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Charlie Parker - The Complete Savoy Sessions '2001

The Complete Savoy Sessions
ArtistCharlie Parker Related artists
Album name The Complete Savoy Sessions
Date 2001
Play time 03:51:53
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 481 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 766.99 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Tiny's Tempo
2. Tiny's Tempo
3. Tiny's Tempo
4. I'll always love you just the same
5. I'll always love you just the same
6. Romance without finance
7. Romance without finance
8. Romance without finance
9. Romance without finance
10. Romance without finance
11. Red cross
12. Red cross
13. Warming up a riff
14. Billie's Bounce
15. Billie's Bounce
16. Billie's Bounce
17. Billie's Bounce
18. Billie's Bounce
19. Now's the time
20. Now's the time
21. Now's the time
22. Now's the time
23. Thriving on a riff
24. Thriving on a riff
25. Thriving on a riff
26. Meandering
27. Ko-ko
28. Ko-ko
29. Donna Lee
30. Donna Lee
31. Donna Lee
32. Donna Lee
33. Donna Lee
34. Chasin' the bird
35. Chasin' the bird
36. Chasin' the bird
37. Chasin' the bird
38. Cheryl
39. Cheryl
40. Buzzy
41. Buzzy
42. Buzzy
43. Buzzy
44. Buzzy
45. Milestones
46. Milestones
47. Milestones
48. Little Willie leaps
49. Little Willie leaps
50. Little Willie leaps
51. Half Nelson
52. Half Nelson
53. Sippin' at Bells
54. Sippin' at Bells
55. Sippin' at Bells
56. Sippin' at Bells
57. Another hair-do
58. Another hair-do
59. Another hair-do
60. Another hair-do
61. Blue Bird
62. Blue Bird
63. Blue Bird
64. Klaunstance
65. Bird gets the worm
66. Bird gets the worm
67. Bird gets the worm
68. Barbados
69. Barbados
70. Barbados
71. Barbados
72. Ah-leu-cha
73. Ah-leu-cha
74. Constellation
75. Constellation
76. Constellation
77. Constellation
78. Constellation
79. Parker's mood
80. Parker's mood
81. Parker's mood
82. Parker's mood
83. Parker's mood
84. Perhaps
85. Perhaps
86. Perhaps
87. Perhaps
88. Perhaps
89. Perhaps
90. Perhaps
91. Marmaduke
92. Marmaduke
93. Marmaduke
94. Marmaduke
95. Marmaduke
96. Marmaduke
97. Marmaduke
98. Marmaduke
99. Marmaduke
100. Marmaduke
101. Marmaduke
102. Marmaduke
103. Steeplechase
104. Steeplechase
105. Merry-go-round
106. Merry-go-round
107. Groovin' high
108. All the things you are
109. Dizzy atmosphere
110. Dizzy's boogie
111. Dizzy's boogie [alt.]
112. Flat foot boogie
113. Flat foot boogie [alt.]
114. Poppity pop
115. Slim's jam

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Charlie Parker





Live album