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Bonnie Tyler - Goodbye To The Island (Bonus track) '1981

Goodbye To The Island (Bonus track)
ArtistBonnie Tyler Related artists
Album name Goodbye To The Island (Bonus track)
Date 1981
Play time 00:53:14
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1096 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 367.83 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. I'm just a woman
2. We danced on the ceiling
3. Wild love
4. The closer you get
5. Sometimes when we touch
6. Goodbye to the island
7. Wild side of life
8. A whiter shade of pale
9. Sitting on the edge of the ocean
10. I believe in your sweet love
11. Come on, give me loving
12. Get out of my head
13. I believe in your sweet love
14. I'm just a woman
15. We danced on the ceiling
16. Wild love
17. The closer you get
18. Sometimes when we touch
19. Goodbye to the island
20. Wild side of life
21. A whiter shade of pale
22. Sitting on the edge of the ocean
23. I believe in your sweet love
24. Come on, give me loving
25. Get out of my head
26. I believe in your sweet love
27. I'm just a woman
28. We danced on the ceiling
29. Wild love
30. The closer you get
31. Sometimes when we touch
32. Goodbye to the island
33. Wild side of life
34. A whiter shade of pale
35. Sitting on the edge of the ocean
36. I believe in your sweet love
37. Come on, give me loving
38. Get out of my head
39. I believe in your sweet love

Archive content

Bonnie Tyler




Live album
