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Pro Cantione Antiqua - Ars Britannica '2010

Ars Britannica
ArtistPro Cantione Antiqua Related artists
Album name Ars Britannica
Date 2010
Play time 02:12:20
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 585 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 561.66 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Old Hall Manuscript - John Cooke: Alma proles
2. Old Hall Manuscript - John Dunstable: Crux fidelis
3. Old Hall Manuscript - John? Forest: Qualis est dilectus
4. Old Hall Manuscript - John Dunstable: O crux gloriosa
5. Old Hall Manuscript - Pycard: Gloria
6. Old Hall Manuscript - Thomas Damett: Salve porta paradisi
7. Old Hall Manuscript - John Dunstable: Gaude virgo
8. Old Hall Manuscript - Lionel Power: Credo
9. Old Hall Manuscript - John Dunstable: Albanus roseo rutilat
10. Old Hall Manuscript - Robert Chirbury: Agnus Dei
11. Madrigals - Thomas Weelkes: Those sweet delightful lilies
12. Madrigals - Thomas Weelkes: Some men desire spouses
13. Madrigals - John Ward: Retire, my troubled soul
14. Madrigals - Thomas Morley: Hark, jolly shepherds
15. Madrigals - William Byrd: Come, woeful Orpheus
16. Madrigals - Thomas Weelkes: Come sirrah Jack ho!
17. Madrigals - Thomas Tomkins: O let me dye for true love
18. Madrigals - John Wilbye: Lady, when I behold
19. Madrigals - Thomas Weelkes: Come, let's begin to revel't out
20. Madrigals - Francis Pilkington: Care for thy soul
21. Madrigals - John Wilbye: As matchless beauty
22. Madrigals - John Wilbye: Weep, o mine eyes
23. Madrigals - Thomas Morley: You black bright stars
24. Madrigals - Thomas Tomkins: O yes, has any found a lad?
25. Lute Songs - Francis Pilkington: Diaphenia
26. Lute Songs - Robert Jones: Thinkst thou Kate
27. Lute Songs - Francis Pilkington: Down-a-down
28. Lute Songs - John Dowland: A shepherd in a shade
29. Lute Songs - John Dowland: Fine knacks for ladies
30. Lute Songs - John Dowland: When sin sore wounding
31. Lute Songs - Thomas Campion: Never weather-beaten sail
32. Lute Songs - Thomas Campion: Jack and Jone
33. Lute Songs - Thomas Ford: Since first I saw
34. Lute Songs - Thomas Ford: There is a lady
35. Lute Songs - John Dowland: I must complain
36. Lute Songs - Thomas Campion: A secret love
37. Lute Songs - John Dowland: Mr. Dowland's midnight

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Pro Cantione Antiqua
