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Lou Reed - Original Album Series '2013 (8122-79744-7, EU)

Original Album Series
ArtistLou Reed Related artists
Album name Original Album Series
Country 8122-79744-7, EU
Date 2013
Play time 04:58:42
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 841 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1641.77 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Romeo Had Juliette
2. Halloween Parade
3. Dirty Blvd
4. Endless Cycle
5. There Is No Time
6. Last Great American Whale
7. Beginning Of A Great Adventure
8. Busload Of Faith
9. Sick Of You
10. Hold On
11. Good Evening Mr. Waldheim
12. Xmas In February
13. Strawman
14. & John Cale - Smalltown
15. & John Cale - Open House
16. & John Cale - Style It Takes
17. & John Cale - Work
18. & John Cale - Trouble With Classicists
19. & John Cale - Starlight
20. & John Cale - Faces And Names
21. & John Cale - Images
22. & John Cale - Slip Away
23. & John Cale - It Wasn't Me
24. & John Cale - I Believe
25. & John Cale - Nobody But You
26. & John Cale - A Dream
27. & John Cale - Forever Changed
28. Dorita
29. What's Good
30. Power And Glory
31. Magician
32. Sword Of Damocles
33. Goodby Mass
34. Cremation
35. Dreamin'
36. No Chance
37. Warrior King
38. Harry's Circumcision
39. Gassed And Stoked
40. Transformation)
41. Egg Cream
42. NYC Man
43. Finish Line
44. Trade In
45. Hang On To Your Emotions
46. Sex With Your Parents Part II
47. HookyWooky
48. The Proposition
49. Adventurer
50. Riptide
51. Paranoia Key Of E
52. Mystic Child
53. Mad
54. Ecstasy
55. Modern Dance
56. Tatters
57. Future Farmers Of America
58. Turning Time Around
59. White Prism
60. Rock Minuet
61. Baton Rouge
62. Rouge
63. Big Sky

Archive content

Lou Reed





Live album