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Elliott Carter - The Minotaur, Piano Sonata, Two Songs '1990

The Minotaur, Piano Sonata, Two Songs
ArtistElliott Carter Related artists
Album name The Minotaur, Piano Sonata, Two Songs
Date 1990
Play time 01:01:58
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 575 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 259.50 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene I: King Minos' Palace in Crete - 1. Overture
2. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene I: King Minos' Palace in Crete - 2. Queen Pasiphae prepa
3. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene I: King Minos' Palace in Crete - 3. Entrance of the bull
4. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene I: King Minos' Palace in Crete - 4. Dance of the bulls a
5. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene I: King Minos' Palace in Crete - 5. Interlude - Pasiphae
6. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 6. Building the labyrinth to
7. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 7. Entrance of King Minos
8. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 8. Selection of Greek victims
9. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 9. Ariadne, princess of Crete
10. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 10. Greek victims are driven
11. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 11. Theseus' farewell to Aria
12. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 12. Ariadne unwinds her threa
13. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 13. Theseus fights and kills
14. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 14. Ariadne rewinds the threa
15. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 15. The thread breaks. Ariadn
16. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 16. Theseus and some of the G
17. New York Chamber Symphony - The Minotaur - Scene II: Before the Labyrynth - 17. The Greeks and Theseus, f
18. Gilbert Kalish - Dust of Snow
19. Gilbert Kalish - The Rose Family
20. Paul Jacobs - Piano Sonata: I. Maestoso
21. Paul Jacobs - Piano Sonata: II. Andante

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Elliott Carter
