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Buddy Holly - The Complete Buddy Holly (CD9) '2005

The Complete Buddy Holly (CD9)
ArtistBuddy Holly Related artists
Album name The Complete Buddy Holly (CD9)
Date 2005
GenreRock & Roll
Play time 01:17:55
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 868 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 262.66 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 01: The Paul Cohen Phone Call
2. 02: Bill Randle WERE Promo
3. 03: Bill Randle WERE Promo
4. 04: Don Passerby Promo
5. 05: Don Passerby Promo
6. 06: Don Passerby Promo
7. 07: Don Passerby Promo
8. 08: Red Robinson Promo
9. 09: Red Robison Interview
10. 10: Freeman Hover Interview
11. 11: Freeman Hover Promo
12. 12: Dale Lowery Interview
13. 13: Pat Barton Interview
14. 14: Bob Chesney Interview
15. WTRL Promo
16. 16: KSYD Wichita Falls Promo
17. 17: Dick Arlen WACK Promo
18. 18: Alan Freed Interview
19. 19: Ronnie King Interview
20. 20: Dick Clark Interview
21. 21: Big Bopper Winter Dance Party
22. 22: Richie Valens Winter Dance Party
23. 23: Winter Dance Party
24. 24: Newscast about the Plane Crash
25. 25: WNOE Plane Crash Newscast
26. 26: Newscast about the Plane Crash
27. 27: Ella and Lawrence Holly
28. 28: Norman Petty Defends Himself
29. 29: Raining In My Heart
30. 30: True Love Ways
31. 31: It Doesn't Matter Anymore
32. 32: What To Do
33. 33: Learning The Game
34. 34: Not Fade Away
35. 35: Peggy Sue Got Married
36. 36: Crying, Waiting, Hoping
37. 37: Wait Til The Sun Shines Nellie - Bing Crosby
38. 38: Slippin' and Slidin' - Little Richard
39. 39: Dearest - Mickey and Sylvia
40. 40: Love Is Strange - Mickey and Sylvia
41. 41: Smokey Joe's Cafe - The Robins
42. 42: Leave My Woman Alone - Ray Charles
43. 43: Promo

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Buddy Holly

