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Rebecca Kilgore & Dave Frishberg - Why Fight the Feeling? '2008

Why Fight the Feeling?
ArtistRebecca Kilgore & Dave Frishberg Related artists
Album name Why Fight the Feeling?
Date 2008
Play time 00:58:58
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 662 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 244.19 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Thank Your Lucky Stars
2. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Let's Get Lost
3. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Can't Get Out of This Mood
4. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - The Lady's in Love with You
5. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Say It
6. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Then I wrote the Minuet in G
7. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Somebody, Somewhere
8. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - The Moon of Manakoora
9. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - On a Slow Boat to China
10. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - I Wish I Didn't Love You So
11. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Says My Heart
12. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve
13. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Sand In My Shoes
14. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - What a Rhuma Does to Romance
15. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Why Fight the Feeling
16. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - I Believe in You
17. Why Fight the Feeling? The Songs of Frank Loesser - Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat

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Rebecca Kilgore & Dave Frishberg
