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Ira Newborn - The Naked Gun Trilogy (3CD) '2014

The Naked Gun Trilogy (3CD)
ArtistIra Newborn Related artists
Album name The Naked Gun Trilogy (3CD)
Date 2014
Play time 03:08:09
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 819 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1090.04 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Beiruit Vacation
2. Drebin The Hero
3. Main Title
4. Murder by Cake
5. To Ludwig’s
6. Air Bag Drebin
7. Anyone Can Be an Assassin
8. The Exciting Chase
9. A Lonely Drebin
10. Meat Miss Spencer
11. The Seduction
12. Somebody Killed My Scene
13. Out on the Ledge
14. The Slaughterhouse
15. Sting
16. Frank, Frank, Frank
17. I Must Kill Frank
18. Peter Noone - I'm Into Something Good
19. Cocktails for Five
20. Leslie Nielsen - The Star-Spangled Banner
21. God Save the Queen
22. Blooper Vision
23. Baseball Medley
24. Las Chapanecas
25. La Raspa
26. The Seduction
27. Out on the Ledge
28. alternate ending)
29. second alternate ending)
CD 2
1. Main Title
2. There’s Been a Bombing
3. Transition to Blue Note Bar
4. Bad Boys & Meinheimers
5. Nordberg Plants the Bug
6. Trumpet Fanfare
7. Ba Ba Ba Again
8. Jane Stalker
9. His Water Broke
10. Frank Swims in Sewage
11. Frank’s Bust Is Busted
12. Hapsburg Moves on Jane
13. I’m Tired of Being the Sting
14. Roof, Roof!
15. A Real Bomb
16. End Credits
17. L. Boccherini - Celebrated Minuet
18. Traditional - Hail to the Chief
19. Colleen Fitzpatrick - I Guess I'm Just Screwed
20. I Should Have Been an Accountant
21. Endzone Layer
22. Ye Olde Sex Shoppe
23. I Should Have Been an Accountant
24. Victor Schertzinger & Johnny Mercer - Tangerine
25. Duke Ellington & Billy Strayhorn - Satin Doll
26. Nikki Bernard - Lifespan
27. Tommy Two Tails
28. Leslie Nielsen - Besame Mucho
CD 3
1. The Touchable Untouchables
2. Main Title
3. Visit From Dr. Papshmir
4. Make Tonight So
5. Undercover Sperm Bank
6. Transit
7. Thelma & Louise Jane
8. Entering the Bi
9. Shower Scene
10. Prison Fight
11. Jane in Phone Booth
12. Frank’s Escape Part 2
13. Frank Meets Mom
14. Do I Know You?
15. Your Bishop Is Exposed
16. Rocco’s Crowning Achievement
17. Gang to the Shrine
18. Tanya’s Tassels
19. Stupid Copper Punk
20. Police Squad Arrival
21. Tanya, Tanya, Tanya
22. Happy Ending t
23. End Credits
24. Pia Zadora - This Could Be the Start of Something
25. Deciding to Go Undercover
26. Trucker Jane
27. The Delivery Room
28. Soap Opera Source
29. Lotto Music
30. Heart Attack Awar
31. Raquel Intro Theme Music
32. , Peter Segal & Harvey Cohen - The Food Song
33. Geriatric Park
34. Best Picture Presenters

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Ira Newborn
