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Howard Shore - The Cell '2000

The Cell
ArtistHoward Shore Related artists
Album name The Cell
Date 2000
Play time 00:59:32
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 643 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 277.19 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The Cell
2. Carl Rudolph Stargher
3. Trauma
4. 92 Aqua Green Ford
5. FBI Pathologist
6. Whalen's Infraction
7. Tide Pool
8. Sing A Song of Sixpence
9. Valentine
10. Chlorine and Rust
11. Only Girls Play With Dolls
12. Normal Psychotropics
13. The Seduction
14. Four and Twenty Blackbirds
15. Stargher King
16. Catherine's World
17. The Drowning
18. Scavenged Dolls
19. Vital Signs
20. The Cell
21. Carl Rudolph Stargher
22. Trauma
23. 92 Aqua Green Ford
24. FBI Pathologist
25. Whalen's Infraction
26. Tide Pool
27. Sing A Song of Sixpence
28. Valentine
29. Chlorine and Rust
30. Only Girls Play With Dolls
31. Normal Psychotropics
32. The Seduction
33. Four and Twenty Blackbirds
34. Stargher King
35. Catherine's World
36. The Drowning
37. Scavenged Dolls
38. Vital Signs
39. Bonus Track - You Can Find The Feeling

Archive content

Howard Shore

