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Harry Gregson-Williams and John Powell - Shrek / Шрэк OST '2001

Shrek / Шрэк OST
ArtistHarry Gregson-Williams and John Powell Related artists
Album name Shrek / Шрэк OST
Date 2001
Play time 00:44:29
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 674 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 214.73 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Fairytale
2. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Ogre Hunters, Fairytale Deathcamp
3. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Donkey Meets Shrek
4. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Eating Alone
5. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Uninvited Guests
6. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - March of Farquuad
7. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - The Perfect King
8. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Welcome to Duloc
9. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Tournament Speech
10. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - What Kind of Quest
11. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Dragon!, Fiona Awakens
12. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - One of a Kind Knight
13. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Saving Donkey's Ass
14. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Escape from the Dragon
15. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Helmet Hair
16. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Delivery Boy Shrek, Making Camp
17. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Friends Journey to Duloc
18. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Starry Night
19. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Singing Princess
20. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Better Out Than In, Sunflower, I'll Tell Him
21. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Merry Men
22. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Fiona Kicks Ass
23. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Fiona's Secret
24. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Why Wait to Be Wed, You Thought Wrong
25. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Ride the Dragon
26. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - I Object
27. Gregson-Williams, Harry and Powell, John - Transformation, The End

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Harry Gregson-Williams and John Powell
