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Radio "Vidna Obmana and similar artists"

Dream Circle 1992 Dream Circle
Robert Rich
Night Spinning Inward 1994 Night Sky Replies [CDM]
Tranquilizer 1991 Microgravity
Robert Rich
Lifeblood 1994 Propagation
Eternal 1991 Microgravity
O Yuki Conjugate
Snake charm 1991 Peyote
Steve Roach
Cloud Motion. 1992 NOW
Patashnik 1994 Patashnik
The Same River Once 1993 Vernal Crossing
Microgravity 1991 Microgravity
Steve Roach
Inquest. 1992 NOW
Seti Project 1994 Seti Project
wind chime 1992 Dream Circle
The Shield 1994 Patashnik
Patashnik 1994 Patashnik
The Shield 1994 Patashnik
Breathing Gold 1994 Fallen Gods
Mestigoth 1994 Patashnik
In light 1992 Dream Circle
Dusk Red Walls 1994 Fallen Gods
Steve Roach
Artifacts 1993 Origins
Tetsu Inoue
Low Of Vibration 1994 Ambiant Otaku
Steve Roach
Begin Where I End 1994 Artifacts
Tetsu Inoue
Holy Dance 1994 Ambiant Otaku
Robert Rich
Whispers Of Eden 1994 Propagation
najam jikkah 1992 Dream Circle
Jeff Pearce
Upon The Edge Of Industry 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
Klaus Wiese
03 - The Gate 1994 Vision
Tetsu Inoue
Ambiant Otaku 1994 Ambiant Otaku
Steve Roach
The Face in the Fire 1993 Origins
Protoplasmic Reversion 1990 The Monstrous Soul
Steve Roach
Connected Underground 1993 Origins
Klaus Wiese
05 - The Garden 1994 Vision
Jeff Greinke
Splash 1993 In Another Place
Jeff Greinke
Ulan 1993 In Another Place
Heresy, Part III 1990 Heresy
Steve Roach
In the Eyes of the Spirit 1993 Origins
Steve Roach
Groundswell 1994 Artifacts
Robert Rich
Amrita 1994 Geometry
Heresy, Part VI 1990 Heresy
Klaus Wiese
06 - World Of Allah 1994 Vision
Steve Roach
Dreaming Now, Then 1993 Origins
Robert Rich
Spirit Catcher 1994 Propagation
Heresy, Part V 1990 Heresy
Heresy, Part II 1990 Heresy
Thom Brennan
The Burning Temple 1993 Mountains
The Daathian Doorway 1990 The Monstrous Soul
O Yuki Conjugate
Still breath 1991 Peyote
Jeff Greinke
Circlefall 1993 In Another Place
Jeff Pearce
A Year Of Silence 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
Robert Rich
Geomancy 1994 Geometry
Jeff Greinke
Angles 1993 In Another Place
Robert Rich
A Wheel Questions the Ground 1994 Night Sky Replies [CDM]
Tetsu Inoue
Karmic Light 1994 Ambiant Otaku
Jeff Pearce
As Memory Fades 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
O Yuki Conjugate
Dusk, dead heart 1991 Peyote
Robert Rich
Animus 1994 Propagation
Robert Rich
Interlocking Circles 1994 Geometry
Jeff Pearce
Long After Dark 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
Thom Brennan
Mountains 1993 Mountains
Jeff Greinke
The Cauldron 1993 In Another Place
Jeff Greinke
In Another Place 1993 In Another Place
Tetsu Inoue
Magnetic Field 1994 Ambiant Otaku
Jeff Pearce
Two Bridges 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
Klaus Wiese
Mystic Landscapes 1991 Mystic Landscapes
Klaus Wiese
04 - Joy 1994 Vision
Klaus Wiese
01 - Devotion 1994 Vision
Thom Brennan
Monsoon 1993 Mountains
Jeff Pearce
Gone And Forgotten 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
Jeff Greinke
Baluran 1993 In Another Place
O Yuki Conjugate
Earth loop fragment 1991 Peyote
Thom Brennan
Green River Passage 1993 Mountains
Jeff Greinke
Little Summit 1993 In Another Place
Jeff Greinke
The Stalker 1993 In Another Place
O Yuki Conjugate
Tidal dance 1991 Peyote
Jeff Pearce
Their Angels Always See His Face 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
O Yuki Conjugate
Alia ma 1991 Peyote
Jeff Pearce
This Frozen Land 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
Jeff Pearce
Marionette 1993 Tenderness And Fatality
O Yuki Conjugate
A darker belief 1991 Peyote
Thom Brennan
Incense And Rain 1993 Mountains
O Yuki Conjugate
Long pig 1991 Peyote
Thom Brennan
Habu Valley 1993 Mountains
Klaus Wiese
02 - Night Of The Soul 1994 Vision
Klaus Wiese
Thanatos I 1993 Thanatos
Klaus Wiese
Thanatos II 1993 Thanatos