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Decayed - Chaos Underground '2010

Chaos Underground
ArtistDecayed Related artists
Album name Chaos Underground
Date 2010
GenreBlack Metal
Play time 01:57:31
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 998 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 972.05 Mb
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Track list

1. (00:01:11) Decayed - Ascending in Chaos
2. (00:02:56) Decayed - After the Battle
3. (00:03:41) Decayed - Revered Artemis
4. (00:03:15) Decayed - Death From Below
5. (00:03:51) Decayed - Hail Sathanas
6. (00:03:30) Decayed - At the Strike of Midnite
7. (00:06:07) Decayed - Chaos Underground
8. (00:03:01) Decayed - Black Funeral (Mercyful Fate cover)
9. (00:03:47) Decayed - Cry Wolf (The Pack)
10. (00:04:30) Decayed - Martelo do Inferno
11. (00:05:23) Decayed - Infernal Winds
12. (00:02:22) Decayed - Towards the Black
13. (00:05:38) Decayed - Land of Eternal Torment
14. (00:05:41) Decayed - Sacrifice of the New Born
16. (00:00:00) Decayed - You Don’t Move Me (Bathory cover)
18. (00:06:20) Decayed - Eu Sou O Inferno
19. (00:03:43) Decayed - O Fim Dos Baptizados
20. (00:05:21) Decayed - Como Negro Abutre
21. (00:07:24) Decayed - Abraçado O Invertido
22. (00:04:21) Decayed - Nas Trevas Ingresso
23. (00:04:11) Decayed - Dead City (Violent Force cover)
24. (00:05:37) Decayed - Thirteen Candles (Bathory cover)
25. (00:04:05) Decayed - Ventos Negros
26. (00:07:01) Decayed - Г“dio, Fogo, Sangue

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