Race Against The Sun
2000 Pitch Black & Bride Of Chucky / Черная дыра и Невеста Чаки OST
Hans Zimmer
2000 Mission: Impossible 2
Hans Zimmer
1999 The Peacemaker (complete Motion Picture Score) (CD2)
Graeme Revell
Tiffany and Chucky
2000 Pitch Black & Bride Of Chucky / Черная дыра и Невеста Чаки OST
John Ottman
Worried Widow
1998 Goodbye Lover OST
Craig Armstrong
Weather Storm
1997 The Space Between Us
Michael Andrews
Burn It To The Ground
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
John Ottman
2000 Cruel Intentions & Suites (Soundtrack)
Hans Zimmer
Ofra Haza - Deliver Us
1998 The Prince Of Egypt (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Tyler Bates
Main Theme 1971 - Carter Takes a Train
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
John Carpenter
Farewell Slayer
1998 Vampires OST
John Powell
Torn Away
2001 I Am Sam Score
Harald Kloser
Techno Download
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
James Horner
A Building Panic
1998 Back To Titanic
Juno Reactor
1997 Bible Of Dreams
Clint Mansell
Summer - Bialy & Lox Conga
2000 Requiem For A Dream OST
Graeme Revell
Tiffany Kills Chucky
2000 Pitch Black & Bride Of Chucky / Черная дыра и Невеста Чаки OST
Christopher Young
2001 Sweet November / Сладкий ноябрь OST
Clint Mansell
Fall, Ghosts-Falling
2000 Requiem For A Dream
Graeme Revell
The Amulet
2000 Pitch Black & Bride Of Chucky / Черная дыра и Невеста Чаки OST
Hans Zimmer
Amick Byram - All I Ever Wanted
1998 The Prince Of Egypt (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Graeme Revell
Love Theme
1997 The Saint Original Score
Clint Mansell
Summer, Party
2000 Requiem For A Dream
Graeme Revell
1997 The Saint Original Score
Craig Armstrong
Balcony Scene
1997 The Space Between Us
Juno Reactor
2000 Shango
John Ottman
2000 Cruel Intentions & Suites (Soundtrack)
Clint Mansell
Fall, Dreams
2000 Requiem For A Dream
Christopher Young
Coco La Mas Mambo
2000 Judas Kiss (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
John Powell
It's ok daddy
2001 I Am Sam Score
John Carpenter
Can't Let You Go
2001 Ghosts Of Mars OST
Christopher Young
Orange Coast Healer
2001 Sweet November / Сладкий ноябрь OST
John Ottman
The Gears Turn
1998 Goodbye Lover OST
Michael Andrews
Time Travel
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
John Powell
Sam's friends
2001 I Am Sam Score
Harry Gregson-Williams
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
Christopher Young
Bee Wax Menthol
2000 Judas Kiss (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
John Carpenter
Headless Priest
1998 Vampires OST
Tyler Bates
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Juno Reactor
Eternal Basement Remix
2001 Masters Of The Universe
Juno Reactor
Rainbow - I Surrender
1999 Pistolero
Craig Armstrong
After The Storm
1997 The Space Between Us
Christopher Young
Species Suite: World Premiere Recording
2000 Judas Kiss (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Harald Kloser
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
John Carpenter
Visions Of Earth
2001 Ghosts Of Mars OST
Harry Gregson-Williams
Operation Dinner Out & Alternate Credits
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
Christopher Young
Missed Kiss
2000 Judas Kiss (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Juno Reactor
2000 Shango
John Ottman
2000 Cruel Intentions & Suites (Soundtrack)
John Powell
The Golden Section Derma Lift
1997 Face Off / Без Лица OST
Juno Reactor
2000 Shango
Harry Gregson-Williams
Spy Game Suite
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
John Ottman
A Broken Heart
1998 Goodbye Lover OST
John Ottman
2000 Cruel Intentions & Suites (Soundtrack)
Michael Andrews
Carpathian Ridge
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
Juno Reactor
2000 Shango
John Carpenter
Fight Train
2001 Ghosts Of Mars OST
Craig Armstrong
Laura's Theme
1997 The Space Between Us
Tyler Bates
House of Cards
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Christopher Young
Maybe Not Probably Possible
2001 Sweet November / Сладкий ноябрь OST
Harald Kloser
Hall Is Dead
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
John Powell
Making coffee
2001 I Am Sam Score
Juno Reactor
2000 Shango
John Carpenter
Kick Ass
2001 Ghosts Of Mars OST
Craig Armstrong
Symphony for Isabelle
2001 Kiss Of The Dragon
Harry Gregson-Williams
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD1)
John Carpenter
Padre's Wood
1998 Vampires OST
Juno Reactor
2000 Shango
John Powell
At The Park
2001 I Am Sam Score
Craig Armstrong
Symphony for Isabelle
2001 Kiss Of The Dragon
John Carpenter
Katrina Bites
1998 Vampires OST
Craig Armstrong
Symphony for Isabelle
2001 Kiss Of The Dragon
Harry Gregson-Williams
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD2)
Tyler Bates
Chicken in Chinatown
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Harry Gregson-Williams
Su-Chou Prison
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD1)
Tyler Bates
The Garden
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Harry Gregson-Williams
Explosion & Aftermath
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD1)
Harry Gregson-Williams
Beirut A War Zone
2001 Spy Game (Complete OST) (CD1)
John Powell
Nighttime visits
2001 I Am Sam Score
John Powell
Buying shoes
2001 I Am Sam Score
Michael Andrews
Mad World
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
Harald Kloser
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
Tyler Bates
Let's Take a Ride
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Tyler Bates
The Disk
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Tyler Bates
Christmas Tree Chase
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Michael Andrews
Did You Know Him?
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
Jeff Danna
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Tyler Bates
Doreen's Story
2000 Get Carter (Original Score) / Убрать Картера
Michael Andrews
Cellar Door
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
Michael Andrews
Slipping Away
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
Harald Kloser
St. Louis Blues
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
Harald Kloser
Locker Chase
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
Harald Kloser
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
Jeff Danna
Summer's End
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Jeff Danna
The Wise & The Lovely
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Harald Kloser
Fuller Goes to Sleep
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
Harald Kloser
Downtown L.A.
1999 The Thirteenth Floor
Jeff Danna
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Michael Andrews
Liquid Spear Waltz
2001 Donnie Darko (score)
Jeff Danna
Mare's Tails
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Jeff Danna
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Jeff Danna
The Last Ferry
2000 Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)