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Boris Christoff - Lebendige Vergangenheit - Boris Christoff III '2008

Lebendige Vergangenheit - Boris Christoff III
ArtistBoris Christoff Related artists
Album name Lebendige Vergangenheit - Boris Christoff III
Date 2008
Play time 01:18:54
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 284 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 172.62 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Serov - Shrove Tuesday
2. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Traditional arr. Potojinsky - Song of the luberjacks
3. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Traditional arr. Potojinsky - The Bandore
4. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Traditional arr. Labinsky-Tschernoyarov - Down Peterskaya Street
5. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Traditional arr. Alexandrov - Going down the Volga
6. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Traditional arr. Potojinsky - The lonely autumn night
7. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Znamenny Chant - Psalm 137
8. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Strokine - Prayer to St. Simeon
9. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Tschesnokov - Lord have mercy on our people
10. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Sibirean arr. Potojinsky - The song of the twelve robbers
11. , Feodor Potojinsky Russian Choir - Gretschaninov - Litany
12. , Gerald Moore - Traditional - Siberian prisoner's song
13. , Gerald Moore - Moussorgsky - Sadly rustled the leaves
14. , Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise - G.Tzipine - II. Cradle Song
15. , Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise - G.Tzipine - III. Serenade

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Boris Christoff
