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Crosby, Stills & Nash - Crosby + Nash '2004

Crosby + Nash
ArtistCrosby, Stills & Nash Related artists
Album name Crosby + Nash
Date 2004
Play time 01:14:27
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 795 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 421.19 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Crosby and Nash - Lay Me Down
2. Crosby and Nash - Puppeteer
3. Crosby and Nash - Through Here Quite Often
4. Crosby and Nash - Grace
5. Crosby and Nash - Jesus Of Rio
6. Crosby and Nash - I Surrender
7. Crosby and Nash - Luck Dragon
8. Crosby and Nash - On The Other Side Of Town
9. Crosby and Nash - Half Your Angels
10. Crosby and Nash - They Want It All
11. Crosby and Nash - How Does It Shine?
CD 2
1. Crosby and Nash - Don't Dig Here
2. Crosby and Nash - Milky Way Tonight
3. Crosby and Nash - Charlie
4. Crosby and Nash - Penguin In A Palm Tree
5. Crosby and Nash - Michael
6. Crosby and Nash - Samurai
7. Crosby and Nash - Shining On Your Dreams
8. Crosby and Nash - Live On
9. Crosby and Nash - My Country 'Tis Of Thee

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