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Camel - Rainbow's End: An Anthology 1973-1985 '2010 (532 938-3, RM, EU)

Rainbow's End: An Anthology 1973-1985
ArtistCamel Related artists
Album name Rainbow's End: An Anthology 1973-1985
Country 532 938-3, RM, EU
Date 2010
GenreProgressive Rock
Play time 05:04:09
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 879 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1852.87 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
CD 1
1. Slow Yourself Down
2. Never Let Go
3. Curiosity
4. Mystic Queen
5. The White Rider
6. Freefall
7. Earthrise
8. Lady Fantasy
9. Arabaluba
10. Supertwister
CD 2
1. Homage To The God Of Light
2. The Great Marsh
3. Rhayader
4. Rhayader Goes To Town
5. Preparation
6. Dunkirk
7. Aristillus
8. A Song Within A Song
9. Air Born
10. Spirit Of The Water
11. Another Night
12. First Light
13. Elke
CD 3
1. Tell Me
2. Metrognome
3. Unevensong
4. Lunar Sea
5. Rain Dances
6. Echoes
7. Starlight Ride
8. Breathless
9. Rainbow's End
10. Survival
11. Hymn To Her
12. City Life
13. Nude
14. Drafted
15. Lies
CD 4
1. Docks
2. Beached
3. Captured
4. Summer Lightning
5. Sasquatch
6. Heroes
7. Selva
8. A Heart's Desire
9. End Piece
10. In The Arms Of Waltzing Fraulines
11. Cloak And Dagger Man
12. Stationary Traveller
13. Long Goodbyes
14. Pressure Points
15. Fingertips
16. Rhayader
17. Rhayader Goes To Town

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