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The Dowland Project - Romaria (with John Potter) '2008

Romaria (with John Potter)
ArtistThe Dowland Project Related artists
Album name Romaria (with John Potter)
Date 2008
Play time 01:17:01
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 563 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 321.99 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. John Potter - Got schepfer aller dingen - 'Der Kanzler'
2. John Potter - Veris dulcis - Carmina Burana manuscript
3. John Potter - Pulcherrima rosa - Franus Codex
4. John Potter - Ora pro nobis - Anonymous, Aquitaine
5. John Potter - Lб lume - Traditional
6. John Potter - Dulce solum - Carmina Burana manuscript
7. John Potter - Der oben swebt - Oswald von Wolkenstein
8. John Potter - O beata infantia Gregorian
9. John Potter - O Rosa - Traditional
10. John Potter - Saudade - Valent - Surman - Stubbs
11. John Potter - In flagellis - Josquin Desprez
12. John Potter - Kyrie Jesus autem transiens - Firminus Caron
13. John Potter - Credo Laudate dominum - Orlando di Lasso
14. John Potter - Ein gut Preambel - Hans Neusidler
15. John Potter - Sanctus Tu solus qui facis - Josquin Desprez
16. John Potter - Got schepfer aller dingen - 'Der Kanzler'
17. John Potter - Veris dulcis - Carmina Burana manuscript
18. John Potter - Pulcherrima rosa - Franus Codex
19. John Potter - Ora pro nobis - Anonymous, Aquitaine
20. John Potter - Lб lume - Traditional
21. John Potter - Dulce solum - Carmina Burana manuscript
22. John Potter - Der oben swebt - Oswald von Wolkenstein
23. John Potter - O beata infantia Gregorian
24. John Potter - O Rosa - Traditional
25. John Potter - Saudade - Valent - Surman - Stubbs
26. John Potter - In flagellis - Josquin Desprez
27. John Potter - Kyrie Jesus autem transiens - Firminus Caron
28. John Potter - Credo Laudate dominum - Orlando di Lasso
29. John Potter - Ein gut Preambel - Hans Neusidler
30. John Potter - Sanctus Tu solus qui facis - Josquin Desprez
31. John Potter - Ein iberisch Postambel - Valent - Surman - Stubbs

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The Dowland Project
