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The Sixteen - Eton Choirbook Vol.I - Vol.V 5CD '2004

Eton Choirbook  Vol.I - Vol.V      5CD
ArtistThe Sixteen Related artists
Album name Eton Choirbook Vol.I - Vol.V 5CD
Date 2004
Play time 05:13:26
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 501 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1184.26 Mb
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Play List

1. Vol.I : Harry Christophers, - Robert Fayrfax: Magnificat
  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Vol.I : Harry Christophers, - Robert Fayrfax: Magnificat
2. Vol.I : Harry Christophers, - Richard Hygons: Salve Regina
3. Vol.I : Harry Christophers, - Edmund Turges: From stormy windes
4. Vol.I : Harry Christophers, - John Browne: Stabat iuxta Christi crucem
5. Vol.I : Harry Christophers, - Anon: This day drawes
6. Vol II : - Harry Christophers - Richard Davy: Stabat Mater
7. Vol II : - Harry Christophers - John Browne: Jesu, mercy, how may this be
8. Vol II : - Harry Christophers - William Cornysh: Stabat Mater
9. Vol II : - Harry Christophers - Sheryngham: Ah, gentle Jesu
10. Vol. III: - Harry Christophers - Richard Davy: O Domine caeli terraeque creator
11. Vol. III: - Harry Christophers - William Cornysh: Ave Maria, Mater Dei
12. Vol. III: - Harry Christophers - Richard Davy: Ah, Mine Heart
13. Vol. III: - Harry Christophers - Walter Lambe: Stella caeli
14. Vol. III: - Harry Christophers - Richard Davy: Ah, Blessed Jesu, how fortuned this?
15. Credo in Deum
16. Vol. IV : , Harry Christophers - Hugh Kellyk : Gaude Flore Virginali
17. Vol. IV : , Harry Christophers - Anon: Ah, my dear, ah, my dear Son
18. Vol. IV : , Harry Christophers - John Nesbett: Magnificat
19. Vol. IV : , Harry Christophers - Robert Fayrfax: Most clear of colour
20. Vol. IV : , Harry Christophers - John Browne: Salve Regina
21. Vol. IV : , Harry Christophers - Anon: Afraid, alas, and why so suddenly?
22. Vol. V : Harry Christophers - - Walter Lambe: Salve Regina
23. Vol. V : Harry Christophers - - William, Monk of Stratford: Magnificat
24. Vol. V : Harry Christophers - - John Plummer: Tota Pulchra Es
25. Vol. V : Harry Christophers - - Richard Davy: Salve Regina
26. Vol. V : Harry Christophers - - John Plummer: Anna Mater Matris Christi

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The Sixteen

