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Radio "Zoviet France and similar artists"

Psychic TV
Just Like Arcadia 1988 Allegory And Self
na jam-fal 1992 Dream Circle
Shroud of Khomeini Pt 1 1989 Uzi
De Fabriek
Kleppen Spoeling 1992 Compressie Slag
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - The Sonology of Sex 2 1989 Buried Dreams (1998 Remaster)
Nurse With Wound
[untitled] 1988 Soliloquy For Lilith
Cabaret Voltaire
Deep Time 1992 Plasticity
Nurse With Wound
Untitled 1988 Soliloquy For Lilith
A Certain Ratio
Every Pleasure 1988 Good Together
Nocturnal Emissions
Abduction 1989 Magnetized Light
Nurse With Wound
Sinan Sings for Her Chums 1989 A Sucked Orange
Fakir 1992 Zul'm
Cabaret Voltaire
Fools Game - Sluggin fer Jesus 1988 Eight Crepuscule Tracks
Nurse With Wound
Colder Than 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Final Program 1991 Final Program
Nurse With Wound
[untitled] 1988 Soliloquy For Lilith
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Hide 1989 Buried Dreams (1998 Remaster)
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Caresse Song 1988 Allegory & Self
Cabaret Voltaire
Easy Life 1990 Groovy, Laidback And Nasty
A Certain Ratio
Funky Heaven 1990 acr:mcr
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Bitstream H2O 1992 Bitstream
Teenage Lightning 1 1991 Love's Secret Domain
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Southern Comfort 1988 Allegory & Self
Light Shining Darkly 1992 Stolen & Contaminated Songs
Cabaret Voltaire
Alright 1991 Colours [EP]
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - The Hacker 1992 Recorded Live Tour
Cabaret Voltaire
Here She Comes Now 1990 The Living Legends...
Z'EV - Track12 1991 One Foot In The Grave
Cabaret Voltaire
Keep On 1990 Groovy, Laidback And Nasty
Love's Secret Domain 1992 Stolen And Contaminated Songs
The Body That They Built To Fit The Car 1989 Kenny Rogers' Greatest Hit (take 2)
O Yuki Conjugate
Earth loop fragment 1991 Peyote
Too Bombed Too Soon 1989 The Body. Live!
Driftmix 1991 The Snow EP
Nurse With Wound
- The Dadda's Intoxication 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Teenage Lightning I 1991 Love's Secret Domain
Cabaret Voltaire
Burnt To The Ground 1990 The Living Legends...
Contagious Orgasm
Peep Show 1989 Thin Skinned
- Windowpane 1991 Love's Secret Domain
Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal emissions - Wailer 1991 Cathedral
Nurse With Wound
Flea Bite 1989 A Sucked Orange
Stroud The Town Of Make-Believe 1989 Kenny Rogers' Greatest Hit (take 2)
Shiva Hooka 1991 Bhutto
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - Illusion 1990 Trust
Hama 1990 Intifaxa
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Part One 1990 Live In Bregenz
Maeror Tri
Voices On My Skin 1990 Ambient Dreams
United States of Islam 1991 United States of Islam
Cabaret Voltaire
Hallucination Sequence 1990 Johnny Yesno [OST]
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Bitstream III 1992 Bitstream
Maeror Tri
Rare & Old Recordings: Subliminal Love 1991 Rare & Old Recordings + Fragilitas
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - Infectus 1990 Trust
Nurse With Wound
Head Cold 1992 Thunder Perfect Mind
Poppycock 1989 The Body. Live!
Indian Summer Of Benazir Bhutto 1992 Zul'm
Nocturnal Emissions
The Well is Deep 1989 Stoneface
Bhutto 1991 Bhutto
Bright Red, White + Blue 1992 Pagan Strings
United States of Islam 1991 United States of Islam
A Certain Ratio
Funky Heaven 1990 ACR MCR
Fakir 1992 Zul'm
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Dark Attractor 1991 Man-amplified
Maeror Tri
Caelum 1991 Subliminal Forces
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Reprogrammed 1989 Hacker (Hacked)
Maeror Tri
Onoskelis 1992 Venenum
Cabaret Voltaire
Smooth 1991 Colours [EP]
Z'EV - Track11 1991 One Foot In The Grave
wind chime 1992 Dream Circle
Z'EV - Track12 1991 One Foot In The Grave
Maeror Tri
Rare & Old Recordings: Chirping 1991 Rare & Old Recordings + Fragilitas
Psychic TV
Caresse Song 1988 Allegory And Self
Nocturnal Emissions
Condyle 1989 Magnetized Light
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - She Was Surprised 1988 Allegory & Self
Clock Dva
Clock DVA - Sound Mirror 1989 Buried Dreams (1998 Remaster)
O Yuki Conjugate
Snake charm 1991 Peyote
Maeror Tri
Mearor Tri - Waves Without Gravitation 1990 Ambient Dreams
La Clef Des Champs 1992 Pagan Strings
De Fabriek
Gloria Communistu 1992 Panem Et Circenses
Z'EV - Track14 1991 One Foot In The Grave
A Certain Ratio
Spirit Dance 1990 acr:mcr
Monte Cazazza
Six Eyes from Hell 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
Deutsch Nepal
Holistix - Links Between God And Human 1991 Deflagration Of Hell
Contagious Orgasm
View Instrument 1988 Confession Of Mannequin
Monte Cazazza
A is for Atom 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
A Certain Ratio
Your Little World 1988 Good Together
Psychic TV
Godstar 1988 Allegory And Self
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - I Belong to Me 1991 Pagan Tango
De Fabriek
It's Me Again! 1992 Panem Et Circenses
Z'EV - Track09 1991 One Foot In The Grave
Psychic Tv
Psychic TV - Baby's Gone Away 1988 Allegory & Self
Z'EV - Track04 1991 One Foot In The Grave
Psychic TV
Thee Dweller 1988 Allegory And Self
Deutsch Nepal
Glimpses Of War 1991 Deflagration Of Hell
De Fabriek
Come Down 1988 Music For Hippies
Monte Cazazza
Psychiatric Review 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
Am I Lonesome Tonight 1989 Kenny Rogers' Greatest Hit (take 2)
Z'EV - Track06 1991 One Foot In The Grave
A Certain Ratio
Spirit Dance 1990 ACR MCR
Nocturnal Emissions
Raindance 1989 Stoneface
O Yuki Conjugate
Tidal dance 1991 Peyote
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - Sin 1991 Pagan Tango
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - Sacred Silence 1991 Pagan Tango
Alouette 1992 Pagan Strings
Z'EV - Track04 1991 One Foot In The Grave
Nocturnal Emissions
Ch' i Sea 1989 Stoneface
Z'EV - Track16 1991 One Foot In The Grave
A Certain Ratio
Your Blue Eyes 1988 Good Together
O Yuki Conjugate
A darker belief 1991 Peyote
A Certain Ratio
Good Together 1990 acr:mcr
A Certain Ratio
Bttw 90 1990 ACR MCR
De Fabriek
Fracties 1992 Compressie Slag
Monte Cazazza
Distress 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - Hypnotika [Extended] 1990 Trust
radio ganga 1992 Dream Circle
Nocturnal Emissions
Retinaculum 1989 Magnetized Light
Monte Cazazza
Mark of the Devil 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
Monte Cazazza
Rabid Rats 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
Contagious Orgasm
Under The Floor 1988 Confession Of Mannequin
Deutsch Nepal
Energy - Not Orgasm 1991 Deflagration Of Hell
De Fabriek
Stroomstoot 1992 Compressie Slag
Dream Circle 1992 Dream Circle
Nocturnal Emissions
Distal 1989 Magnetized Light
Monte Cazazza
A Snitch is a Snitch 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
Deutsch Nepal
Excursioner Angel 1991 Deflagration Of Hell
lotus 1992 Dream Circle
Nocturnal Emissions
Thor's Cave 1989 Stoneface
De Fabriek
Vervuiling 1992 Compressie Slag
Monte Cazazza
Kick that Habit Man 1992 The Worst Of Monte Cazazza
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - The Ring 1990 Trust
Contagious Orgasm
Confession Of Man 1988 Confession Of Mannequin
De Fabriek
Mekka Turbo 1992 Compressie Slag
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - In Ecstasy 1991 Pagan Tango
Chris & Cosey
Chris and Cosey - Cords of Love 1991 Pagan Tango
Contagious Orgasm
Strew Mouth 1988 Confession Of Mannequin
Contagious Orgasm
Wire Head 1988 Confession Of Mannequin
O Yuki Conjugate
Long pig 1991 Peyote
Contagious Orgasm
Side Show 1989 Thin Skinned
Contagious Orgasm
Confession Of Angel 1988 Confession Of Mannequin
najam jikkah 1992 Dream Circle
Contagious Orgasm
Clock Clock 1988 Confession Of Mannequin
govindahal 1992 Dream Circle
imdeepah 1992 Dream Circle
O Yuki Conjugate
Alia ma 1991 Peyote
O Yuki Conjugate
Dusk, dead heart 1991 Peyote
Deutsch Nepal
The Hierophants Of Light 1991 Deflagration Of Hell
In light 1992 Dream Circle
O Yuki Conjugate
Still breath 1991 Peyote
Deutsch Nepal
Deflagration Of Hell 1991 Deflagration Of Hell
Battery Hens Sabotage 1992 Battery Hens Sabotage