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Max Eastley - Installation Recordings (1973-2008) '2010

Installation Recordings (1973-2008)
ArtistMax Eastley Related artists
Album name Installation Recordings (1973-2008)
Date 2010
Play time 01:57:34
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 787 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 497.49 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Installation No.3 pt.1
2. Wooden blocks and brass sheet
3. Aerophones 1
4. Monochord
5. Aerophones 2
6. Motors and metal rods 1
7. Aerophones 3
8. Serpentine Gallery installation
9. Installation for the film "Clocks of the midnight hours
10. Stone circle 1
11. Motors and metal rods 2
12. Centriphone
13. Hydrophone string installation
14. Half speed metal installation
15. Stone circle 2
16. Two aeolian arcs
17. Strings - interior and exterior
CD 2
1. 2 aeolian harps pt.1
2. Wooden blocks
3. 2 aeolian harps pt.2
4. Aerophones 4
5. Motor and strings
6. Aerophones 5
7. Installation No.3 pt.2
8. Aerophones 6
9. Aeolean arc and strings
10. Aerophones 7
11. Friction tubes
12. Aeolian flutes
13. Wire on paper
14. Aeolian flutes and aeolian harp
15. Installation Waterloo Gallery
16. Aeolian flutes 2
17. Whirled music - played by Steve Beresford, and Dave Holmes
18. Swung aeolian flutes and grass blade - aeolian flutes played by: Hannah Charlton, Peter Cusack, , George Lewis and Pamela Marre. Grass blade played by George Lewis

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Max Eastley
